No Wine for Daniel The teacher read an excerpt from the Book of Daniel which describes how Daniel asked the king, Nebuchadnezzar, that he and his friends eat 'pulse' and drink water rather than the meat and wine the king offered. Nebuchadnezzar agreed, and after they'd been on this diet for a couple of weeks, he checked them out to see how they were doing. Writes the author of Daniel: "And in all matters of wisdom [and] understanding, that the king enquired of them, he found them ten times better than all the magicians [and] astrologers that [were] in all his realm."
Not only were they ten times wiser than everyone else: they were also healthier. The young Don Tolman was fascinated by the story, and became more intrigued when no one could tell him exactly what constituted this meal of 'pulse'. "My older brother was really good in school," Don relates. "I thought that if I could eat this meal, I would do better in school and get my mother off my back."
From the time he was eight-and-ahalf, he began a quest that helped him acquire a great deal of knowledge, but not in the manner he expected. It also got him the nickname: the 'Indiana Jones' of whole foods, for he was indeed searching for an ancient lost treasure.
Finding A Pulse He first went to dictionaries to find out what pulse consisted of, then to university to research it, and never found a satisfactory answer. Being persistent, he went to museums and searched through their rare book collections, and he got special dispensations from the Church of England to study in their library. He even visited the Vatican in his quest to discover what pulse is. He saw places most others don't; he searched through ancient archives and studied old artifacts and discovered many things, but not what he was looking for. He learned a great deal about all manner of substances people ingest but not what pulse is.
Admitting Defeat He didn't give up easily, but give up he eventually did. "After 17 years, 4 million air miles and 33 countries, I finally admitted defeat," Don relates. "Was it just a metaphor? Was it just a magic meal? I couldn't figure out what it was."
A man who had been in search of a meal for almost two decades was having soup and salad in a Washington DC restaurant when he struck up a conversation with a well-dressed man sitting across from him. "It turned out he was the trustee for a wealthy family. They had been collecting art and artifacts since 1790, and many of the boxes had never been opened. He asked me if I wanted a job opening crates."
'Are you kidding', or words to that effect, was Don's response and he soon found himself looking at some amazing works of art, books and documents. It was while he was doing this that he found the answer he had been looking for all these years. In a scroll transcribed in 1896 by Charles W Leadbeater (1854 -1934), a famed clergyman and Theosophical author, were all the elements of the key things in pulse. At first Don couldn't believe that it was this, but there were seven witnesses that attested to the sacredness of the meals. "It was full of brilliant observations and logical wisdom," he says.
Everything in Threes "The ancients understood that everything is done in threes," says Don. "The finger is in three segments, the arm is in three segments and food grows in three levels; the basement, main floor and the second floor." Don relates these to the levels of the body and explains that food that is grown underground, like the sweet potato, affects the deepest levels of the body; food grown on the ground affects the second floor; and fruit and nuts that are grown up high are brain foods.
Not only what part of the plant the food comes from but the way it looks also indicates what part of the body it will most benefit, Don asserts. He says that all foods have a signature which is a sign of nature that indicates what health benefits the food holds. "For instance," he says "tomatoes, which are red and have four chambers, are good for the heart, grapes that look like blood are blood and heart food. If you slice a carrot," he continues "the pattern in the centre looks like the iris. This is why the ancient people believed they were good for the eyes. Similarly, a walnut looks like the brain, with a left and right hemisphere, and today's sciences confirm that walnuts are indeed good for the brain." Foods present either a feminine or masculine identity: for instance, an avocado looks like a cervix and womb with a foetus inside, and it takes nine months to grow an avocado from blossom to ripen fruit...just like a baby. Figs, bananas and cucumbers have a masculine identity. The ancients believed that each individual has both male and female qualities, so that each food positively affects each of us...especially emotionally.
Pulse contained 22 whole foods, raw but dried, then crushed into a moist snack meal. Pulse incorporated foods from under the ground, upon the ground, and from above the ground in the trees, and was then mixed. Pulse was made from: dates, figs, oats, kamut, raisins, prunes, sesame, sunflower seeds, almonds, pecans, walnuts, sea salt, a mix of seven grains (depending on the year's harvest), beetroot, raspberries, blueberries and olive or grapeseed oil...these would vary two or three items, depending on the year's crops. These foods combined in sacred ratios to measures of the body naturally preserved themselves and could carry the people through times of famine, drought, war and other hardships.
The Meal of Hercules The brilliant scholar, musician and Olympic champion wrestler Pythagoras had all of his students at the Pythagorean Academy eat pulse daily. He called the sacred meal, 'The Meal of Hercules'.
There is much more to Don's approach on food - so much more that he has written the two volume, 1,600-page Farmacist Desk Reference, an encyclopaedia of whole food medicine. On his website Don describes this work: "The FDR(TM) is the 21st century's ultimate (time-consorted) definitive compendium of humanity's relationship to life and vitality, using plant whole foods as preventative and remissive medicine. The FDR(TM) contains whole food wisdom from the Ancient Egyptians, Greeks, Romans, Hebrews, Chinese, Native Americans, Incas and others who through time treated themselves to high vitality and longevity using plant-produced whole food."
A Relic of the Industrial Age Food and health are not Don's only concern. Don says that formal education has become nothing more than a 'factory' that churns out and indoctrinates academics and workers. "It is a leftover fossil of the industrial age," he says. "The problem is the present system does little to appeal to and enhance the naturally inherent ability people are born with, to learn and maximise their abilities through imagination."
Don believes in learning at the 'speed of sight, cite, site.' He has a location for everything he sees and he learns, so he knows where to find it. At a meeting he was passed a list of 25 words that were given to him from the audience, and within seconds he had them memorised and repeated them back - getting all correct.
Boot Camp 4 Brains Don offers Boot Camp 4 Brains, a weekend in which you will discover 'How to learn information 10 to 100 times faster than you do now.'
Whether it is your health or the way you learn, Don is sure to have some ideas that will make you think a little differently about how to do it. If you want to achieve great success, Don suggests you tap into your natural creative ability.
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