2012年4月27日 星期五

History of the Aztec Calender

The empire of the Mexican (or Aztecs as the Spanish called them) fell to Hernan Cortez and his conquistadors in 1521. Just a few, short years later the Aztec temples were obliterated and valuable records such as friar Bernardino de Sahagun's codices, (a twelve volume encyclopedia of Aztec life and culture) secreted and gathering dust.

It was in 1790, when widespread interest in Mexico's pre-Hispanic past was awakened due to an astonishing artifact that was uncovered during the renovation of "El Zocalo," Mexico city's central plaza. It was a massive disk of carved basalt, three feet thick and 12 feet in diameter, weighing some 24 metric tons. The Mexican Aztec Calendar is considered a veritable monument to Mexican art and science.The monolith remained at the Zocalo, for viewing in the base of the Metropolitan Cathedral. About one hundred years later it was transferred to Mexico's National Museum of Anthropology, where it still stands as the Museum's centerpiece.

This intricately carved hieroglyphs was labeled the Mexican Aztec Calendar Stone. In current thought, the Stone of the Fifth Sun is considered a more apt moniker. Scholars have long debated the stone's meaning and purpose and are still puzzled over its mysteries. Today most agree that it offers a graphic representation of the Mexica cosmos.

The outer rim of the stone shows two fire serpents meeting fave to face at the lower extreme. Their tails are joined at the top with the symbol for the ritual date 13-Reed, considered to represent the creation possibly corresponding to 1011A.D. The center of the stone shows the sun god Tonatuih. His tongue in the form of a sacrificial flint knife, protrudes from between his bared teeth, while in each claw-like hand, he grasps a humane heart. The god is surrounded by four glyphs symbolizing the cataclysms that ended each of the prior solar eras. As per Mexican belief, earth's earliest inhabitants were devoured by jaguars. The demise of the second sun brought destruction by great winds. The third era ended with fiery rain, while the fourth sun was extinguished by massive floods.

These symbols, together with the image of Tonatuih, are neatly contained in the abstract motif for motion called ollin. It is surmised that the Mexican Aztec Calendar reveals the predicted date of destruction for 'El Quinto Sol' during a 4-Ollin cycle. The Mexicas attempted to preserve their era, forestalling catastrophe by sating the gods with myriad rituals and sacrifices, including a steady diet of human blood.

The formula by which the two calendars were combined meant that no one date would be repeated for a period of 18,980 days. So, the the last day of a solar cycle and the last day of a sacred cycle coincided just once every 52 years. It was on this auspicious time that 'El Quinto Sol' was considered in greatest jeopardy of extinction. A successful New Fire ceremony would assure the reappearance of the orb and continued survival of human civilization.

Aetna JB Are you thinking about visiting Mexico or would you like to have more information on Mexico and its' history and culture. You can find many articles about Mexico's history and culture @ http://www.mexican-wholesale.com. You can also visit http://www.kwintessential.co.uk for additional help or information you may need.

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Indian Vegetarianism

Vegetarianism is regarded as the first step leading to humanitarianism. Hindu priests living even before Mahavira and Buddha gave up meat and was of the opinion that life is sacred. Indian cuisine gained popularity during the period of the Mughals when different kinds of dishes gained popularity.

If we take Indian cuisine from the traditional point of view, cooking techniques are handed down to the daughters from their mothers. However, a male chef is not uncommon these days.

A meal served in any Indian home is a harmonious presentation of yoghurt and spices. In fact, the spices as well as the herbs used have carminative as well as digestive property.

It is believed that the best way to a man's heart is through his stomach. Just as India has a host of non-vegetarian dishes to boast about, the country's genius is also manifested in vegetarian cookery.

Cuisine in different parts of India

North India

Punjab and the adjoining area may be referred to as the "Wheat Zone". Since wheat is mainly predominant in this area, meal mainly comprises wheat as the main ingredient. Rice takes a backseat in this area. Tandoori as well as Mughlai techniques are applied in this region.

South India

In this region, rice is prepared in various forms. Food is not as greasy as in North India and is hotter. Coconut plays an important role in South Indian dishes. Yoghurt is also widely used in this area.

Western India

This region specializes in Maharashtrian as well as Gujarati dishes. Typical meal of this area starts with a sweet dish followed by vegetables and pulse dishes. At the end of the meal, usually rice dishes are served.

Eastern India

Pulse preparations as well as rice are considered as the staple diet of this region. Bengals' sweet vegetarian dishes are very famous and this region boasts of several other cuisines as well.

Therefore, it is evident from the fact that the climate, environmental conditions and the crops greatly influence the eating habits of the people in the country. These in turn have given rise to the variation in eating habits.

Not many prefer cooking vegetarian dishes but it can really challenge your cooking abilities. Given below is a vegetarian preparation from India:

Name of the dish

Peas in Onion

Time for preparation-

10 minutes

Time for cooking-

30 minutes



It may be mentioned here that do piazza implies that the amount of onion that will be used is twice that of the main ingredient. However, the amount may vary depending on the taste desired.

Ingredients required

Ghee- ½ cup

1 onion (large) chopped finely

225 grams of green peas

Green chillies-2 (chopped)

Tomatoes-4(made into 4 pieces)

Button onions-450 grams

Ginger-2 teaspoons, sliced


Warm water-300 ml



Bay leaves-2



Cumin seeds-1/2 teaspoon


Garam masala- 1 tablespoon

Chopped capsicum-1


Ghee is heated in a saucepan and the onions are fried in it till it does not turn golden. The saucepan is kept over low heat. The whole spices are added and stirred well. Thereafter, ingredients from green peas to ginger are added. The mixture is stirred for about 5 to 7 minutes.

Then yogurt is added along with water and salt. The sauce pan is kept over low heat for about 16 minutes. The contents of the saucepan are transferred to a serving dish and to it the toppings are added in the order shown. The onion that was fried earlier is added to this mixture. The serving dish is heated in an oven for 5 minutes prior to serving.

Shuvojit Dasgupta is a contributed writer for Batchmates.com the largest Alumni portal in India. With his research work and articles he has added an additional edge to the entertainment e-magazine BM Times. His articles reach to millions of readers every day which are varied in subjects.

