The different abilities of humans can be classified in three categories - Physical, Intellectual and Spiritual. The strength of these abilities varies from human to human. Just as the intellectual quotient increases with an increase of intellectual abilities the emotional quotient of a human increases as spiritual abilities increase. The modern human knows much more about enhancing his or her physical and intellectual abilities as compared to the enhancements on the spiritual side. Traditionally, religions provided the discipline and practice required to enhance spiritual abilities. However, in the scientific age, the grip of religion has weakened because some believe that religions contain dogma that is not rational or appealing.
This article lists seven steps that can put a person firmly on the road to spiritual empowerment. Since physical and intellectual capabilities are subservient to spiritual abilities, following these seven steps will results in improvements in all three areas. In order to follow the steps given here one need not belong to any specific religion but a belief in God or the Universal intelligence is necessary. On the other hand, these steps can be followed even if a person belongs strictly to any of the religions prevalent on our planet. It is secular knowledge recommended by all the great religions as well as new age philosophies. There is nothing new in whatever is written in this article but the organization of the matter is new as relevant for our times.
One may become spiritually empowered in one week or a million years. The road to becoming god-like can be a long or short one depending on where one stands presently. However, the essential thing is that one takes to that road because the benefits in terms of happiness, security, freedom and success in one's endeavors begin as soon as a person begins the journey. For convenience, the various things required for spiritual empowerment have been divided in seven steps, so that one may focus on the first on a Monday, the second on Tuesday and so on returning to the same cycle in the following week. One does not become perfect in one day but any improvement made in any of the designated areas will have one marching swiftly towards spiritual empowerment. If you wish you could maintain a diary in which you record a specific improvement that has been made on each day of the week.
One must remain content with whatever one can acquire through reasonable effort and honest work. To crave for anything that one cannot attain easily or is not one's fair share in life is a short cut to unhappiness. Even if our needs and desire seem to be necessary, we have to be patient for the Universal intelligence to grant it at the right time. All we can do is make reasonable efforts towards fulfilling that need. It is not improper to work honestly towards a worthy goal but being impatient in achieving results has to be avoided. The Universal Intelligence will grant those at the right time. So get on with whatever needs to be done cheerfully.
WORK: Tuesday
It is necessary to do work for one's livelihood and for maintaining one's home and social obligations cheerfully, sincerely and honestly. If one is unemployed, then one should explore avenues for new employment, volunteer work and self-employment. It is also necessary to reserve some of one's effort for acts of service. Retired persons or those who do not need to work for a livelihood may involve themselves in charitable work only. Spiritual empowerment requires avoiding laziness and idle pursuits. However, a reasonable amount of entertainment that is wholesome and does not strain one's health should not be regarded as an idle pursuit but as something that helps maintain a cheerful personality.
TRUTH: Wednesday
This refers to truthfulness in speech. If we feel compelled to lie in a situation then we are on the wrong track and the situation needs a change. Speech must be genial too. Silence has to be preferred to voicing the truth when we know it will cause hurt to another person. By extension truthfulness also implies straightforwardness and honesty in all of one's dealings and work.
LOVE: Thursday
To love it is necessary that the opposite is avoided, that is violence, not just in deed but also in speech and thought. To be a loving person one must love all of creation and show kindness to all creatures. It also means avoiding hatred, harsh behavior, jealousy, malicious intent and gossip and to be a forgiving person. The avoidance of anger even on provocation is necessary for a truly loving person. It also means helping others and doing acts of charity whenever the appropriate opportunity arises without expecting anything in return.
Lust implies sexual indulgence, thoughts and behavior. Since total celibacy is not feasible for most humans, sexual interests must be confined to interactions that are a part of romantic love and involve mutual love and interests. Sexual indulgence for purely physical pleasure needs to be avoided.
It is necessary to keep one's body, clothes and surroundings clean and orderly. It also means to ensure that the food, water and air we consume are pure. We need to ensure discipline in diet, exercise, sleep, work and entertainment so that our health remains in the best possible state.
The first step is to believe in the Lord of this universe with all our heart and to trust in His love for us. We may worship Him in whatever way we have learnt and consider best. It can include any or all of meditation, prayer, chanting, studies of sacred texts etc. It means being fearless and not worrying about future too much, but rather to trust in the Lord to take care of all our necessary needs. It also implies not being proud or egoistic. One must realize how small one is in this vast universe and avoid a sense of self-importance. Whatever we achieve is a gift from the Universe and hardly because of any great achievement on our part. Humility is a necessary virtue for worship. To love God also means to have a sense of shame and guilt whenever we are tempted to do a wrong act. It is impossible for a human to be perfect. All that is required is an effort to improve and ensure that we do not justify or support wrong acts i.e. such as those listed in the seven steps above.
You need not wait for a Monday to begin. The cycle can be started on any day of the week. Begin today. Once you begin the journey, it will be a joyous one.
Dr. Ashok Malhotra is an international educator. For more articles by him on spirituality follow or his book - Mystic and the Blossoms - at
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