2012年3月16日 星期五

Having Sex For the Rest of Your Life

Sex is an anti-aging potion: it can make you live longer. Sex is sacred in that it connects you in the most basic way to the source of creation. As a matter of fact, sex symbolizes the origin of life, and hence is life itself. Given that sex or sexual activity is important at any point in any individual's lifestpan, you should do everything you possibly can to maintain your sexual health.

There is a general misconception that your sex life should become less fulfilling to you as you continue to age. But it does not have to be like that. Loss of sexual function and erectile dysfunction are not the normal consequences of aging. Sexual activity may decrease in frequency, as in other departments of your life, such as you eat less and sleep less. However, it does not mean that you should stop your sexual activities. Of course, both men and women experience gradual and significant changes in their sexual response as they continue to age. Undeniably, both sexes have their own organic sexual problems.

Erectile dysfunction may become common among men, while many women may have loss of libido, due to emotional and hormonal problems, such as mental depression, irregular menstrual cycles, and menopause, as well as physiological problems, such as vaginal dryness and vaginal atrophy (closing down of the vagina during or afer menopause, causing pain during intercourse). Life is never without problems, let alone sexual problems. Just learn to deal with them, or to cope with them.To be able to have sex for the rest of your life, you must make yourself sexually healthy, so that you can have sex for the rest of your life.

Are you sexually healthy?

If you are a man, you should have 2 to 5 nocturnal engorgements, each lasting about 10 to 20 minutes, depending on your age. If you are a woman, your menstrual cycles should be fairly regular. Physical health is conducive to sexual health. Quit smoking if you are a regular smoker. Stop alcohol addiction if you are an alcoholic. Both nicotine and alcohol addiction can impair your sexual health. In additon, diabetes and heart disease affect your sexual performance. Remember, what is good for the heart is also good for your brain, which controls your sexual response. Eat a heart-healthy diet, which consists of mainly vegetables with little animal fat. If you have many health problems, most probably you are heavily dependent on medications. All pharmaceutical drugs are chemicals, which may adversely affect your sex life.

Sex is more than just physical health. A healthy love relationship is the foundation of a healthy sex life. Bedrooms problems are no more than a reflection of emotional and other problems in life.

Manage your daily stress from work, home, and finance. Stress affects every aspect of your life, such as your physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being. Too much stress may adversely affect your hormones, which play a pivotal part in sex. If you want to have sex for the rest of your life, focus on having sex for the rest of your life. Use it or lose it -- this applies especially to your sex life.

Copyright (c) 2010 Stephen Lau

For more information on sexual health, go to Stephen Lau's web page: Sexual Health [http://www.healthy-ebooks.com/sexual-health.html]. Stephen Lau is a writer and researcher with books and websites on health, Chinese healing, mental depression, eating disorders, golf, and money matters. For more information on the art of living well, visit his website: The Art of Living Well.

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2012年3月15日 星期四

Vegetarianism and Vegetarian Food

Vegetarianism refers to the belief and practice of eating foods derived from the plant kingdom only. Meat or slaughtered animals (e.g. fish, shellfish, fowl, poultry) is typically excluded from the diet, as well as animal products or produce such as honey and eggs. Vegetarianism practice, however, varies, with some abstaining from meat but not from animal products like eggs.

Based on their strictness of diet, there are four types of vegetarians:

* Lacto-ovo-vegetarianism diet excludes meat, poultry, and fish but includes eggs, dairy, and honey.

* Lacto-vegetarianism excludes meat, poultry, fish, and eggs but consumes dairy and honey. 

* Ovo-vegetarianism excludes meat, poultry, fish, and dairy; eats eggs and honey.

Veganism excludes all meats and other foods derived from animals such as milk, cheese, eggs, and honey.


Though vegetarianism has been practiced for centuries by societies such as India, it's popularity in the western world surged only in the 20th century, particularly due to the growing concern on how to improve bodily health.  Some have adopted vegetarianism for ideological reasons (e.g. environmental and economic vegetarianism).

Health and nutrition

Various studies have shown that a diet that abstains from meat lower one's risk of getting deadly diseases such as heart disease. Consumption of meat has been linked with increased risk of developing cancer.

Regular consumption of vegetables, on the other hand, lowers one's risk for developing diseases such as cancer, hypertension, and osteoporosis. Vegetarian diet provides nutrients such  as carbohydrates, fiber, and folate, high levels of vitamins, minerals, phytochemicals and antioxidants. These elements are essential in combating or preventing development of diseases. Vegetables have also low levels of cholesterol and saturated fat, and so prevent heart disease and hypertension.


According to the American Dietetic Association, vegetarians have lower body mass index. This is because vegetables are rich in essential nutrients and amino acids, yet low in cholesterol, trans-fat, and saturated fat. People who'd like to lose or control body weight the healthy way must resort to a vegetarian diet.


Indians account for approximately 70% of the world's vegetarians. Majority of the Indian's vegetarianism is directly linked with their Hindu belief that all animals are sacred. Buddhism and Jainism also holds vegetarianism as a moral conduct that can help believers achieve spiritual progress. Jainism espouses all-around non-violence , while Theravadin Buddhists consider taking of life and eating meat as sinful acts.  


Commercial production of meat and animal products or industrial animal farming, according to a United Nations report, is one of the top contributors of air and water pollution, greenhouse gas emissions, climate change, and loss of biodiversity. Forests have been lost: millions of acres of vegetation have been cleared to make way for cattle grazing. Growing of crops to feed the animals take up almost 50% of the US' water supply . 80% of all agricultural land in the country is used to grow these crops.


Animal production is many times more expensive than grain or vegetable production.  Economic vegetarians believe that raising of animals for meat consumption requires use of resources that could otherwise be used to curb world starvation. 


Some people believe that animals are sentient beings and have rights to live as much as humans. Killing of animals, therefore, is viewed as morally wrong.

Find delicious food recipes [http://sharefoodrecipes.com] at www.sharefoodrecipes.com [http://sharefoodrecipes.com].

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Cheers - Its Wine

Wine is one of the most fascinating drinks among the European citizens. It is an alcoholic beverage prepared from the fermented grape juice. Grapes have the chemical property of carrying out fermentation without the utilization of sugars, enzymes or other nutrients. It is prepared fermenting the crushed grapes with the different types of yeast strains. Yeast consumes all the sugars present in grapes and converts them into alcohol. Different types of grapes and different strains of grapes are responsible for the production of different types of wines. Apples and berries are also utilized for the preparation of wines and the wines obtained are named after the name of the fruit like apple wine or elderberry wine or are popularly name as fruit wine or country wine. Barley and rice wine are prepared from the starch based materials and resemble beer and spirit more than wine and ginger wine is fortified with brandy. The term wine is used for these beverages because of their high alcoholic content. The commercial use of the term English wine is under the government control.

Wine has a very rich history which is 6000 BC old and is thought to have originated in the borders of Georgia and Iran. The wine was prepared in Europe for the first time about 4500 BC ago in the Balkans and was very common in Rome, Thrace and ancient Greece. Wine also deserves an important role in religion throughout the history. The Greek god Dionysus and the Roman god Bacchus symbolize wine and the wine is used in the catholic and Jewish ceremonies. The word wine has originated from a Proto-Germanic word winam which means grape. The earliest cultivation of grapevine Vitis vinifera first started in Georgia. Wine has been prepared in India from the Vedic times. Viticulture started in India first in the Indus valley where grapevines were introduced for the first time from Persia about 5000 BC ago. Chanakya, the chief minister of the Emperor Chandragupta Maurya has discussed about wine in his writings about 4th century BC ago and has designated wine by the term Madhu. He has focused on the side effects of wine and has strongly condemned the use of wine.

Wine is prepared from more than one varieties of Vitis vinifera like Pinot Noir, Chardonnay, Cabernet Sauvignon, Gamay and Merlot. When one of these varieties is used the resultant is termed as varietal. The world's most expensive wines come from the regions like Bordeaux and Rhone Valley are blended from different varieties of the same vintage. Wine can also be prepared from the hybrid varieties of grapes obtained by genetic cross breeding. Vitis labrusca, Vitis aestivalis, Vitis rupestris, Vitis rotundifolia and Vitis riparia are native North American varieties of grapes grown for the production of jams, jellies or sometimes wine.

Hybridization is a different process so cannot be confused with grafting. Most of the world's grape vineyards are planted with the European variety of grapevine Vitis vinifera grafted with the North American species rootstock. This is basically done because the North American species are resistant to Phyllosera a root louse that damages the roots of grapevines resulting in death. In the late 19th century most of the vineyards of Europe were destroyed by a bug leading to deaths of grapevines and heavy economic loss. Grafting is a common practice in all wine producing nations except Argentina, Chile and Canary Islands and only these areas include vineyards free from any devastating pests. Associated with wine production terroir is an important concept that includes variety of grapevine to be used, elevation and shape of vineyard, type and chemistry of soil, climate and seasonal conditions and the local yeast cultures to be used. The fermentation, ageing and processing of wine in terroir may result in good wine production.

The classification, production and sale of wine are under the control of government in many parts of the world. European wines are classified on the basis of the regions where they are produced while non-European ones are classified on the variety of grape used. Common examples of locally recognized non-Europeans regions for wine production include Napa Valley in California, Columbia Valley in Washington, Barossa and Hunter Valley in Australia, Central Valley in Chile, Hawke's Bay and Marlborough in New Zealand and Niagara Peninsula in Canada. Some blended wines are sold by a particular trademark and are under strict rules and regulations of the government for example, Meritage is a generally a Bordeaux-style blend of Cabernet Sauvignon and Merlot and may also include Cabernet Franc, Petit Verdot, and Malbec. The commercial use of the term Meritage is possible only after getting license from the Meritage Association. France uses different systems based on the concept terroir for classification. Greece and Italy classify on the basis of the regions where they are prepared. New World ones are classified on the variety of grapes used for preparation.