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2012年4月26日 星期四

Succeed Higher Through Balance - Part 1

A balanced life means that you spend enough time doing what you really want to do. It means that you have enough energy and emotional balance to fully enjoy what you have to do. It means that you spend enough time with loved ones and friends, enough time socializing. You also spend enough time in solitude, exploring yourself and uncovering life's deeper meaning. A balanced life means that you work enough, rest enough, play enough, pray enough. It means that you spend enough time working on your self-development, including developing your gifts and talents, building upon your strengths and recognizing and overcoming your weaknesses. It means that you spend enough time indoors and enough time outdoors, enough time in the city and enough in the country.

The key word for balance is "measure". When you do everything in right measure you experience that state of harmonious power and peace we call balance. Ironically, to create such a life begins with living in a balanced way.

The ancient Greeks said, "Unbalanced forces perish in the void." Someone else said, "Whom the gods would destroy they first make popular." What do these two sayings have in common? Our craving for approval and acceptance drives us to lose our balance for it. We do not say "no" when we need to say it. We push ourselves too hard to accumulate symbols of worth because deep down inside we do not feel worthy ourselves. We strain and drain ourselves worrying about what other people think because we have given their approval power over our well-being.

Balancing yourself begins with awakening to yourself, waking up to what you think and how your thoughts affect you. We presume that we think alright while blaming others for our frustrations and disappointments, until we discover that our unconscious thinking bears responsibility for our frustrations and disappointments. For instance, if you feel stuck, locked out of opportunity, hindered from rising to the level of your profession that you desire, that feeling originates entirely in your mindset. If you feel trapped in a bad marriage, blocked by circumstances or other peoples' demands from doing what you really want to do with your life, held back in areas of finance, health or love you can trace those feelings back to a negative, self-limiting illusion that you impose upon yourself.

Notice what you think and how it affects until you see that you create a limiting idea of yourself or of your circumstances and then you live in that idea as if it was reality. You create the idea. You create the reality. Until you see this, you remain trapped by your own mind. How can you awaken? Pay attention. Pay closer attention to your experiences and to the internal process that generates what you experience. Pay closer attention to your thinking and to your emotional reactions. Notice more closely what you say and do and why you say and do it. Pay closer attention to your inner drives.

To develop the level of awareness that awakens you to the internal cause of your frustrating limitations requires an abundance of energy. If you are too tired, you lose awareness. Everything becomes confused. It looks like the world is against when it is really you who are living your life against the world. How can you energize yourself sufficiently for the higher level of awareness that you need? It comes back to balance.

When you live life in a balanced way, giving the right measure of attention, time and energy to each facet of your life requiring your involvement, you experience higher energy. Imbalance drains energy and wears you out. Balance nourishes you with energy and lifts you up.

Approval seeking may be considered one of the root-causes of unbalanced living. Deeper than this, we find the real cause to be low self-esteem. Feeling unworthy of love, life, success, health and happiness, we strive anxiously in all situations to prove ourselves. To find balance, commit to being yourself, not proving yourself. To be yourself you simply let yourself be instead of struggling to make someone like you. Being yourself involves a letting go of any excess effort. This conserves your energy so that you have all you need to create the balanced, conscious life you really want a balanced self can awaken to what is really going on, to the real cause of his problems and the solutions. A balanced self automatically creates a balanced life because your life is a reflection of how you live. Many of us live in reverse. We justify our behavior based on our circumstances. If someone does something that disturbs me, I react with angry criticism. I blame that person for how I react. It never occurs to me to regard my angry reaction as my anger problem. Until I take responsibility for my responses I cannot create a balanced life because I will be blaming my life for my unbalanced reactions.

An unbalanced self creates only chaos. Hold out your index finger and balance a pen upon it. Notice what occurs when the pen is not perfectly balanced. It tumbles down. That happens to you when you lose your balance. An unbalanced state means that you have fallen out of control. You cannot control your thoughts, emotions, actions or speech. These run you, like a team of wild horses that you cannot reign in. Where do unbalanced reactions lead you? Into mental confusion, emotional turmoil and chaotic circumstances.

Balance empowers you to establish proper boundaries in your relationships. It protects you from working too much or too little. It makes sure that you neither sleep too much nor too little. It keeps you from spending too much time alone or not enough time alone. It gives you control over your daily diet and physical exercise routine. Why? In a state of balance you can register the signals that come to you from within. Balance acts like a compass. In a balanced state you can feel when any choice leans you toward unbalance, and you can draw back and make a different choice before you stray too far. From balance, you can heed the signals of balance. Outside of balance you have no clear sense of what you should do. Imbalanced people rely on authorities to tell them what to do, but authorities usually make choices based on their own self-interest. Under any and all circumstances we have responsibility for taking care of ourselves.

If you find yourself out of balance, the first step toward balance retreats from blame. Notice when you blame circumstances or other people for your stress and strain. Notice when you justify or defend your rushing around, your sleeplessness, your over-eating and under-exercising. When you catch yourself making someone or something else responsible for the choices that you make, stop. Stop and take responsibility. Tell yourself over and over, "I cause myself to feel the way I feel, to think the way I think, to speak the way I speak, to do whatever I do." Even if you don't believe this at first, practice affirming this many times a day. Adopting the attitude of responsibility for yourself sets you up for balance.

Why do we choose unbalance? We choose it because we think we have to. We believe or assume that we have to work too hard, sacrifice our dreams, worry ourselves into constant headaches in order to be responsible. Therefore, another root-cause of unbalanced living is ignorance. We give up our unbalanced ways when we learn that an unbalanced self creates only chaos. When you lose your balance in a strained effort to control your circumstances you end up causing more problems than you solve. Pushing yourself to get too many chores done, to complete your tasks without a break, to sacrifice time you really need to spend with your loved ones, to sacrifice your dreams for your paycheck, really pushes good fortune away.

You lose your balance for control when losing your balance costs you more control. You have lost your balance whenever you begin feeling much impatience and frustration. Your impatient, frustrated reaction wastes your energy and distracts you from your point of power. You cannot change things from a state of frustration and impatience. You can only react in ways that generate more frustration and impatience, driving yourself and others too hard, rushing, feeling scattered, holding on too tightly, not letting go. When you worry, when you talk too much about your problems, when you cannot relax, when you do enjoy yourself and appreciate the sacred gift of this moment, you have lost your balance.

When you fall into unbalance, in an attempt to make things better, you have ended up making things worse.

