Self Esteems resides in the Third Chakra, also known as the Manipura Chakra ~ Manipura means City of Jewels and it is here that our treasure trove of power resides. Ahimsa (non -harming) is at the foundation of yoga practice and yogic lifestyle, and ahimsa begins with not harming your Self. Negative self-talk, poor nutrition, poor exercise habits, drug/alcohol abuse and addiction are all very self destructive and run contrary to the practice of Ahimsa.
The third chakra is the seat of our power, intuition and passion ~ our 'gut feelings' come from this place, our will to succeed and our perceptions of self and emotions reside here too. Located just above the navel and centered in the spinal column or two inches below the breastbone behind the stomach , its colour is the radiant yellow of the Sun. Manipura Chakra teaches us Self-Love, Self-Acceptance and Peace in the knowledge of our true place in the universe. We can welcome divinity into our lives more fully when we regard ourselves as sacred vessels too.
When the third chakra healthy we are called to action with self-confidence and the will to accomplish anything we wish; we are joyful, passionate and resonate with the path of the peaceful warrior. When we are secure in our power our lives are rich with integrity, creativity and inspiration, laughter comes easily to our lips and we lead lives of nourished balance. This inner radiance is reflected in our diet and lifestyle ~ when we feel that we deserve to strive for the best for ourselves we exercise, eat right and nourish our spirits with meaningful ritual instead of ingrained routine. When this chakra is unhealthy or in a negative place we become so mired in our past mistakes and our past that we cannot move forward. In this negative place we perceive ourselves as worthless, we can see only our failures and we struggle with feelings of inadequacy, rejection and the sinking feeling of knowing that we are not being honest with our Selves. When the third chakra is not balanced and we are out of integrity with our Selves and not comfortable in our own skins, we become lazy, restless and without purpose.
Physically, the third chakra corresponds to the stomach, liver, gallbladder, kidney, and small intestines so imbalances in this chakra can manifest themselves as digestive disorders, food allergies, ulcers, arthritis, and illnesses in the colon. Emotional imbalances associated with the third chakra are sensitivity to criticism, low self-esteem, uncontrolled passions (anger, fear, lust), anxiety and depression. If we are profoundly wounded in our past the residue will remain in the third chakra. In order to become balanced in the third chakra we must take responsibility for our present situation and live life from the present forward, not tied to the memories of the past and we must learn to live our lives for our true Selves, as well as giving back to our community in a proactive and active way.
Begin by being kind to yourself in ways that inspire you and bring you joy ~ you will be able to extend that kindness to your community and the world; this will nourish your spirit and fill your heart with love, joy and freedom. It begins with integrity and discipline to make Self-love and Self Esteem necessarily and habitual in your life ~ you deserve self-respect and self-care, how else will you fuel your dreams and aspirations?
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