A vintage wine is one that is prepared from the grapes grown in a particular season of the year are labeled as vintage. Variations in the character of wine may vary due to palate, colour, nose and development. High quality wines taste better if are stored properly for a long time. Habitual wine drinkers generally stored the bottles of vintage wine for future consumption. For a wine to be called as vintage wine in United States the American Viticultural Area has passed certain rules like the vintage wine must contain 95% of the its volume of the grapes harvested in that year. All the vintage wines are bottles in a single batch so that all may have the similar taste. Climate plays an important role in character of wine as it affects its flavour and quality strongly. So we can say that vintage wines are characteristic of a particular vintage. Superior vintages from a reputed producer and region fetch higher prices of wine than average vintages. Non-vintage wines can also be blended from more than one vintage for consistency a process which allows wine makers to keep a reliable market image and maintain sales even in bad years.

Wine tasting is sensory examination and evaluation of wine. Wines are made from the chemical compounds that found in fruits, vegetables and spices. The sweetness of measured by the amount of sugar left in wine after fermentation, relative to the acidity present in wine. Dry wine has a very small percentage of residual sugar. Individual flavours in the wine can be easily detected as the grape juice and wine contain terpenes and esters as chief components. Experienced tasters can easily identify the type and flavour of wine. Chocolate, vanilla and coffee also act as flavouring agents for wine. Wine aroma comes from the compounds present in wine which are released on being exposed to air. Red wines are highly aromatic. Outstanding vintages from best vineyards fetch good prices in the market around $US 30-50 dollars per bottle. The most commonly purchase wines in Europe include Bordeaux, Burgundy and cult wines. The wine grapes grow almost between thirty to fifty degrees north or south of the equator. The world's southernmost vineyards are present in the Central Otago of New Zealand's South Islands near the 45th parallel south and the north most are in Flen, Sweden just north of 59th parallel north. UK was the largest producer of wine in the year 2007.

Wine is the most important and popular beverage of European and Mediterranean cuisines participating in the simple as well as complex traditions. Apart from its popularity as a beverage wine is also a good flavouring agent particularly used stocks and braising as its acidity imparts a different taste to the sweet dishes. Red, white and sparkling wines are very popular and are known as light wines as they conatin only 10-14% alcohol content by volume. Desert wines contain 14-20% alcohol and are sometimes fortified to make more sweet and tasty. Some wine labels suggest that after opening the wine bottle they must be allowed to breathe for few minutes before consuming while others recommend drinking the wine immediately after opening. Decanting is the process of pouring the wine in a special container for the purpose of breathing only. Decanting the wine with the help of filter removes the bitter sediments that may have been formed in the wine. Sediments are more easily formed in the older wines.

During aeration the exposure of younger wines to air adds flavour as well as aroma to them and also makes them smoother. Older wines lose their flavour as well as aroma if exposed to air for a long time. Exposure of wines to air does not benefit all types of wines. Use of wines in religion and ceremonies has been known since ancient times. Wine is an integral part of Jewish laws and traditions. Kiddush is a blessing recited over grape juice to sanctify the Jewish holiday. In Christianity wine is used in a sacred rite called Eucharist which originates in the Gospel accounts of the Last Supper in which Jesus shared bread and wine with his disciples and commanded them to do the same in remembrance to me. Beliefs about the nature of Eucharist have been disputed among different Christian denominations. The use of alcohol has been strictly prohibited in the Islamic law. Iran and Afghanistan had a wine industry that vanished after the Islamic Revolution in 1979.

Excessive consumption of wine affects the human body. Every 100 gram of red wine provides about 85 Kcal energy, 2.6 g carbohydrates, 0.6 g sugars, 0.0 g fat, 0.1 g proteins and 10.6 g alcohol. Epidemiological studies have shown that moderate consumption of wine reduced death rate by preventing heart attack. Population studies have observed a J curve association between wine consumption and risk of cardiac failure. This suggests that heavy drinkers are at higher risk of getting heart attack than moderate drinkers and non-drinkers. Studies have shown that moderate consumption of alcoholic beverages reduces the risk of cardiac arrest but this association is very much strong with the wines. Some studies have proved red wines to be best over white wines. Red wine contains more polyphenols than white wine so is much more protective against cardiovascular disease.

A chemical has been isolated from the red wine called the reseveratrol which seems to have a cardioprotective as well as chemoprotective role in animals. Low doses of resveratrol were mixed in the diet of a middle-aged mouse the genetic factors that trigger ageing were found to be greatly influenced as well as the heart was found to be in a protective state. Low doses of resveratrol have a significant in conserving body energy by saving 20-30% calories. Resveratrol is produced in grape skins in response to the fungal infection, including exposure to yeast during fermentation. White wine contains lower percentage of resveratrol. Other important and beneficial compounds present in red wine include polyphenols, flavinoids and antioxidants.

To get the full benefit of resveratrol it is recommended that red wines should be consumed slowly. As major proportion of resveratrol is broken down in the gut and liver it fails to enter the blood stream. Sipping the red wines slowly increases the concentration of resveratrol in the mucous membrane of mouth to about 100%. Red wines produced in France and Sardinia (Italy) has highest concentration of procyanidins which are present in grape seeds and are responsible for cardioprotective action of red wine. Red wines obtained from these areas have 2-4% higher concentration of polycyanidins in comparison to wines obtained from other places. Procyanidins suppress the activity of a peptide known as endothelin-1 which is responsible for the constriction of blood vessels.

A study conducted in 2007 has shown that both red and white wines are very effective against certain bacteria like the strains of Streptococcus. One more study published in the issue of October 2008 in the Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers and Prevention have shown that both red wine when consumed in moderate doses reduces the risk of lung cancer in men. Excessive drinking of wine may cause cirrhosis of liver and alcoholism. Effect of wine on brain is under investigation. One study has shown that wine reduces the risk of Alzheimer's disease. Excessive consumption of wine damages the hippocampus of brain.

Sulphites are present in all wines and are produced naturally during fermentation and many wine producers add sulphur dioxide in wine in order to preserve it. Sulphur dioxide acts as a preservative for apricot and orange juice also. The amount of sulphite in wines varies greatly. Sulphites may cause asthma in some people. A study conducted on women called The Million Women Study in UK have shown that moderate consumption of wine reduces the risk of certain types of cancers like that of liver, breast and pharynx.

Most of the wines are sold in glass bottles sealed by cork. Some wine producers also use plastic corks for sealing the wine bottles. Some wines are packaged in heavy plastic bags covered by cardboard boxes and are called as box or cask wines. Box wines can maintain a high degree of freshness for about a month. Wine cellars or wine rooms are specially designed rooms that facilitate proper storage as well as ageing of wines. In an active wine cellar the temperature and humidity are maintained by climate control system. Passive wine cellars lack climate control systems and so should be carefully established. Wine is a natural perishable product and its exposure to heat, light, fluctuating temperature and humidity may result in its spoilage. When stored properly wines preserve their flavour and aroma for a considerable period of time. According to experts the optimum temperature required for ageing of wine is around 55F and the levels of humidity are supposed to be kept lower.

Wine is a natural product imparting flavour to our life style with beneficial as well as damaging effects so must be consumed safely.

Navodita Maurice

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Vaginal Dryness & Healthy Genital Tips - Stop Dry Vagina Pain During Sex

Is your vagina dry and you do not know what has caused the vaginal dryness? First, let us make it clear that it is not a life threatening condition. However, I cannot say it will not cause discomfort and depending on different times, painful too.

The condition is treatable, but only if you seek treatment. Because of the area affected women tend to shy away due to embarrassment. Whether your vagina is dry or too wet, it is not something to blush over. If dryness becomes an issue causing friction or pain for you or your partner then you need help. Being a woman I understand how embarrassing it is having a doctor fiddle with your bits, but without help then your relationship can suffer considerably. Do not be selfish to yourself, or man, all because your cheeks redden easily, whatever the problem get it sorted.

When it comes to looking after the vagina take a leaf out of a mans' book. The vagina is sacred so treat it as such, MEN DO" why not you?

Dry Vagina

Although dryness is known in lots of cases for causing vaginal itch and burning/stinging around the vaginal opening and in the lower third of the vagina, it is the pain that might occur during sexual intercourse that women find most stressful.

Causes of vaginal dryness may include:








Douches -Tampons - Condoms

Dryness is a direct result of lower estrogen levels that is a common occurrence during and after menopause. When estrogen levels reduce, vaginal tissue thins becoming less elastic, drier and weaker. Nonetheless, inadequate vaginal lubrication can occur in women at any age. It is also a characteristic sign of vaginal atrophy (atrophic vaginitis) - thinning and inflammation of the vaginal walls due to a reduction in estrogen.

For women who deny their man sex to avoid painful intercourse did you know there are vaginal lubricants that help make sex happen without discomfort (Certain lubricants consist of clear fluid that seeps through the walls of the blood vessels surrounding the vagina).

When a woman is sexually aroused, more blood flows to the pelvic organs producing more fluid. But the hormonal changes of menopause, having a baby and breast-feeding can hamper the process and prevent the action.