When you lose your balance you make poor choices, cause accidents, commit errors. A very angry person reacts in ways that drive loved ones away. But what does he want? He wants them closer. He wants more influence. He wants more cooperation. But he cannot control his reaction, so he reacts in a way that produces the opposite of what he wants.

You lose your balance when you experience overwhelming emotion. There is nothing wrong with overwhelming emotion when you know how to deal with it. How NOT to deal with it is by seeking to escape it or by lashing out or lurching out for someone to rescue. Deal with overwhelming emotion in a balanced way be relaxing your body and giving up all resistance to how you feel. Go through the experience of overwhelming emotion consciously, like a student, and you might learn something very important about how to live, how to love, how to win and how to lose. Going through unbalance consciously leads you to wisdom and leads you to balance.

Unbalanced living leads to a constant state of uneasiness or dis-ease. In other words, it makes you sick. If you suffer from headaches, back aches, stomach aches or much heart ache you witness a sign that you are losing your balance. You lower your immune system when you live out of balance because unbalance places a strain on your entire organism and depletes your vitality. As you restore balance to you manner of living and responding to life, you move from disorder to order, from unhealth to health, from feelings of scarcity to a secure sense of rich abundance in every department of living.

You do not have to work at creating a balanced life. You simply have to live your life in a balanced way, which makes life feel like less work, not more work. From balance, let your sense of balance guide you in your choices. Choices that send you out of balance lead you in the wrong direction, away from your goals, into a more chaotic life. Some of us mistakenly presume that we like a chaotic life. We think that it gives us a rush, a high, a feeling of zip. We fear order because of the sense of flatness and dullness that we associate with it. However, the craving for chaos leads to a real lack of fulfillment. You do not know what you really want because to know yourself clearly you have to be in a state of balance. You think you want chaos because you do not know yourself, so you continue making choices based on a lack of deep and clear self-knowledge, which can never work. Your life spins farther and father outside of your control and you experience far too much internal chaos to bear.

The way out of unbalance takes you through a more vivid awareness of your experience. The way into unbalance takes you through increasing unconsciousness of your experience and that part you play in creating it. Therefore, to find your way into balance usually begins with the painful awareness of the unbalanced condition. Let's take a closer look, therefore, at some of the symptoms of unbalance. See if you can recognize any of these operating in your own life. With your conscious recognition comes the dawning of your freedom.

Bob Lancer leads individuals, businesses, families, and associations to fulfill their greatest dreams. He does this through a wide variety of venues, including his WSB radio show, Bob Lancer's Parenting Solutions, a show that focuses as much on the raising of ourselves and of our society as on the raising of children. The show has been on the air since 1995 and broadcasts to 35 states over the radio, and worldwide over the internet.

He is the author of numerous books and he has created dozens of motivational recordings on his themes.

Bob Lancer transforms audiences through his dynamic keynotes and seminars on parenting, marriage, and personal and professional development at live events, including conferences around the nation and overseas. He has been leading his audiences to greater personal and professional success as a public speaker, seminar leader, consultant and author for over 20 years and his work has been featured on CNN and other network television stations, in national magazines and in major newspapers.

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Tips on Feeding & Caring for Your Pet Chihuahua's Well-Being

Learn How to Care for & Feed Your Pet Chihuahua

The Chihuahua is the smallest breed of dog, but many owners would agree, they have the biggest personality of all the breeds. The name comes from the state of Chihuahua in Mexico. In pre-Columbian Indian nations, this little breed was considered sacred, probably contributing to their high level of self-esteem. The two varieties of Chihuahua are long-coat and smooth-coat. Luckily neither type needs trimming and the long-coated variety actually sheds less than the smooth-coat, or short-haired.

Chihuahuas usually weigh less than 6 pounds. They can have a lifespan of 14 to 18 years which makes their owners very happy since the bond between Chihuahua pets and their families will grow into a strong one. This little breed's temperaments are determined by genetic factors or socialization and the manner in which they are trained. They are much happier with other Chihuahuas and their people rather than with other breeds. In fact, they can get so attached to one person that they become overly-protective. A family with children should consider carefully whether a pet Chihuahua is the right choice for them. Sometimes active, playful children provoke aggression in these pets.

Although many refer to these dogs as "barkers," with the proper training they can have quite good manners. They enjoy being petted and, certainly, earn the title "lap dog". Cuddling under covers or blankets is one of their favorite things to do, and lying in the sun is another favorite pastime.

It is possible that the family who adopts a Chihuahua will need the assistance of a veterinarian for breeding purposes, for dental care, and, in some cases, for controlling neurological disorders like seizures. A unusual breed trait is the fact that when they are born, their skulls have not completely fused, so owners will have to watch their pets carefully. It is not unusual for Chihuahuas to have hypoglycemia, which can lead to coma if ignored. A little honey on the tongue will raise the glucose levels in the dogs' systems. They can also have problems with rheumatism, dryness of the eyes and sometimes heart disease.

Their diet should be controlled to ensure that they do not gain too much weight. If possible you should make home made food for your pet Chihuahua. It is easy to do and you'll know they are getting the best food available. Make sure you give them plenty of meat, vegetables and even some whole grains like oats. Make sure they have fresh water at all times.

Being so tiny and so loving, owners often make the mistake of not training these little ones in the same way larger dogs are trained. Pet Chihuahuas can be strong-willed, so it is important to let them know who the "alpha" is, right from the beginning. It is easy to mistakenly think that this breed is not intelligent. They are very smart but they are quite strong-willed. If you are smarter than they are and have more will power you will get along fine. You should think twice before bringing a Chihuahua home, because, once it's there, you will become a Chihuahua pet lover forever.

If you are a pet owner or thinking about becoming one you should go to the website at Natural Pets Health to get more information on natural pets health foods, products & cures. You will also find general information such as the pros & cons of owning along with the caring for & feeding of all types of pets from dogs to snakes to fish to exotics.

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2012年4月25日 星期三

How Coffee Evolved Socially - A Spiritual Brew

Did you know that coffee was considered sacred among the Muslim Arab monks in Arabia. It's interesting to note that before the coffee bean became a liquid java, the juices from the berry were turned into a wine to be used during religious ceremonies. As time went on it was also known as a substance used by heretics and because of this it was quickly outlawed and prohibited by the Muslim community but that was short lived.  

