2012年3月16日 星期五

Having Sex For the Rest of Your Life

Sex is an anti-aging potion: it can make you live longer. Sex is sacred in that it connects you in the most basic way to the source of creation. As a matter of fact, sex symbolizes the origin of life, and hence is life itself. Given that sex or sexual activity is important at any point in any individual's lifestpan, you should do everything you possibly can to maintain your sexual health.

There is a general misconception that your sex life should become less fulfilling to you as you continue to age. But it does not have to be like that. Loss of sexual function and erectile dysfunction are not the normal consequences of aging. Sexual activity may decrease in frequency, as in other departments of your life, such as you eat less and sleep less. However, it does not mean that you should stop your sexual activities. Of course, both men and women experience gradual and significant changes in their sexual response as they continue to age. Undeniably, both sexes have their own organic sexual problems.

Erectile dysfunction may become common among men, while many women may have loss of libido, due to emotional and hormonal problems, such as mental depression, irregular menstrual cycles, and menopause, as well as physiological problems, such as vaginal dryness and vaginal atrophy (closing down of the vagina during or afer menopause, causing pain during intercourse). Life is never without problems, let alone sexual problems. Just learn to deal with them, or to cope with them.To be able to have sex for the rest of your life, you must make yourself sexually healthy, so that you can have sex for the rest of your life.

Are you sexually healthy?

If you are a man, you should have 2 to 5 nocturnal engorgements, each lasting about 10 to 20 minutes, depending on your age. If you are a woman, your menstrual cycles should be fairly regular. Physical health is conducive to sexual health. Quit smoking if you are a regular smoker. Stop alcohol addiction if you are an alcoholic. Both nicotine and alcohol addiction can impair your sexual health. In additon, diabetes and heart disease affect your sexual performance. Remember, what is good for the heart is also good for your brain, which controls your sexual response. Eat a heart-healthy diet, which consists of mainly vegetables with little animal fat. If you have many health problems, most probably you are heavily dependent on medications. All pharmaceutical drugs are chemicals, which may adversely affect your sex life.

Sex is more than just physical health. A healthy love relationship is the foundation of a healthy sex life. Bedrooms problems are no more than a reflection of emotional and other problems in life.

Manage your daily stress from work, home, and finance. Stress affects every aspect of your life, such as your physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being. Too much stress may adversely affect your hormones, which play a pivotal part in sex. If you want to have sex for the rest of your life, focus on having sex for the rest of your life. Use it or lose it -- this applies especially to your sex life.

Copyright (c) 2010 Stephen Lau

For more information on sexual health, go to Stephen Lau's web page: Sexual Health [http://www.healthy-ebooks.com/sexual-health.html]. Stephen Lau is a writer and researcher with books and websites on health, Chinese healing, mental depression, eating disorders, golf, and money matters. For more information on the art of living well, visit his website: The Art of Living Well.

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