A decrease in estrogen levels can be the outcome of:



Sudden effort - Exertion

Menstruation changes



Hormonal contraceptives


Stress, tiredness

Infertility drugs

How can I help prevent my vagina from becoming to dry? Easy, stop using products that is likely to increase dryness or irritate vaginal tissue. Specific soaps, washing powders, douches, scented gels and allergens that contain harsh ingredients you need stay clear of if they contain dodgy ingredients.

Another favoured option is Kegel exercises. They help increase circulation to the pelvic area which in return strengthens vaginal tissue. While lubricants are useful now and again for sex, specially formulated moisturizing creams will better the health of vaginal tissues. Particular formulas containing phytoestrogens are known for their ability to naturally replenish waning estrogen levels

Flaxseeds are high phytoestrogens and known to minimize hot flushes and ease discomfort of sore breasts. Omega-3 fatty acids is good for fighting heart disease, arthritis and balancing hormones and the outcome normally less severe

You cannot beat supplements for helping to fight different conditions. This applies to the case of a dry vagina. Consider B-vitamins and vitamin E. Vitamin A helps keep suppleness. Should you decide to take vitamins consult your doctor.

Another option is Evening Primrose Oil.

Healthy Vagina

Avoid vagina dryness and infections by maintaining a healthy vagina. If you have been fortunate and not had a problem with your bits "YET" then be ready for when you do.

A healthy vagina is moist and produces a reasonable amount of vaginal discharge. Over time discharge due to hormonal cycles and aging can alter vagina behaviours. Typical vaginal fluid would look a clear/white, pasty or of a slippery consistency, and odourless.

The body depends on the hormone estrogen and progesterone to create ample lubricating secretions for the vagina. While going through the perimenopause stage and menopause when hormones are changing, it is common for dryness to happen as less secretion is produced.

Various reasons for dryness

Be wary of soaps advertised as gentle, namely Dove and Ivory because they can dry genital tissue because they are not pH-balanced.

What you eat. Estrogen is needed to help lubricate the vagina. Since estrogen is created from cholesterol, the bodies' ability to efficiently produce and metabolize estrogen depends strongly on the fat we consume in our diet. But while there is a connection between fat in our diet and estrogen levels, it is essential to consume fats that produce health and hormonal balance instead of those that encourage disease.

Hydration is important to keep mucous membranes moist. Go easy on drinks that contain caffeine and avoid alcohol.

Medicine - Specific drugs, like allergy/cold medications, even some antidepressants tend to dry out mucous membranes including vaginal tissues. Ask your GP about birth control pills as they are noted for causing this problem because the hormones it contains are not natural to the human body.

While most people link dryness to the time of perimenopause/menopause, hormonal imbalance can happen to women who have premature ovarian failure, polycystic ovarian syndrome, anorexia, or pituitary and hypothalamus concerns; and also in those who have lately given birth, breastfeeding, have imbalanced diets and undergone cancer therapy or smoke tobacco products.

Stress has an influential impact on the system, and yet women tend to overlook the signs. By taxing the adrenals chronic stress forces down androgens which interferes with the normal female sexual response cycle. At this point it affects the stages of arousal and lessens natural lubrication.

Natural solutions for vaginal dryness

Sadly, a great deal of women who suffer with vaginal dryness continue to suffer because conventional medicines do not work for them.

Suggestions below are to help, however they may work for some whereas for others useless solutions

Add soy isoflavones to your diet. Whole soy foods are high in isoflavones and lignans and known to help.

Give your body the highest level of nutritional support. The body will always struggle to function properly without essential ingredients. For example, omega-3 essential fatty acids support healthy cell membranes and hormonal balance.

Be vigilant towards your vagina. Check it regularly with a mirror. Keeping track of any changes will help identify if dietary habits is the cause of particular issues.

Swap K-Y Jelly for a quality lubricant which contains methylparaben. Go for natural lubricant like Sylk or paraben and glycerin-free Astroglide.

Natural oil like sweet almond or grape seed after a bath is affective.

Control the condition using vitamin E suppositories. Vitamin E applied locally can help restore thin vaginal tissue.

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2012年3月14日 星期三

Growing Into Creative Mastery Through Kabbalah

The Kabbalah Tree of Life diagram portrays the four spiritual worlds, as taught to us by the ancient Jewish mystical system of the cosmos, that we are meant to master. As we advance in creative mastery, we experience the fulfillment we seek: the fulfillment of our potential.

Not all of us realize this to be the way to fulfillment. Until we experience enough conscious suffering through disappointment, we believe that our fulfillment lies in acquiring things and social status. Over and over again we experience the dissatisfaction that things and status brings, or we taste the bitter dissatisfaction of not acquiring the things and social status that we seek. When our disappointment grows strong enough, some of us finally open up to a higher world within, a world we suspected was there all along, but found it too easy to deny. In our openness we utter some form of prayer that basically expresses: "Show me the way and I will follow it." Following this, a way is offered: the way of consciousness. We receive the instruction of wisdom that advises us to simply pay closer attention to our experiences to perceive the impact of the choices we ourselves are making upon our present experience. In other words, we see how we create what is happening to us, and how to create more in line with our fulfillment. From that point on we realize that our joy and satisfaction come from developing creative mastery.

You experience growing fulfillment as you strive for mastery in any department of life, as long as you really want to demonstrate mastery in that area. You can strive for mastery of an art or craft, mastery of mathematics, mastery of healing, athletic mastery, mastery of leadership or communication. You may try to master politics, accounting, parenting, marriage, friendship or citizenship. You may seek mastery of life by striving to create the most meaningful, satisfying life possible for you. You can strive to master anything you do. Mastery goes on endlessly, leading into the highest level of human possibility.

The scheme of the four worlds on the Tree of Life provides us with a sort of map for taking this journey into mastery. The bottom sphere of the Tree represents the lowest world, the physical, where we experience the most restriction. The three spheres above that represent the psychological world, the world of thoughts and feelings. You experience more freedom here; for instance, you can think about yourself anywhere you like, but find it more difficult to physically travel there. The three spheres above those represent the creative world, where you direct the psychological level to express pure goodness, beauty and truth. The more you develop in this world, the more purely and powerfully you express those three sacred qualities. The highest spiritual world is represented by the top three spheres on the Tree. These convey the essence of divinity to creation. We will now examine each of these worlds, how they work together, and how to ascend through them, in more detail.

But before we do, let us begin with an explanation of what is called The Three Pillars of the Tree of Life's structure. "The Three Pillars" refer to the three vertical columns of the Tree of Life spheres. Respectively, these represent male force, female force, and the balanced, harmonious union of the two. This pattern suggests that our journey into the higher worlds of mastery needs to proceed in a balanced way if it is to be sustainable.

You cannot "take the kingdom of heaven by storm" without costly consequences. (Take it from one who has tried.) The more you struggle to push or rush the process, the more you reject the very fulfillment you grope for. As you accept the experience you are having right here where you are, the higher worlds begin to open up for you, delivering joy and beauty, power and grace. This way of acceptance is a facet of creative mastery.

Another important aspect of balance to consider as we prepare to journey into the higher worlds of creative mastery has to do with what Isidore Friedman called, The Law of Progressive Approximation. This law states that you can only make changes by small degrees. The path into higher levels of mastery adheres to this profound law of natural order. If you attempt major change through ceaseless bursts of force, you end up exhausting yourself while causing an equal and opposite burst of resistance opposing your efforts. To work successfully with, instead of futilely against, The Law of Progressive Approximation, take advantage of the smallest opportunities to change things in the direction you intend. Eventually, larger opportunities will show up. In the meantime, make progress no more important than enjoying as fully as possible exactly where you are.

Now that we understand the balanced approach to the highest level, we are ready to advance by becoming more clearly aware of where we are. The lowest world of creation, called "Olam Assiah" in Kabbalah, means "World of Making" or "World of Action". This is the world into which the soul incarnates, what we call the physical world, the world we experience through our physical senses. Your physical body is the instrument through which you demonstrate your level of mastery in the physical world. To do your best work here, you need to keep your physical body in the best shape possible so that it can work as well as it can for you. Provide it with a sufficient measure of exercise and rest, with a balanced and healthy diet, and with clean natural environments. Protect it from the extremes of heat and cold. Also protect it from destructive stress. Much stress, anxiety, unhappiness, anger, impatience, feelings of inadequacy or humiliation - all of this destroys the body, lowers its immune system, its vitality, its ability to faithfully execute your will with the highest skill.

When spiritual aspirants neglect their physical body they neglect the instrument through which their soul ascends into those worlds, and the instrument that must handle the increased intensity of higher spiritual power. Thus, they defeat their purpose. In western religion there has long been a perceived conflict between the physical and spiritual, but there really is no conflict. The symbol of the cross represents the integral intersection of these two worlds as a means of bringing "heaven to earth". In our present context, we can understand the phrase, "heaven on earth" to mean creating heavenly beauty in earthly forms.

The world immediately above the physical is called " Olam Yetzirah", which means "World of Formation". This world consists of your psychological condition, including your thoughts, feelings, dreams, memories, and desires. This world rules the world below it, the physical, to a great extent. For instance, if, on a daily basis, you imagine yourself working out, exercising your body for physical fitness, eventually you will find yourself feeling increasingly inclined to actually do that on a physical level.

Your psychological world is also impacted by your physical condition. For instance, when you feel physically run down you are more inclined to feel depressed, irritated, frustrated. When you experience physical pain, an underlying feeling of anxiety likely accompanies it.