Coffee has certainly gone through many phases of acceptance and rejection starting from when it was first discovered to its modern day form of being the most popular social beverage in the world. No one can expect or predict what people thought back in the 16th century but one fact I found interesting was that the Mormons in the days of Joseph Smith through one of his many revelations said that all "hot drinks are not for the belly" this was interpreted to forbid drinking coffee or tea. This is quite a stretch from today's thinking especially in the advent of all the healthy Gano coffee products that are being advertised today.

Further study tells us that many religions today forbid caffeinated drinks and other stimulants simply based on small studies as showing an association between certain ailments, heart diseases and caffeine.

Coffee has certainly come a long way since the 16th century.  Coffee can be seen in many social aspects in our modern day lifestyle. It has essentially become a social lubricant in our society. The United States accounts for 25% of the coffee beans bought in the world and we have the largest market for coffee consumption.

China is also a very large market as well.   Popular today are coffee parties, it's a popular form of entertainment bringing people together, socializing and creating opportunities not normally found in mainstream everyday business.

Other aspects of our coffee culture are the introduction of new forms of healthy coffee. Ever since the Asians brought together the medicinal value of a certain mushroom called the ganoderma lucidum and began blending real Brazilian coffee beans and marketing them as a miracle potion for a healthy diet and the benefits of healthy Gano coffee products.   Good, bad or indifferent  this is just another contributing factor to the popularity of the coffee bean being used as a social and focal point for introducing the value of enjoying a flavorful blend of a low acidic coffee brew and turning a social event into money making opportunities for many who are on the healthy coffee kick.

 Another example of our coffee culture are the popular cafés notably "STARBUCKS".

Where many customers gather for friendship, while enjoying their favorite coffee blend, many people spend hours at these coffee shops.

The formation of culture around coffee and coffeehouses dates back to 16th century Turkey. Coffeehouses were traditionally social hubs, as well as artistic and intellectual centers. Perhaps this is where Starbucks got the idea from.   Coffee plays a large role in much history and literature because of the large effects the coffee industry has had on cultures where it is produced or consumed. Coffee in culture or trade is a central theme and prominently referenced in much poetry, fiction, and regional history.   Ralph J Ramirez , the coffee dude is an independent affiliate with Gano Excel and is involved with network marketing both on and off line. My mission is to introduce 5 simple steps for a great family lifestyle. Health, Wealth, Success, Community Service and Happiness.

For fast start ordering visit here.. http://ganocafetoday.blogspot.com/

Click the tab on top that says - cafe 2.0 order your coffee here.

When you there, please peruse and read the company blog, get up to date information..


Ralph J Ramirez, the coffee dude. My mission
5 simple steps for a great family lifestyle..
Health, Wealth, Success, Community Service and Happiness.

The key to success is:
make your first order and try it
Love what you do..

Enjoy a cup of Gano today..

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Science and Myth: Top 5 Adaptive Traits of Successful Religions

How do mythic traditions survive through the centuries? How do they thrive? By bringing together science and myth, an evolutionary perspective might help us think about these questions.

By "success" I mean long-time survival. I don't even begin to consider the moral value or truth-content of religious teachings--all that is placed in brackets. This is an evolutionary view based on the history of religions.

Consider the possibility of the following top five list.

Top 5 adaptive features of successful religions

1. Continuity of motifs defining the religion

2. Vertical transmission

3. Ethics defining the in-group

4. Placeholder terms

5. Paradox

1. Continuity of motifs defining the religion

This is the single most important feature determining success. In order for a religion to propagate itself, it must establish and maintain a recognizable identity. It doesn't necessarily require a name for itself or an identity as a religion per se, but it does require something to delineate what is and isn't part of the package that must be passed on to the next generation. Many indigenous religions, such as Shinto, had no name until the introduction of foreign religions necessitated a way to distinguish the local from the alien. Others had no overt identity as religions per se--ancient Greek had no word for "religion" (the closest was theon timai, "honors for the gods"). But it is absolutely necessary for a religion to delineate its key motifs in some way. The signal must be separable from the noise. Thus religions throughout history have developed special motifs to mark off the sacred from the mundane. They may be visual symbols like totem poles, crosses, or mosques, auditory symbols like hymns, chants, or special styles of music, or linguistic symbols like divine names, myths, or doctrines. They may be temporal symbols like annual festivals or rites of passage. Finally, they may be ethical symbols like ritual, prayer, or taboo. Most all religions feature a combination of these motifs.

All successful religions develop a canon of such motifs to identify what is to be propagated. Without it, a would-be religion would be lost in the wash of custom, extinct before it even came into existence. And without maintaining such a canon, an established religion would be absorbed into competing religions. This is what happened to Buddhism in Medieval India: it effectively died out in its birthplace because it was no longer sufficiently different from Hinduism. A canon of motifs functions to define the unit of transmission.

Interestingly, it is not necessary that exactly the same set of motifs carry on down through the ages. It is only necessary that a continuity of motifs be passed on. Modern Judaism bears little resemblance to the semi-polytheistic sacrificial temple religion of ancient Jerusalem, but a continuous lineage links the transformations from the one to the other. Japanese Buddhism is virtually unrecognizable compared with the religion founded in the 5th century BCE by Siddhartha Gautama, but again a lineage connects them.

2. Vertical transmission

The second most important feature is vertical transmission. Transmission of some kind is necessary as a matter of course: a religion of one person is no religion at all. All religions feature transmission. But vertical transmission--that is, transmission through the generations via family lines--is a feature of highly adaptive religions. The other kind is horizontal transmission--that is, transmission via dissemination and conversion. Horizontal transmission is also adaptive, but mainly as a supplement to vertical transmission. Religions consisting solely of converts rarely last. Those that inculcate religion into the young at an early age ensure deeply committed followers bonded to each other by family ties. Due to the immense importance of vertical transmission, religions conducive to large families survive better, if only because they can out-breed their rivals. Thus, those associated with agricultural peoples, whose many children are needed to work the fields, have an advantage in this regard.

3. Ethics defining the in-group

The next most important feature is ethics, but not in any moral sense of the word. Rather, the sense is of a set of prescribed and proscribed behaviors serving to separate the in-group from the out-group. When followers are restricted from partaking in certain common activities, like eating pork, they are discouraged from mingling with outsiders. This serves to protect the all-important canon of motifs from becoming diluted with foreign influences. When followers are exhorted to partake in certain prescribed activities, like eating only food that is halal, they are encouraged to congregate together. This serves to keep children with parents and therefore ensure vertical transmission. The saying "The family that prays together stays together" should actually be amended to "The family that prays together stays faithful to the religion."

Dietary restrictions are by no means the only relevant ethics--there are innumerable taboos and ritualistic behaviors that serve the function of separating in-group from out-group. However, diet does seem to deserve special mention, as it is known the world over and is superbly effective. Contemporary Malaysia is a jumble of ethnic groups and religions, but syncretization is stymied in no small part thanks to diet. The Malays can only eat at Muslim kitchens with halal utensils and menus. The Hindu Tamils do not eat beef and so are unlikely to frequent Muslim kitchens and likely to seek out Hindu ones. The Chinese have no special dietary restrictions and so can eat where they like, but that same freedom means that Muslims and Hindus are unlikely to frequent Chinese kitchens. Thus, the breaking of bread together--a key act of good will between peoples--is effectively discouraged. The result is a society boiling with ethnic-religious tension, but extremely adaptive from a religious evolutionary perspective. At the cost of social peace, religions maintain their canons of motifs.

4. Placeholder terms

Of great importance is the strategic use of placeholder terms. By "placeholder terms" I mean key religious terms, the meanings of which are defined so vaguely as to invite a wide range of interpretation. Such terms include god, spirit, truth, wisdom, justice, good, evil, and so on. These terms give a semblance of meaning immediately recognizable to all followers, but their precise meanings are so vague that they can be made to support nearly any policy or agenda that happens to arise. This is vitally important to the long-term survival of religions. As centuries pass and values change, the old motifs must be continually reinvigorated with new meanings. If the key terms are too rigidly defined, they become irrelevant when the social context that gave rise to them is no longer present. Thus, to allow for changing contexts, the terms must remain vague, even vacuous. Each generation fills them with new meanings, all the while purporting to carry on the "ancient" tradition. Reforms in religions are frequently presented as a return to old ways: the previous generations' meanings are declared corrupt and degenerate, and new meanings are attached under the smokescreen of "getting back to basics." American currency says "In God we trust", and a new generation of religious pundits have successfully filled that phrase with their new evangelistic, creationistic, and political meanings, even though the founding fathers were mostly Deists and meant something very different by the word "God." Proponents of keeping the phrase "In God we trust" on the currency say "God" is open to interpretation, thus emptying the term of specific meaning. At the same time, pundits fill it up again with their highly-specific meanings in order to push their politics. Through this example it can clearly be seen how the term is merely a placeholder for the values and agendas of the moment. The strategic use of placeholder terms allows a religion to stay limber while maintaining the continuity of its motifs.

5. Paradox

Finally, the fifth highly-adaptive feature of religions is effective use of paradox. By "paradox" I mean something not immediately obvious, something that frustrates the conventional, mundane reasoning process and opens a follower to the mysterious. This could be something which by ordinary standards is "impossible." Miracles are by definition impossible, though they purportedly happen nonetheless. It could also be something unanswerable by ordinary means, such as the question of why we exist or what happens after we die. It could also be something beyond the ken of ordinary perception, such as invisible spirits shooting elf shot to cause illness.

Such uses of paradox are adaptive for several reasons. First, they awaken followers to the limitations of their own understanding, thus making them more receptive to understandings transmitted as part of the religion's package of motifs. Second, they make the followers dependent on the religion's motifs to explain the paradox. Third and finally, they cause those who feel "deep in their heart" a given response to the paradox to seek the company of likeminded souls. Humans seem to have a psychological need to be "understood" by their fellows. Thus, followers retreat from those who do not share their religious feelings and congregate with those who do. Contemporary Pagans have hit upon "magic" as a paradox sufficiently mysterious to make them seek out each other and remain reticent around those who "just don't get it."

This congregation based on common feeling bonds the community together, serving to enhance the functioning of the previous four adaptive features. Followers express their paradoxical feelings in terms of their religion's canonical motifs, transmit their feelings to their young in these terms, and adopt the religion's ethics in order to be part of the group of those who "feel the same."

Note there is nothing indicating followers do in fact feel the same phenomenological experience. Placeholder terms allow individual, unique, and radically different feelings to be expressed in common linguistic forms, creating the perception of sameness. This sameness may be genuine, or it may be an illusion. So long as a religion's placeholder terms are vague enough to accommodate all the followers' different experiences, a perception of in-group commonality can arise and be maintained. Thus Episcopalians and Evangelicals and Roman Catholics and Coptics and Quakers and Snake-handlers can all feel they have a common bond through the resurrection of Jesus Christ, even though the personal experiences of all these different followers are likely to be radically different.


These are the top five features determining the long-term "success" (evolutionary survival) of religions. Most religions in history have featured them in some way, and those that have not have died out or been absorbed into other religions.

Bringing science and myth together in this way can help us clarify how we think about religions.

Have I missed any that should be in the top five?

Explore more of the relationship of science and myth at the website Humanistic Paganism.

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2012年4月24日 星期二

Whole Grains - What You Need to Know

What are whole grains exactly? A good place to start would be with a definition of what they are not. Take the word "enriched" for example. It sounds pretty good doesn't it? Well, it isn't. You see, the grain has three distinct parts; the bran, the germ and the endosperm. When wheat is refined, the bran and germ are removed leaving only the endosperm. The bran and the germ are where we find about ninety-nine different phytonutrients that aid in warding off disease, heart-healthy fats, essential minerals, B vitamins and fiber. Once stripped of the bran and germ, all that remains is the endosperm which is bleached and ground into white flour. This highly processed form of flour is so stripped of nutrients that the enrichment process would seem vital to restoring even a fraction of the benefits of the grain. The problem lies in what that flour is being enriched with.

If you read labels the words sound fairly impressive. You will see Niacin, Thiamin Mononitrate, Reduced Iron, Riboflavin and Folic Acid. You may even ask yourself what's wrong with things like that. The wrongness lies in laboratory simulations or synthetic nutrients and vitamins that tax your liver. Plus, I have not quite figured out how an ingredient made from something like Coal Tar produced in China can turn bleached out, stripped down, white flour wall paper paste into real food!