You develop mastery of the psychological level as you work on aligning your psychological states with what you want to create in the physical world. This includes the cultivation of feelings of inner peace, success, fulfillment, happiness, and love on an increasingly consistent, unconditional basis, because this internal state of harmony provides the physical body with the inner support it needs to function best.

The state of inner harmony also makes the higher world of creative mastery accessible to you. That world, the world above the psychological, is called "Olam Briah", which means World of Creation. The great ones function here. In the creative world you direct your psychological and physical levels to express your creative or artistic inspiration. The more mastery you develop on the creative level, the higher the level of beauty you create. Go to your local museum and examine a painting by a master like Raphael or Rembrandt and you will see what a master of the creative world produces. Read a Shakespeare play or listen to Bob Dylan's "The Gates of Eden". Beauty makes time stop, connects us to eternity. From this world comes all the human beauty in the world.

Those who achieve the highest levels of creative mastery convey a ssense of the heavenly, the miraculous, the divine through their creations. That is because as one develops mastery in the creative world, one advances into the highest of the four worlds, called "Olam Atziluth", meaning, World of Emanation or World of Origins. Prophets achieve this level. Kabbalah describes this level as oneness with the divine. Those who connect with this level make up the highest geniuses of the human race, those Godly individuals who seem to receive lightening directly from God, including all true spiritual masters. Buddha, Jesus, Moses, Plato represent the "the chosen few" who have been accepted ino this world.

Let's look at an example now of how the worlds express through human affairs: the art of writing. In the art of writing, mastery in the first world consists of developing the mechanical abilities to operate a writing instrument with dexterity. As you begin expressing ideas in writing, you rise into the psychological level of writing. When you begin doing creative writing, guided by authentic inspiration to express truth through beautiful writing, you enter the creative level. If you advance farther in your mastery of the art of writing, you enter the highest level of inspiration, conveying a sense of prophesy, divinity, heavenliness, the miraculous. You compose a form of scripture announcing "the Word of God". You are accepted into the originative level.

Each of us possesses the will, the drive, the urge to develop creative mastery to the nth degree. Our lives are perfectly designed, like Plato's Republic, to present us with all we need to develop mastery. Whatever you are going through right now calls upon you to recognize and improve upon how you are functioning, to some degree, to produce results more in line with your ultimate intentions. Some of us denigrate our confrontation with difficulty. We call adversity "bad", loss "wrong", unpleasantness "inferior" experiences. This expresses spiritual immaturity, the level of one who has not yet awakened to the path of mastery, the secret of happiness. Your difficulties equal your opportunities and your adversities equal your advantages in the sense that both present you with your present level of mastery and reveal your next step to a higher level.

Nothing brings true fulfillment other than rising on mastery's ladder of light, growing into a co-creator with the divine. Make a list of the things and conditions that you want because you expect them to bring you happiness. Then realize that it is not the acquiring or accomplishing of these that will mean anything at all to you. It is the mastery that you develop along the way that offers you the fulfillment you seek. Making your life right now as fulfilling as possible is what the path of mastery is really all about.

The way to mastery begins with accepting responsibility for your present experience. Look at how you are creating your present experience and you will soon see openings, opportunities, to create a more beautiful experience. Thus you grow in life-mastery.

Decide upon what you want to create, then observe your present experience to find the fulfillment that is presently available as you align your thoughts, feelings, speech and actions with what you want to create. Do you want to make more money, enjoy a more satisfying relationship, create a beautiful sculpture, lead an life of great adventure? Whatever you want to create, think about it. This forms it on the psychological level. Think about what you can physically do to contribute to it coming about. This eventually leads your body to take that action. Continue contemplating what it is you really do want to create, and your psychological world gradually opens to the higher levels of the creative, deepening your inspiration with a higher vision or sense of the greater beauty that is possible. Remain patient as this occurs, because the fire of higher inspiration makes us want to create a masterpiece right now. But if you rush, the stress of that actually slows down your development and impedes your ability to demonstrate higher beauty. Remember the balanced way represented by The Three Pillars.

Here is an example of the dawning of higher inspiration. A business man may have the goal of creating a profitable business. As he continues contemplating his vision with an open heart and open mind, he becomes aware of wanting his business to not only be profitable, but to function in harmony with the natural environment and to contribute something truly worthwhile to society. He wants to love what he does, which means functioning in line with higher inspiration. He wants the people who work for him to feel fulfilled. This process eventually opens his heart to a desire to "hear the word of God', to know what God wants him to do, so that his work unites divinity with the human heart, earth and heaven.

Too often it seems that we restrict our hearts and minds, believing it to be impractical to pursue beauty, not to mention divinity, in our goals. We believe we have to settle for an empty package wrapped up to look like success. But the only real success we seek is the next level of creative mastery.

Notice how you create your present moment and you begin seeing how you can function more efficiently, more effectively, relative to what you want to experience and accomplish. You automatically choose to waste as little time and energy as possible wondering what will happen to you, worrying about not making it all the way to your goal, as you see this as utterly counter-productive. You only have to live this moment just a little bit better, which you will do, as you pay attention to your present experience.

Bob Lancer leads individuals, businesses, families, and associations to fulfill their greatest dreams. He does this through a wide variety of venues, including his WSB radio show, Bob Lancer's Parenting Solutions, a show that focuses as much on the raising of ourselves and of our society as on the raising of children. The show has been on the air since 1995 and broadcasts to 35 states over the radio, and worldwide over the internet.

He is the author of numerous books and he has created dozens of motivational recordings on his themes.

Bob Lancer transforms audiences through his dynamic keynotes and seminars on parenting, marriage, and personal and professional development at live events, including conferences around the nation and overseas. He has been leading his audiences to greater personal and professional success as a public speaker, seminar leader, consultant and author for over 20 years and his work has been featured on CNN and other network television stations, in national magazines and in major newspapers.

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Raw Cacao Nibs: Help in Losing Extra Kilos

People who are overweight, for them eating chocolate is a kind of crime as it is said that chocolates contain a lot of fat. So, eating chocolates doesn't help them to get rid of those extra weights they are carrying. Being overweight or fat is not a very good thing. It leads to serious health issues, like diabetes, high blood pressure, heart attack etc. Therefore, the medical professionals always recommend the people who are overweight to follow a strict diet. Usually, when people are on diet, then eating chocolates and other such kind of fatty things are restricted to them.

But when it comes to eating cacao nibs, it is in fact considered to be very effective in losing weight. It has the ingredient of PEA which is our brains secrete when people fall in love. Raw cacao nibs are generally known as raw chocolates. Apart from losing excessive weight, consuming raw cacao nibs has a lot of other health benefits.

Contain High Antioxidants:

Raw cacao beans are edible that help towards detoxifying our body. However, while going for it, one should remember that raw cacao nibs should be eaten in moderation and in a balanced way with other products. It has the similar effects to eating fruit and vegetables.

Source of Magnesium:

According to various scientific studies, the raw chocolates or raw cacao nibs is a very strong source of magnesium. Magnesium is a necessary need of our body. The deficiency of magnesium in the body may lead to many health issues, such as: depression, lethargy, irritability, mood swings, tiredness, weakness, cramps, arrhythmia, anaemia and a loss of appetite. In the formation of teeth and bones, magnesium plays the most important role. Moreover, magnesium is required in passing on nerve signals and creating muscle contractions. It also helps in processing of body fat and protein. For the secretion of parathyroid hormones, magnesium is very essential.

Fall in Love:

Love is nothing but a feeling which occurs to people due to some chemical reactions in our mind. Eating raw cacao nibs can make you fall in love, as it benefits your body by containing phenylethylamine (PEA). It is a secret tool of our brain when we fall in love. This is the reason why perhaps use raw chocolate in meal is considered to be romantic.

Ultimately, we can candidly say that raw chocolate is a great option for all those overweight people who are prohibited to eat chocolate for losing their extra kilos properly. Eating raw chocolate is will not increase your fat or weight at all. In fact eating raw cacao nibs or raw chocolates help in losing extra weight. So, now the people who love chocolate but get sacred of putting extra weight can go for eating raw chocolates.

Healthy Nomad provides raw, organic, vegan, health and superfood products for the alternative healthy community. We offer several unique products including raw cacao nibs that's both raw and organic.

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2012年3月13日 星期二

The Wonders of the Soy Bean - Their Essential Health Benefits

I was hungry the other day and started to munch on crunchy soy nuts - and wondered what gives with their health benefits. So I already knew and have read that they were healthy for woman and men, but especially women and wanted to know further what really gives as to their healthy benefits for us women. What was inside these little crunchy 'nuts' which were really beans, and how does it help one's body?

So after uncovering a few tidbits of information and some useful links I share this with you.

Soy Nuts are really roasted soy beans, they are not nuts at all. A one ounce serving has four (4) grams of fat of which three (3) grams are unsaturated fats. A serving may contain 120 calories, but it has over 10 grams of protein. Soy nuts comes in a variety of flavored options such as salted, unsalted, BBQ and many other flavors. Watch out for salt content, if you are watching your salt and remember because of the calorie amounts should you be counting those as well, they can easily add some weight to your belly if you are not watching the amount you are shoveling into your mouth.

This does not mean you should avoid them at all, quite the contrary! Soy nuts also contain isoflavones which are phytochemicals that help prevent heart disease and a variety of cancers. And due to the amount of fiber and protein, these little puppies pack a nice amount of nutrition to help you stave your appetite until lunch and dinner time.