Manufacturers are banking on the ignorance of the consuming public and the shrewdness of the marketing firms they hire to sell this garbage. There are the stereotypical fat guys sitting around a big table at high-priced ad agencies right now dreaming up healthy sounding names to go on the labels of unhealthy foods all over America! By the way, these fellows are no doubt corpulent from the over-consumption of white flour. A few healthful sounding by-words that mean nothing but sound pretty good are: unbleached, cracked wheat, fortified, made from Durham semolina, stone ground and multi-grain. The simple truth of the matter is; if it does not have the word whole as the first word before each grain type then it is not a complete grain.

Whew! Now that we have gotten that out of the way; let us move on to answer the pertinent question. Just what constitutes a whole grain? In a rather simplified layman's term; they are the seeds of plants basically. These are plants often classified as cereal grains and are a staple for most diets around the world. Of course, different types of grains come from different plants.

Hard, Red Winter Wheat is a common and quite hardy winter crop which is higher in protein that its' softer spring cousins. A general rule of thumb regarding wheat is; the harder the wheat, the less glutenous the resulting flour will be. Triticale is a hybrid grain achieved from the mating of Durham Wheat and Rye. Although not as widely available, you can find it in most health food stores. It is definitely worth the effort since it has more protein per serving than the two parent grains combined.

Prized for its' distinctive flavor, Rye is commonly combined with other whole grains in making breads and crackers. You may often find Rye breads studded with caraway seeds since the two seem to make such a delicious taste combination. Rye breads are popular with strongly flavored meats as well; such as corned beef and pastrami.

Barley has a wonderful chewy texture and nutty flavor. This grain makes a marvelous addition to soups and stews and serves to thicken the former quite well. As is the case with all whole grains, barley is also an excellent source of soluble fiber. You may find barley in two forms; quick cooking and pearled. I recommend pearled because it has had the least amount of processing.

Buckwheat, which may sometimes be referred to as buckwheat groats are short and compact. It also has a distinctively nutty flavor and is a wonderful higher protein substitute for rice in casseroles. However, if you choose to use rice, bear in mind that long grain brown rice has five times more fiber than its' pasty white cousins. When toasted in a dry skillet prior to boiling, brown rice also lends a meaty texture and depth of flavor to dishes that boiling alone does not impart.

Widely touted for their cholesterol lowering soluble fiber; we cannot skip over oats! This versatile grain is delicious and filling and can be used in everything from cookies and breads to veggie burgers. Farro is similar in texture to triticale and is very popular in Italian cuisine. This is another one that you do not find in every little corner market but most health food stores are carrying it these days.

In recent years there has been a renewed interest in a group of grains classified as ancient grains. Leading the pack is a tiny little fellow about the size of a mustard seed called Quinoa. This innocuous speck once fed the entire Inca Empire! So critical was it to their survival that the Inca ruler himself planted the first row of the sacred grain himself with a golden spade. Unlike most other wheat type grains, Qunioa does not get its' remarkable protein content from gluten. Gluten is made up of the protein molecules glutanin and gliadin and is the substance responsible for giving breads their elasticity. This lack of gluten make Quinoa and Quinoa flour an excellent substitute for people with gluten intolerance issues like Celiacs Disease or inflammatory issues. Quinoa has been hailed as the king of grains coming in at a whopping 6 grams of protein per serving. Spelt and Millet are two others falling under the category of ancient grains.

No matter which way you slice your bread, whole grains are exceptional nutrition. They supply us with the complex carbohydrates we need for energy, the fiber to clean out the pipes, protein for building strong bodies and brains, iron and B vitamins for fortifying the blood and a host of trace minerals and plant phytonutrients to help combat disease. What are you waiting for? Throw out all that pasty white junk and start enjoying the superior nutrition of whole grains today!

(c) Copyright S. Jill Anderson

S. Jill Anderson is the owner/creator of The Homegrown Gourmet; Orlando, FL based business that offers catering, menu planning, cooking demonstrations and classes with a focus on organic, non-processed foods. For more information about services and contact please visit http://thehomegrowngourmet.com/

Follow our blog, "Living Green With The Homegrown Gourmet at thehomegrowngourmet

Ms. Anderson is also the Consulting/Executive Chef for local Orlando, FL. cooperative, Get Green Organics Inc.

Author of "The Homegrown Gourmet Cooks for the Vegan", "The Homegrown Gourmet Cooks for the Vegetarian", and "The Homegrown Gourmet Cooks for Everyone."

Contact jill@thehomegrowngourmet.com about speaking engagements for your civic group, clubs or churches.

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The Night Owl Syndrome De-Mystified: Awake at Night, And Sleepy During The Day

You toss and you turn. You rock, then try to stay still. You concentrate on your breathing. You try visualizing. You have nature sounds playing in the background. You sprayed yourself and the room with lavender scented spray. You have a soft tea light candle lit. Before bed you took a warm, sudsy shower and put on calming night lotion all over. But you still cannot sleep. In the past you've tried sleep medication, both over the counter and prescribed. They did not work. You know why you can't sleep. It's 1a.m., much too early for you to feel sleepy. Although you enjoy the spa-like environment and continue to incorporate it in my life to relax, unwind, mediate and create an overall soothing ambiance, you know I can't use it to fall asleep.


You don't have insomnia. You know what that is. Insomnia is experienced by approximately one third of Americans. In their case a person suffering from insomnia displays the following symptoms: they have occasional problems falling asleep, they don't feel refreshed when they wake up, or they wake up during their sleep and can't fall back to sleep. This can last for weeks or months. However, there is treatment for insomnia. In some cases it can be improved using behavior modification, as in changing your routine before you sleep and changing what is termed bad sleep hygiene (another word for bad sleep habits).

The general description of bad sleep hygiene include, having irregular bed times, poor diet including excessive caffeine and/or alcohol, using bed for things other than sleep or sex only, sleep deprivation due to work or other distraction, sleeping with your television on, having the room too warm or too cold, etc. I don't particularly agree that all of these behavior or situations constitute a bad sleep hygiene, but as with everything else, some of changes should be tried to see if it makes a difference in your ability to have a good night's sleep. If you want to see if you have a sleep disorder then you can go to sleep clinics and try to identify your sleep pattern and see if there is something you can change to find relief. I do hope your health insurance covers it, if you have insurance, that is.

Sleeping disorders such as sleep apnea, snoring heavily, narcolepsy, sleep paralysis, sleep walking and night terrors should be ruled out first. It if there is nothing that can be done with behavior modification, some have found relieve with over the counter sleep aids or had their doctors prescribe anyone of a growing family of sleep medication that seems to be helping some, at least in the short term.

These techniques didn't and still won't help me though. I've tried most of these, except the sleep clinic. I highly doubt I can fall asleep with probes on my head and body knowing I'm being monitored. Besides, I had a problem falling asleep yesterday, last month, last year, last decade and ever since I could remember. I would be up all night, restless and after hours of trying I would finally get drowsy at 6 am or later. When the alarm would ring, let's say at 7 in the morning, I would not only press the snooze button incessantly, I would also weep a little saying aloud, "no, no it can't be time to get up yet, help me God." Being that drowsy actually hurt me.

The fear of losing my job or failing school, would finally be the arm-twisting that forced me to get up. If I arrived at home early enough in the early evening I'd collapse and take a four or five hour deep-sleep nap. I would then wake up at 11pm or so and be wide awake and ready to take on the world. Oh, yes, I tried skipping the naps for a few weeks, cutting down on the caffeine. I even tried the old "skip 24-hours of sleep and wait until the next night technique." You guessed it, it did not work. All the attempts I have tried failed to bring my sleep cycle to a sleep-at-night cycle.

When I had the chance I tried working later shifts of work, took either later classes, when in school, and found that worked better. I then tried working overnight shift jobs and they worked the best for me. That felt more natural to my body. Not many people were sympathetic to my lifestyle. I remember working 12 hour overnight shifts, going home to sleep during the day and having family or friends call saying, "Why are you still sleeping?" I had to re-explain how I worked all night and they simply seemed perplexed.

Through the years however, I met many individuals just like me. They felt the same frustration in trying many techniques to achieve a so-called normal sleep cycle. Like me, all their attempts seemed to fail. It so happens that there is an actual name for night owls. The other classification is nocturnal; an animal that is up at night and sleeps during the day, as opposed to a diurnal animal that is up during the day and sleeps at night.

As of 1981 the name Delayed Sleep Phase Syndrome (DSPS) made its appearance. People with DSPS have their biological clocks or what is known in the sleep disorder community as circadian rhythm reversed. According to sleep experts the hormone that regulates our circadian rhythm is melatonin. This hormone is produced by our pineal gland deep within the brain and with those with DSPS, this hormone is released at a completely different schedule that it does for day people.

What causes DSPS (Night Owl Syndrome)?

There doesn't seem to be any identified cause for being a night owl. As with everything else theories abound. Some think those with DSPS are simply lazy, slackers, antisocial, lax or don't want to work. The saying that all of us night people really dislike, "the early bird gets the worm," is particularly annoying. It is painful not to be understood, especially if it's a loved one. Many feel depressed or develop emotional problems due to isolation, frustration, lack of success in trying to be a day person, and/or inability to function at work, school or other social events.

There is a theory that is more plausible. Some sleep experts believe a child is not put on a regular night schedule and kept up late on the regular basis during their formative years, the child's circadian rhythm changes so that he or she becomes a night person. However, if a child is kept at a regular sleeping schedule where they are put to sleep early at night, their circadian rhythm is programmed to be a day person.

The Cure Please

There doesn't seem to be a "cure" for DSPS. Although some sleep experts insist that trying certain techniques will correct the circadian rhythm malfunction. One of the techniques is having the person set a schedule whereby they wake up every day 15 minutes earlier each day. They do this repeatedly until they reach their ideal waking time, 7am for example. Then the person has to keep to this new schedule seven days a week. This seems a little impractical in our ever-changing world. I personally have tried this and did not get to the desired time at all. Two days into trying this method simply I could not wake up earlier. From anecdotal information, those I know who have DSPS have tried this without success. Perhaps there is someone who has another type of sleep disorder where this could very well work for them.

Another technique that is very popular and many are ready to recommend is light therapy or chronotherapy. The idea is that the light hits your retina through your eyelid while you are sleeping and stimulates the pineal gland which suppresses melatonin. It is believed that using this regulates your circadian rhythm. I have not tried this technique. It has to be done in a sleep lab with a very specific regimen. Also, it can be costly and normally not covered by traditional health insurance. Hence the third option and the one I have chosen to use. That is, accept my circadian rhythm and change my lifestyle to adjust for it while educating others as to what DSPS is.

If you were not aware of what DSPS is, take heart, now you know you are certainly not alone. Here is summary of the most common features:

· You cannot sleep at night and need to sleep during the day

· You are alert, energized, more creative at night

· You are extremely sleepy, sluggish, exhausted during the day and unable to concentrate

· All the techniques you have tried to reverse you schedule have not worked

· It takes you a very long time to fall asleep, regardless of when you make an attempt

If you can relate to most of these and have ruled out typical sleeping disorders, chances are you have DSPS. In my opinion is that those with DSPS fall into two categories.

1) Those who never thought they had a problem in the first place and always accepted themselves as night owls, or 2) those who think they have insomnia and are frustrated because nothing works. My purpose is to introduce a fresh new category those who now realize that they have a valid biological reason for having a circadian rhythm that allows them to be awake at night and sleep during the day. Now you know there are options. Think for a moment about those who were able to change their lifestyle. Many are artists, musicians, writers, 911 operators, emergency medical technicians and night shifters or practically any profession.

Of course I'm not saying it's going to be easy. You will always be faced with stigma from diurnal people, and find that the world is primarily a "day" world. But you are among millions just like you. You are capable of being completely functional, it is just that happens to be mostly at night. You can look up medical journals, magazines articles, reputable internet web sites and print or copy relevant articles You can keep them for yourself and share them with your family, friends, co-workers, supervisors, even your doctor or therapist who surprisingly often don't know about DSPS. It is such a relief to find that when you let others know what DSPS they see things in a whole new light-no pun intended.

There is a huge online community and many web sites full of information. The more we keep up to date, educate ourselves and others the more the world will embrace that it functions 24 hours a day. Thank goodness, this night like most nights, it is private, calm, sacred, and quiet and with this I bid you Goodnight or should I say Good Morning.