Roasted soy nuts are great to add to a salad, to yogurt and to your baked goods such as breads and muffins. The amount of isoflavones for one serving is roughly 80 mg of isoflavones and is nearly doubled the amount initially recommended for women to eat on a daily basis in helping their health, especially premenopausal and menopausal women. In perimenopausal women, it also helps to keep that libido going - and for those of you there already, you know exactly what I mean. And did you know this stuff called isoflavones helps with preventing hot flashes? But the current recommended amount is now 80 mg per day of soy isoflavones, which is the amount 'considered helpful for hormonal imbalance'. Women in Asia easily intake this amount in their daily diet, it is no wonder they have low breast cancer rates.

And just as a side note, the soy bean is the only complete plant protein, it contains B vitamins, calcium and even known super healthy omega-3 fatty acids. You really can't get a much healthier plant product - it is also long been known as one of the five sacred plants and the soy bean can be made into a variety of products which some you may already know and have tried: soy milk, soy sauce, tofu, edamame, tempeh - used as a meat or poultry substitute, soy cheese, miso, and even soy flour. The one exception to this is soy bean oil, which frankly should be treated as one would use corn oil, not very often.

If you are a vegetarian, a vegan or even someone who wishes to better themselves with healthy protein alternatives, the wondrous soy bean is your answer. And not only are soy bean products extremely affordable, it is simply silly not to have them handy in your cupboards and refrigerator. Soy protein shakes and even soy bars are a great way to add the ever so important isoflavones into your daily diet.

Be creative the next time you think soy, if you haven't been already converted by this article - you can add soy beans in its many forms in a variety of ways. The important part is to realize you are helping yourself to prevent heart disease, adding a neat plant protein which is easily digested by your body unlike red meat, helping to keep your hormones in balance - and heck as a woman, you know how important that is.

So remember to add soy beans to your varied diet for the best health along with loads of fresh vegetables, fruits and other legumes for optimum health.

Leah Quinn, a multi-media artist and writer whose work specializes on food, health, feng shui, and self-improvement. http://leahquinn.com

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The Light of the Third Chakra

Self Esteems resides in the Third Chakra, also known as the Manipura Chakra ~ Manipura means City of Jewels and it is here that our treasure trove of power resides. Ahimsa (non -harming) is at the foundation of yoga practice and yogic lifestyle, and ahimsa begins with not harming your Self. Negative self-talk, poor nutrition, poor exercise habits, drug/alcohol abuse and addiction are all very self destructive and run contrary to the practice of Ahimsa.

The third chakra is the seat of our power, intuition and passion ~ our 'gut feelings' come from this place, our will to succeed and our perceptions of self and emotions reside here too. Located just above the navel and centered in the spinal column or two inches below the breastbone behind the stomach , its colour is the radiant yellow of the Sun. Manipura Chakra teaches us Self-Love, Self-Acceptance and Peace in the knowledge of our true place in the universe. We can welcome divinity into our lives more fully when we regard ourselves as sacred vessels too.

When the third chakra healthy we are called to action with self-confidence and the will to accomplish anything we wish; we are joyful, passionate and resonate with the path of the peaceful warrior. When we are secure in our power our lives are rich with integrity, creativity and inspiration, laughter comes easily to our lips and we lead lives of nourished balance. This inner radiance is reflected in our diet and lifestyle ~ when we feel that we deserve to strive for the best for ourselves we exercise, eat right and nourish our spirits with meaningful ritual instead of ingrained routine. When this chakra is unhealthy or in a negative place we become so mired in our past mistakes and our past that we cannot move forward. In this negative place we perceive ourselves as worthless, we can see only our failures and we struggle with feelings of inadequacy, rejection and the sinking feeling of knowing that we are not being honest with our Selves. When the third chakra is not balanced and we are out of integrity with our Selves and not comfortable in our own skins, we become lazy, restless and without purpose.

Physically, the third chakra corresponds to the stomach, liver, gallbladder, kidney, and small intestines so imbalances in this chakra can manifest themselves as digestive disorders, food allergies, ulcers, arthritis, and illnesses in the colon. Emotional imbalances associated with the third chakra are sensitivity to criticism, low self-esteem, uncontrolled passions (anger, fear, lust), anxiety and depression. If we are profoundly wounded in our past the residue will remain in the third chakra. In order to become balanced in the third chakra we must take responsibility for our present situation and live life from the present forward, not tied to the memories of the past and we must learn to live our lives for our true Selves, as well as giving back to our community in a proactive and active way.

Begin by being kind to yourself in ways that inspire you and bring you joy ~ you will be able to extend that kindness to your community and the world; this will nourish your spirit and fill your heart with love, joy and freedom. It begins with integrity and discipline to make Self-love and Self Esteem necessarily and habitual in your life ~ you deserve self-respect and self-care, how else will you fuel your dreams and aspirations?


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2012年3月12日 星期一

The Benefits Of Exercise

If all the benefits of exercise could be squeezed into a pill, it would be considered a miracle drug--the "rejuvenation pill." Everyone would want it and would be willing to pay thousands of dollars for the extraordinary advantages--which come with no side-effects! No one would want to be without it. So why don't more people get off their behinds and exercise?

Newspapers, books, television shows, and magazines extol the benefits of physical exercise and activity as a means to physical fitness and a longer life. In every town and city in the United States you can find bike paths, jogging trails, health clubs, gyms, racquet clubs, tennis courts, aerobics classes, dance studios, martial arts classes, and community recreation facilities. You would surmise that the country is caught up in a frenzy of fitness. Although it is true that our population values exercise more than ever before, it is also true that obesity has reached epidemic proportions in this land of abundance and affluence. One-third of the population is overweight. In Black and Hispanic cultures and in low-income groups, 50 percent of the women are obese. Life doesn't have to be that way--and you don't have to be in the "fat people" category.

Regular exercise brings more than an improved physique. Exercise can help you sleep better, manage stress more effectively, strengthen your heart, prevent osteoporosis, burn calories, decrease your appetite, improve your skin, and bolster your self-esteem--and even more! WOW! Physical activity, combined with good nutrition, can actually slow the aging process itself. Let's look more closely at the rewards of exercise.

Exercise conditions your body to function more efficiently. The physical benefits of exercise are

Improved circulation, a stronger heart, and improved lung capacity: Aerobic activity works the heart muscle, increases blood flow, and makes the lungs pump harder--strengthening the entire cardiovascular system.

Healthier skin: Exercise increases circulation, bringing blood flow to the skin surface, carrying nutrients and flushing away toxins. Your skin looks younger, has a glow, and is healthier.

Prevention of osteoporosis: Weight-bearing exercises, such as walking, strengthen bones and slow down bone loss due to aging.

Increased metabolism: Exercise burns calories and keeps the metabolic rate high for hours, even after the activity has ended.

Increased muscle tone: If you are dieting and reducing your food intake without exercising, you are losing muscle instead of fat. Muscle burns many more calories than fat, by a ratio of thirty to one. In order to retain muscle, you must exercise. Muscle weighs more than fat, but the tissue is denser and takes up less space, so you look slimmer as you build muscle tissues and burn more calories stored in fat.

Rehabilitation from muscular-skeletal injuries: Under the supervision of a sports physician or physical therapist, targeted exercises and movement can facilitate repair of damaged muscles, ligaments, and tendons. Sometimes even old injuries can improve with the proper exercise.

Exercise also gives you these psychological benefits:

Relief from stress and mild, transitory depression: Studies show that people who exercise have less stress. Exercise is a healthy way to work off frustration and anger. It gives "time out" from the demands of work and family. Increased circulation pumps oxygen to the brain for clearer thinking. Activities involving the whole body activate neurological activity across both hemispheres of the brain, which can have a calming effect.

Regulation of brain chemistry: A study by Nora Volkow, reported in the November-December 2004 issue of Psychology Today (McGowan 2004), found that the brains of obese people are deficient in dopamine--a chemical involved in motivation, pleasure, and learning. The deficiency creates a "craving for stimulation" that prompts overeating and other addictions. As the addictive response develops over time, the prefrontal cortex, the part of the brain associated with judgment and inhibition, stops functioning normally. The antidote is prolonged, regular exercise, which causes the brain to release endorphins and elevates dopamine levels. Endorphins are the brain's own "feel good" chemicals (the release of endorphins causes the "runner's high" experienced by distance runners).

Increased self-esteem: Meeting a physical challenge--like finishing a ten-kilometer race or hiking a mountain trail or swimming twenty laps in a pool--brings the exhilaration of accomplishment and an enhanced sense of competence and mastery. Some people enjoy the camaraderie and fellowship of team sports and the shared fun of group activity. Some enjoy the improved grace that comes from activities involving precision movement like dance, swimming, or gymnastics. Exercise can enhance your sense of self-worth.

There is no pill, no medical treatment, no cosmetic preparation that can equal the benefits of regular physical exercise. Given these fantastic benefits, you can't pass it up! Exercise is absolutely essential to your health and well-being!

How to Get Started on an Exercise Routine

If you are not yet into an exercise routine, here are some ways to get started on a sensible regimen that will transform your mind, body, and spirit! The key to success is to set reasonable, incremental goals for yourself, so that you build strength and stamina slowly and safely over time. Follow these guidelines to developing an exercise routine:

Consult with your physician first: Get a complete physical exam and ask your physician about the types of exercise that are safe for you.

Choose a mix of activities: Ideally, you want an exercise routine that includes stretching exercises for flexibility, aerobic activity for cardiovascular fitness, and resistance exercises for strength and toning.

Consider a trainer: For optimal results, consult with a personal trainer who can help you design an exercise routine based on your age, physical condition, and fitness goals. A trainer is especially important if you plan to use weights or exercise machines. A personal trainer can help you start out at the proper speed and level of resistance, show you the proper postures and movements, and teach you how to avoid injury.

Get the right gear: Make sure you are wearing the proper clothing for your activity--that might mean footwear, protective knee pads, gloves, helmet, or a jogging bra or athletic supporter. If you use equipment, it should be in excellent condition and well maintained.

Warm up and stretch: At the beginning of your routine, spend about five minutes warming up--for example, walking in place or freestyle dancing--to get the blood circulating to your muscles and to loosen up your joints. Then stretch slowly until you feel some resistance and hold each stretch for a count of ten to twenty seconds. Warming up helps avoid muscle sprains.

Start slowly and pay attention to your body's responses: During the first days and weeks of a new exercise routine, be careful and don't push too hard. Limit your initial workouts to a few minutes of light activity--or to a few minutes more than you usually do. If you feel fatigue or pain, stop and rest and try again tomorrow. Build strength and stamina over several weeks or months, and increase the demands on your body gradually.

Make it fun: Do exercise you enjoy. Exercise alone in the privacy of your home or with a friend or go to a gym or join a class. If you think your routine is getting dull, build in some variety. Exercise to music, walk with your pooch, bicycle with your child, watch TV while you work out, take dance lessons with your spouse--the list is endless.

Chart your progress: Put a chart on your refrigerator that shows how many sit-ups you do each day or how many miles you walk or how many minutes you spend on the treadmill. Or just put a big gold star on the calendar for every day you exercise. Soon you will like what you see!

Integrate movement into your daily routine: You'll get more from exercise (and burn additional calories) if you move around and stay active during the day. If you sit most of the day, take breaks at least every hour and stand up, stretch, take a few deep breaths, and walk around for a few minutes.

Make an appointment with yourself for exercise time, and give that time top priority. Keep the appointment, as if it were an appointment to receive a million dollars or meet with world leaders or interview for your dream job or go on a date with someone you adore. Get into a daily routine, so you actually begin to look forward to exercising. Don't miss it for anything except an emergency. Don't let others talk you out of it. Make exercise time sacred and nonnegotiable. Exercise is for you, to make you feel good and look good, and you are worth it!

Portions of this report were excerpted and adapted from Healthy Habits: Total Conditioning for a Healthy Body and Mind, by Kathy Corsetty and Judith E. Pearson, copyright 2000, Dageforde This article is now an appendix in Dr. Pearson?s book, The Weight, Hypnotherapy and You Weight Program: An NLP and Hypnotherapy Practitioners Manual published by Crown House in 2006. Judith E. Pearson, Ph.D. . is a Licensed Professional Counselor, free-lance writer, trainer, and personal coach specializing in clinical hypnosis and Neuro-Linguistic Programming. Her practice is called Motivational Strategies, Inc. Her web site is http://www.engagethepower.com

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Why Escaping to the Beach Is Always a Good Idea

"Forget not that the earth delights to feel your bare feet and the winds long to play with your hair."

Khalil Gibran

Exactly one week after my mother's funeral, my family and I headed to the Cape for our summer vacation. We had rented a rambling, five-bedroom antique in Chatham months earlier, when it looked likely that my mom would fully recover from the fractured shoulder that put her into, and out of, the hospital and physical therapy rehab center. But months into her new reality, of hospitals, assisted living centers and physical and occupational therapy centers, she contracted a virus from her roommate, the side effects from which both of them would never recover.

So it was with deep emotional pangs that we drove to the island, the pull of the water and of just getting away from the world for a while being stronger than the pull to stay in bed with the curtains drawn to keep out the summer's sun. Our four kids were all bringing their beaus, so ten of us would fill this cavernous place, set on three acres where God's grace was bestowed a couple hundred years ago. A five-minute bike ride from one of the most glorious views on earth, the hilltop sight of Eastward Ho! Country Club, confirmed that we had, indeed, made a good decision to go meet nature while we tried to heal our souls.

Reports coming in from a variety of government agencies and the financial press tout statistics stating that American families are either canceling summer vacation plans entirely or changing them in order to offset the rising cost of gasoline. Here in Connecticut, we've long seen prices in the $4.00-plus range. It's $5.00/gallon gasoline that gets our stomachs in knots. Across the country, Americans are wrestling with how to keep our summer vacations, a virtually sacred time in our family calendars intact, while at the same time coping with rising costs of simply getting there, not to mention astounding unemployment numbers, falling home prices and increased volatility in the capital markets. James Hamilton, an economics professor at the University of California, San Diego, claims that "every 50-cent jump in the cost of gasoline takes $70 billion out of the U.S. economy over the course of a year. That's about one half of one percent of gross domestic product." (1) Stories abound of families switching to a rice-and-bean diet and of a shift to flea market shopping in order to keep that sacrosanct summer vacation on the calendar.

Let's face it: we all know instinctively what scientists have been telling us for years. Taking a vacation provides enormous emotional and physical benefits. In a 2000 analysis involving more than 12,000 35 to 57 year-old men at high risk for coronary heart disease, the Multiple Risk Factor Intervention Trial found that those who took regular yearly vacations had a lower risk of death than those who worked all the time. (2) It has been shown in study after study that women who take two vacations a year are less likely to have heart problems than those who take one vacation every six years. Other studies show a link between healthier relationships and vacations. Psychologists studying the link between personal happiness and vacation find positive correlation. People who use this time away to pamper themselves, explore a new hobby, or re-engage with family and friends are far more likely to increase their happiness quotient.

We can actually feel the physiological changes in our bodies when we start to de-stress. Simply un-plugging for a week, purposefully not checking voice mail or email, allowing myself to sleep in and skip that early morning gym ritual, avoiding the news on tv and in the financial press: all worked miracles on both my physical and emotional health.

Today's Wall Street Journal highlights the notion of the "unlimited vacation." It is, essentially, vacation in turbo-charged mode. Employees are on their own to self-discipline how much, when and where to take time off and away from the office. The writer asserts that Americans are not likely to take the needed time off, even when those days are assigned to them. In fact, only 38% of American employees use every day of their assigned vacation days, according to a survey by Expedia.com. Fear of losing face time, of being downsized and of coming back to hundreds of unanswered emails leave many would-be vacationers stuck in the office cubicle.

I would propose that the benefits of a vacation far outweigh these potential negative side effects. It shouldn't take a family crisis to put you on the beach. This year posed extraordinarily difficult challenges for my brother and sister and me, as well as for our own spouses and children. We are all still reeling from its aftermath. But you are likely not in the same state of mind or body. I cannot encourage you enough to take the time this summer to get away. To find a slice of earth that brings you closer to heaven.

Let this quote from Eleonora Duse move you:

"If the sight of the blue skies fills you with joy,

if a blade of grass springing up in the fields has power to move you,

if the simple things of nature have a message that you understand,

rejoice, for your soul is alive."

Happy trails!


(1): "Gas Tanks Draining Family Budgets," The Associated Press, May 27, 2011, p. 2 http://www.gatorsports.com/article/20110527/WIRE/110529539/-1/news300?p=2&tc=pg

(2) Van Dusen, Allison. (2007) "Ten Healthy Reasons to Take a Vacation." Forbes.com, August, p. 1. http://www.forbes.com/2007/08/02/vacation-work-summer-forbeslife-cx_avd_0806health.html

Carolina Fernandez works as a Registered Independent Advisor in Private Wealth Management. She holds the Series 7; Series 66 (63 and 65); Life, Accident and Health Insurance Licenses, including Long Term Care; and Alternative Investments and Guided Portfolio Management Certifications. She primarily works with Art & Entertainment Professionals and entrepreneurs in the creative communities. She holds her licenses with Source Capital Group, a boutique independent investment bank and brokerage headquartered in Westport, CT. Previously, she worked at Morgan Stanley Smith Barney, Merrill Lynch, and Dupree & Co., a municipal bond house in Lexington, Kentucky, where she cut her teeth in the industry in 1983 selling municipal bonds and government securities to institutional clients.

The author of two books, ROCKET MOM! and Country French Kitchens, she is currently working on What Color is Your Handbag? This book will be the first to explore the roles of gender, personality and neuroeconomics and hopes to explain money in language so that every woman "gets" money. A contributing writer for more than sixteen years, her articles have been syndicated by more than 60,000 unique online sites, blogs and newsletters. Her work has been quoted by Parenting, Good Housekeeping, Redbook, Nickelodeon, NewsDay, BottomLine Personal and Advertising Age and featured on dozens of radio and TV programs nationwide, including the FOX Business News program Your World with Neil Cavuto.

She is the Founder of the SHEeO Network ( http://www.SheEONetwork.com ); they now number more than 350 women strong. She is also a Co-Founder of Women in Power, a Connecticut-based non-profit group that is devoted to educating women in entrepreneurship.

Carolina believes in giving back and swims every year in the 1.5 mile Open Water Swim for Swim Across America in honor of her son, a leukemia survivor.

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2012年3月11日 星期日

There is Nothing Wrong With You!

I was seated around the kitchen table with my three children, enjoying a cherry slushie on a summer afternoon. My thirteen-year-old Rachel, was talking about weight. I told her I had had trouble with my weight in high school and dieted to the point of becoming anorexic. I explained that I had grown up in a family where my parents were strict about their own diets, and thus able to keep trim. They valued being slender and made it a priority.

Looking back on my teen years, I wondered aloud if the reason I had had to struggle with my concept of food and eating was due to my parents' continual talk of maintaining their weight. "My friend Cathy had a problem like I did. But in her house, her sisters and mother weren't thin, so there was constant diet talk." Concluding my thoughts, I said, "Perhaps I felt I had to be thin in order to be accepted by my parents. Oh, well, every parent passes on something to their children. Some habit or way of thinking. No parent is perfect. I wonder what I'll pass on to each of you?" I looked at my three children's precious faces. Basically I was thinking, what will they bring to the therapist's couch years down the road and claim the problem was something attributed to my parenting?

I dismissed the subject and started to talk about next week when my kids would go back to school. It was then that Elizabeth wrapped her arms around me and whispered in my ear with the certainty of her seven years, "There is nothing wrong with you."

Wow! I felt as though God was seated right beside me and had revealed His acceptance of me then and there! There is nothing wrong with you! I hugged my daughter and smiled. "Oh, honey, " I said, "That is so sweet. Thank you." I didn't add, "And how long will it take you to retrieve that sentiment? When you turn ten or fifteen?"

I began to ponder Elizabeth's words as I continued my day. I wrote them in a notebook so I would not ever forget what she had said. How often we want to be told just those words. We wonder about our habits and behaviors, our weight, and what we are teaching our kids. Even in grief, as we cry or memorialize our loved one, we want to know that we are doing it the "right way." Don't we all want to know that we are doing the best we can in spite of our pain and circumstances? We thrive on knowing that we're loved and appreciated.

Recently I have felt vulnerable as we have had our twelve-year-old house on the market. After the house has been shown, the realtor has someone from her office call to give feedback on what the potential buyers thought of our home.

I have to cringe when I hear certain responses: "The paint colors are too strong." "It needs paint." And my most detested because I cannot for the life of me know how one could come up with this: "There was an odor."

This is the home where my son Daniel lived for his four short years. The weeping willow swaying in the front yard is his memorial tree. The garden on the side where we've planted tomatoes each spring is done in his memory. It is hard when anyone is critical of this sacred place where the memories are abundant and where we have laughed, loved, cried, grieved....and doubted.

Are we doing things right? Are we at fault? Is the house presentable? Will it sell? When? If it doesn't, is it because we somehow failed?

We feel we are being scrutinized because others are strolling into our abode and casting criticisms. We have scrubbed the kitchen floor and even burned floral scented candles. Do the viewers of my home know how much time it took for me to get the mildew off the shower? We want to hear praise, not complaints. We desire to hear, "What a beautiful living room and what a fantastic screened-in deck! Wow, this is a great house for such a reasonable price!"

Likewise, we want to hear that we did the best we could loving our dear family and friends who have passed on. We want to know in our heart of hearts that in spite of the streaks on the window panes and the stain on the carpet, we loved well. We were doing it right and we were accepted and adored.

"There is nothing wrong with you." I think that God, in His love, is trying to comfort me with those words each day. Now if I could take the time to believe them.

Alice J. Wisler, author of the memorial cookbook DOWN THE CEREAL AISLE, invites you to read more at her website, Writing The Heartache, [http://www.geocities.com/griefhope/index.html]

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A Guide to Dog Health Problems

Common Dog Illnesses

Dogs, just like people, are susceptible to a vast array of illnesses and potentially devastating health problems. Unlike people, however, dogs can't tell us how they're feeling or if they're in pain, other than to whimper, howl or bark. So, it's up to you and I, their trusted Alpha leaders, to ensure that we do everything possible to prevent problems from arising in the first place.

You don't have to be caught off guard, or suffer the emotional and financial distress that often accompanies your dogs discomfort. By taking the time to research your chosen breed, BEFORE taking your cute bundle home from the pet store or breeder, you can avoid the majority of potential health crises. For instance, proper research will fore-warn you of the pre-disposition of Dachshunds to serious degenerative disc problems in their backs, or of an inherent tendency toward obesity of Golden Retrievers, Labradors and Basset Hounds. You need not be put off your chosen breed just because of your research, but by being aware of that breeds individual needs, you will be better equipped to make your choice.

Infections - again, just like people, dogs can suffer from various infections which can become more serious if left unattended. Rather than having to treat the symptoms as they arise, it is far better to take preventative measures wherever possible. As unpleasant as it might be for you to have to treat an ear mite infestation, imagine how miserable your dog will be while you wrestle him to squirt cold, wet, smelly stuff in his ears and then invade his sacred ear space with wads of cotton wool. Skin infections left to fester can become unbearably painful and even the application of topical cream can be unpleasant for your dog. Swollen, infected gums.... well, let me remind you of the last time you had a tooth or gum problem! Then there are the particularly serious varieties of eye infections! It's a sad fact of life that many dog owners simply don't make time to maintain their dogs good health - they just take it for granted. By regularly checking and cleaning your dogs eyes, teeth and gums, hair and skin, you can greatly reduce the build-up of bacteria, and the risk of infection to your dog.

Allergies - whether you're dealing with the common flea allergy, or the less common food allergy, you really need to take immediate steps to treat your dog. Flea allergies can so easily be prevented with regular, readily-available treatments. Food allergies are not so easy to prevent... the first time around! However, if your dog is diagnosed by a vet with a particular food allergy, you can obviously take steps to minimise the risk of your dog coming into contact with that specific allergen.

Diabetes - this is not just a human disease. Diabetes is becoming more and more prevalent in the canine world as dog owners, oblivious to the dangers of feeding dogs on a human diet, are loading their dogs down with fatty, sugary foods, leading to a long list of problems including damage to the pancreas and eyes, to name just a couple. Resist the temptation (and your dogs longing looks) to feed them table scraps and keep them on a healthy, nutritionally balanced "dog" diet! You will add years to your dogs life and they will be far happier and healthier in the long run. If you need an incentive to feed your dog correctly, just close your eyes and imagine having to administer an injection to your dog each day for the rest of his life.

Obesity - this is simply another term for an unhealthy, over-weight condition in dogs. By making sure that your dog has a healthy, balanced diet and gets adequate exercise, you won't usually need to worry much about this condition. However, if you allow your dog to eat too much and exercise too little, you will not only end up shortening your dogs life span, you will more than likely subject it to a life at risk of heart failure, liver disease, skin problems and tumors. This can so easily be avoided by committing to a sensible diet and exercise plan.

Dysplasia & Arthritis - it's so heart-breaking to see a dog suffering from either of these conditions and it is true that some breeds are, in fact, more susceptible than others to these painful conditions. However, being fore-warned is being fore-armed. If you ensure that you stick to the aforementioned healthy diet and exercise regime, you can pat yourself on the back for doing a great job in helping your dog have the best quality of life possible. If your particular breed of dog is particularly prone to these conditions, then it really boils down to you, keeping a close eye on the daily condition, keeping an eye out for any tell-tale signs of pain, change in mood, energy levels or general condition, and taking the time to have your dog checked by a vet as often as necessary for any degeneration of the joints. Your dog will love you all the more for taking good care of him.

Accidents and First Aid - of course, there will always be a risk of accidental injury requiring immediate first aid and these can only be prepared for so much. By being consistent with your dog training, with the boundaries you set for your dog within the home and out on walks, you can greatly minimise the risk of accidental injury to your four-legged friend. Having the phone numbers and details of local 24 hour veterinary care nearby is definitely a must do when caring for your dog.

After all that, if you give your dog plenty of love, exercise, healthy food, grooming and an opportunity to mix with other dogs, you can be quite pleased with your efforts. But don't forget that your dog will still need annual checkup (just like we do) to make sure there isn't anything nasty in its early stages. Remember, if you catch it early, you will greatly improve your dogs chances of being treated successfully.

Are you worried that your dog may be suffering from one of many Dog Health Problems? Get more tips and advice here today. While you are there, you can pick up a free report on How to be the Alpha dog. This report will show you how to take control of your home, and become the master of your house.

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2012年3月10日 星期六

Ayurvedic Herbs for Diabetes - A Purely Natural Way to Control Sugar Levels

Diabetes has almost become an epidemic in today's world. Diabetes is a disorder that affects the way your body uses food for energy. Whatever sugar we take is generally broken down into simple sugar called 'glucose' in our body.

This glucose circulates within the blood and enter into the cells with the help of insulin. Insulin is a hormone, made within the Beta-cells of Pancreas. Due to sedentary life style and genetic predisposition, the beta cells are not able to make enough insulin, which is a key for glucose to enter into the cells. The key is not there and the glucose keeps on circulating within the blood.

This is called Diabetes.

There are two main types. Type I & Type II .

There is another condition known as Pre-Diabetes.

There are two main types of full-blown diabetes. People with Type 1 diabetes are completely unable to produce insulin.

People with Type 2 diabetes can produce insulin, but their cells have become resistant to it. In either case, the glucose can't move into the cells and blood glucose levels can become high. When these levels remain high for long time, they can cause serious complications.


Pre-diabetes is a condition in which the cells in your body are becoming resistant to insulin or your pancreas is not producing as much insulin as required. Your blood glucose levels are higher than normal, but not high enough to be called diabetes. This is also known as "impaired fasting glucose" or "impaired glucose tolerance". Every individual who has a Diabetic father or mother must go for glucose tolerance test or GTT. This can help in diagnosing pre-diabetic condition. A diagnosis of pre-diabetes is a warning sign that diabetes will develop later.

You can prevent the development of Type 2 diabetes by losing weight, making changes in your diet and exercising.

Type 1 Diabetes

In case of Type I (Insulin Dependent Diabetes) the person can't make any insulin. Type 1 most often occurs before age 30, but may strike at any age. This is typically caused by genetic disorder. The pancreas produces very little or no insulin anymore. Frequent insulin injections are needed for Type 1. However there are certain herbs like Salacia oblonga and Pterocarpus marsupium which are found to be useful even in Type I diabetes.

Type 2 Diabetes

People suffering from Type II diabetes are having enough insulin but the cells have become resistant to it. This type of Diabetes has become very common and is spreading like an epidemic everywhere around the world. The most important reason for the cells to become resistant to insulin is sedentary life style which is being followed by modern age people.

95 percent of all diabetes cases are Type 2. What can be the reason? It's a lifestyle disease, triggered by obesity, a lack of exercise, increased age and to some degree, genetic predisposition.

So the only way to prevent diabetes is to change the life style, which is the basic theory of Ayurveda to fight any disease. According to Ayurveda, Stress and life style is the reason for most of the illnesses including Type II diabetes.

Factors for developing Type II diabetes and herbs for them

As we know that there is no problem with the insulin production. It is there in the body in enough quantity, but the only problem is that it is not able to open the cells to make the glucose enter into them. All the glucose keep circulating within the blood. The cells become resistant to insulin. The reasons for Insulin resistance are -

1. Obesity

The number one risk factor for Type 2 diabetes is obesity. Nearly 40 % of the patients suffering from Type II diabetes are obese.

Excessive fat interferes with body's ability to use insulin properly. According to Ayurveda this is called " Stroto-avarodh" i.e. blocked channels. This blockage in the channels of passage of Insulin is reason for greater insulin resistance.

Food and life style which cause blockage in the channels or " Stroto-avarodh " are curd, banana, heavy greasy diet, overeating, excess daytime sleep.

There are herbs which are useful in clearing the blockages and opening up the micro channels. These remove excessive fat from within the body. Herbs like Katuki (Picrorrhiza kurro), Vidang (Embelia ribes), Amalvetas (Garcinia cambogia), Triphala are useful in Type II diabetes because they open up the channels and helps in reducing the insulin resistance.

2. Sedentary Lifestyle

According to Charaka- an ancient Ayurvedic healer, lifestyle is damaging to health and bears responsibility for the growing obesity and diabetes. Inactivity and being overweight go hand in hand towards a diagnosis of Type 2. Muscle cells have more insulin receptors than fat cells, so a person can decrease insulin resistance by exercising. Sushruta another ancient Ayurveda surgeon explains by giving an analogy that who suffers from diabetes should walk at least 100 kilometers a day to keep his sugar level under control.

This indicates that one must walking and being more active also lowers blood sugar levels by helping insulin to be more effective.

3. Unhealthy Eating Habits

90% of people who have been diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes are overweight. Unhealthy eating contributes largely to obesity. Too much fat, not enough fiber, and too many simple carbohydrates all contribute to a diagnosis of diabetes. Eating right is can turn the diagnosis around and reverse or prevent Type 2.

4. Family History and Genetics

It appears that people who have family members who have been diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes are at a greater risk for developing it themselves. Indians have a higher than normal rate of Type 2 diabetes. Having a genetic disposition towards Type 2 is not a guarantee of a diagnosis. Lifestyle plays an important part in determining who gets diabetes. So it can be prevented if we go for changed life style to avoid diabetes.

5. Increased Age

It's a very sad but true fact. The older we get, the risk of Type 2 diabetes is increased. Even if an elderly person is thin, he/she still may be predisposed to getting diabetes. As we age, the pancreas ages right along with us. It doesn't make enough insulin it did when we were younger. Also, as our cells age, they become more resistant to insulin as well.

6. Stress, High Blood Pressure and High Cholesterol

The hormones are under the control of our thought and our attitude towards events in life. The stress hormone immediately releases pool of glucose, corticosteroid hormones in our blood. There is immediate release of adrenal hormones, causing blood pressure and constriction of arteries.

Not only do they damage your heart vessels but they are two key components in Metabolic syndrome, a cluster of symptoms including obesity, a high fat diet, and lack of exercise. Having metabolic syndrome increases your risk of heart disease, stroke, and diabetes.


Following are the herbs, which have been extensively researched by modern parameters by various research scholars. They have also been described in ancient Ayurvedic texts as herbal solution for diabetes. These are -

1. Saptrangi - Salacia oblonga

2. Vizaysaar - Pterocarpus marsupium

3. Gurmaar - Gymnema sylvestrae

4. Jamun - Syzigium cumini

5. Bilva Leaves- Leaves of Aegle marmelos

6. Karela - Momordica charanatia

7. Methi - Trigonella foenum graecum

8. Neem - Azadirachta indica

9. Tulsi - Ocimum sanctum

10. Daruhaldi - Berberis aristata

11. Haridra - Curcuma longa

12. Sadabahar- Vinca rosea

13. Amla - Emblica officinalis

1. Saptrangi - Salacia oblonga

This is a wonderful remedy for diabetes. It is a tree whose bark is effective in controlling diabetes. It is extensively studied in the western herbal schools, but in Ayurveda it is being used since ages. The herb have been found to have diabetes controlling properties.

2. Vizaysaar - Pterocarpus marsupium

This is a big tree whose bark is very useful for diabetes. The bark of the tree is made into a wooden glass and the glass is termed as "The miracle cure for diabetes". Some water is kept in the wooden glass overnight and is consumed early morning by diabetes patients. The color of the water changes to brown and glass is changed after around 1 month when the water color does not change. Diabetes support contains extract of bark of this miracle tree.

3. Gurmaar- Gymnema sylvestrae-

In Hindi language, 'Gur' means Sugar and 'Maar' mean Kill. Gurmaar means "The sugar killer". It is a twine that is known since ages in Ayurveda for its sugar controlling properties. Recent studies show that it contains Gymnemic acid molecules responsible for its anti-diabetic action. They bind with glucose molecules in the intestines and inhibit their entry into the blood stream. Thus it is effective in controlling sugar levels.

4. Jamun - Syzigium cumini-
It is a popular fruit tree growing wild in plains of India. The seeds of this tree are dried up and then a powder is made of them. The powder of the seeds of Jamun fruit is very effective in controlling sugar levels. It is astringent in taste which is opposite to sweet. Anything astringent in taste is useful for diseases caused by excessive sweetness like obesity and diabetes.

5. Bilva - Aegle marmelos-
This tree has three leaves together on its branches. Any tree who has combination of three leaves is considered in Ayurveda as divine and seat of Lord Brahma, Vishnu and Mahesh. The leaves are offered every Mondays in Shiva temples. This fruit of this tree is useful in irritable bowel syndrome. The leaves of Bilva are excellent for diabetes. The leaves are dried and powder is made and mixed with other herbs for better results.

6. Karela - Momordica charanatia-

The juice of this fruit is a miracle in treating and preventing diabetes and its complications. 30 ml of Karela juice every morning empty stomach is recommended for best results. It can be taken along with Amla juice for better results, as Amla is rich in natural vitamin C and is also effective in diabetes. Karela contains natural chromium and other micronutrients, whereas Amla is also rich in natural anti-oxidants like vitamin C and others.

7. Methi- Trigonella-foenum-graecum-

Since ages Fenugreek is being used as a medicine in India, Egypt, Middle east and other ancient civilizations. Fenugreek has excellent properties to bring sugar levels as well as cholesterol levels under control. The seed powder of Methi is used to lower down sugar levels. It can be mixed with herbs described above.

8. Neem - Azadirachta indica-

Azadirachtin, Nimbin and Nimbidin are effective alkaloids found in neem. They act not only as blood purifiers but also controls sugar level very effectively. Neem is also useful in many skin diseases like eczema, psoriasis, rashes. The skin diseases associated with diabetes also respond to this herb quickly. It also helps in clearing away the blocked channels and maintains the flow of bile from within the liver and improves liver function.

9.Tulsi - Ocimum sanctum-

It is popularly known as 'The Holy Basil' is a sacred plant according to Hindu mythology. People in India worship this plant as it has tremendous medicinal properties. Regular use of leaves of this plant controls blood sugar levels very effectively. It is also useful in many types of cancers, viral and bacterial infections, sore throat, cough and cold etc.

10.Daruhaldi - Berberis aristata-

This is a rhizome growing mainly in South India. The roots of this herb are taken out and grinded well. The herb powder stimulates pancreas to pump more insulin into blood. It also helps in preventing insulin resistance among cells. It acts as a channel opener for glucose into the cells. This also purifies the blood.

11.Haridra- Curcuma longa-

This is very popular herb and is commonly called Turmeric. Turmeric powder is an effective anti-allergic, anti-cancer, anti-inflammatory and one of the best natural anti-diabetic. It works in the same way as Berberis aristata. It helps in purifying the blood, channel opener, helps in reducing the insulin resistance and thus making the way for glucose into the cells.

12.Sadabahar- Vinca rosea-

It is always flowering plant, growing almost in every house in India. It is known as periwinkle in English. The plant contains very precious alkaloids ' vincristine' and 'vinblastine' which are used in allopathic medicine as anti-cancer injections. The herb leaves are very useful in controlling the diabetes. The herb leaves are mixed with other herbs described above to get good results.

13. Amla - Emblica officinalis -

Amla is world's richest natural source of vitamin C and is nature's super anti-oxidant. One amla contains 30 times more vitamin C than an orange. It prevents ageing and therefore delayes the onset of complications of diabetes. Amla powder, Amla juice can be consumed regularly to get the benefits in diabetes and other diseases.

This article is submitted by Dr. Vikram Chauhan- MD -Ayurveda, Consultant Ayurveda Physician for http://www.planetayurveda.com Dr. Chauhan provides free online consultations to his patients worldwide.

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