For more information and resources check Working Things Out

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Interview with Paul Adcock, Author of Jungle King Secrets - A Libido-Liberating Lifestyle

Paul Adcock is an author, aphrodisiac aficionado, sexual super-food supplement scholar, and researcher of how sexual energy can be used for rejuvenation rather than just procreation and/or recreation. He is currently conducting research fulltime for his next book "Sex-Drug: Erotic Energy Ecstasy Elixirs and the Secrets of Passion."

Tyler: Welcome, Paul. I'm certainly curious about your research into sex. To begin, what made you title your book "Jungle King Secrets"?

Paul: Thank you. You can take the name, "Jungle King Secrets" many ways. To achieve libido liberation, one has to have self-mastery over one's animal instincts. The "king" part of the title represents that. The "jungle" aspect came from the fact that animals in the pristine wild always have the vitality needed to victoriously validate their virility. The libido-lowering lifestyle factors implicated in impotence and a lackluster and love life always come from the artificial aspects of industrialized civilization. Therefore, libido liberation is the result of living like a "Jungle King" in the wild, free from the trappings of modern civilization the libido-busting lifestyles that cause domestication.

Tyler: Will you tell us how the book is laid out and what readers can expect to find there?

Paul: The reader can expect to enjoy an explanation of every lifestyle factor that effects libido, no holds barred. My extensive research took me beyond the politically correct dogma on sexual, medical, nutritional, and lifestyle information. Scientists are making quantum leaps and bounds in scientific discoveries everyday. Why not integrate some of these implications in order to improve the quality our love lives? That's what I decided to do. I found out that that there are many synthetic substances nowadays in our food, water, medicine, personal care products and environment that can lower one's libido, reduce the maximum size of one's sex organ, and destroy the orgasmic capacity of lovers. It's really quite a tragedy.

Tyler: Are you saying that people are not experiencing the full sexual pleasure possible?

Paul: I feel ecstasy can be elevated endlessly. However, through modern sexual miseducation and misunderstanding, sex can be an endlessly exhausting, enslaving endeavor that leads to emptiness as well. Therefore, it is important to have empowering sex education. I'm not talking about the kind of state-sanctioned sexual education we were taught in school. I'm talking about the kind of sexual education that allows you and your lover to live an ecstatic existence, full of healthy happiness, fully awake and aware of the marvel and magic of life. I'm talking about the kind of sexual education that allows you and your lover to enjoy an erotic embrace as gliding genital gyrations that generate climatic currents of ecstatic energy that cascade into your consciousness, bestowing creativity, clarity and endlessly enhancing your earthly existence. Really good sex can not only provide soul-nourishing pleasure-sustenance, it can profoundly change our perception of life like the most potent psychedelic drug.

Tyler: Paul, will you provide us some examples of what is in our food and water and how it is affecting or reducing our ability to have full sexual pleasure?

Paul: Let's take the pesticides, those "elixirs of death", as an example. Every year, 4.5 billion pounds of poisonous biological warfare agents called pesticides are sprayed on our food to keep pests away. Many pesticides interfere with the metabolism of a neurotransmitter that is involved in sexual sensation and signaling called acetylcholine. Many of these pesticides also mimic the female hormone estrogen. What are the consequences of estrogen mediated hormone imbalances (the evils of excess estrogen) in men? Shrunken penis, atrophied testicles, feminization, male breast growth (gynecomastia), weight gain, decreased sperm count, prostate problems, weaker erections, etc. Now, do the pesticide residues found in our food and water supplies cause these things? I can't say for certain. What I can say is that environmental researchers have found alligators in pesticide-contaminated lakes in Florida that have penises so small and testosterone levels so low they cannot function sexually.

Another example: independent laboratory tests found toxic chemicals called phthalates in more than 70% of health and beauty products tested, including popular brands of shampoo, deodorant, hair mousse, face lotion and every single fragrance (used in cologne) tested. Phthalates lower the sex hormone testosterone, which can be a real problem for libido and health.

In my book, I detail the many other ways our chemical crazy civilization is causing male chemical castration and the simple solutions that people can employ to protect their potency.

Tyler: You mentioned these elements in our food and water can even reduce our sexual organs. In contrast, so many of us are bombarded with spam email to enhance our sexual organs. Should we buy into any of these grand claims, and if not, what instead should we do to reverse the problems that are resulting from the elements in our food and water and environment?

Paul: The best way to avoid shrinkage of the sex organs is to avoid the hormone killers, the chemicals that mimic estrogen or interrupt the metabolism of testosterone, because a low testosterone results in penile shrinkage.

I have found that most of the penis enlargement pills on the market are poorly formulated, contain low quality ingredients, and are generally ineffective. One study commissioned by the Wall Street Journal found significant levels of E. coli, yeast, mold, lead, and pesticide residues in some of the random penis enlargement pills they tested. My conclusion is, as a rule of thumb, a company that is marketing their products for penis enlargement is not going to be reputable enough to have a safe and effective product. The best advice I can give is to find out what kind of supplements work and then buy them from reputable companies that sell products of known quality. For example, if you want an herbal product that elevates testosterone, find a company that has lab tests that prove that their formulation does this. Then look into their quality and purity standards. Of course, these reputable companies will not likely be marketing their products as herbal aphrodisiacs or botanical erection power boosters, but you can use them as such if you know how.

Tyler: Can you give us an example of a healthy product people can take to enhance sexual pleasure?

Paul: One erotic essential is chocolate, better yet raw cacao (raw chocolate). Cacao naturally contains many chemicals that improve genital blood flow, and improved swelling of the sex organs generally spells better sex. Cacao also contains many psychoactive chemicals that can increase sexual desire and sensation. But you have to obtain real dark chocolate to get the benefits, not that watered-down wimpy stuff cut with loads of additives and sugar. I like chocolate from a company called Dagoba. They sell bars that contain 70% cacao and up. It's even better if you can find raw (unheated, untreated) cacao nibs. These bad boys don't taste that good but they retain much more of the beneficial properties of the bean. If you obtain them raw, you just have to learn a little bit of aphrodisiac alchemy. You can blend them up in a blender, add the sweetener of your choice and maybe even some additional sexual super-foods and bam, you got an authentic erotic elixir. I include several recipe examples in my book.

Tyler: You referred above to your book discussing lifestyle. Will you expand on what you mean by lifestyle? Does your book include sexual techniques? Would you describe it as a manual?

Paul: The book extols the virtues of a libido-liberating lifestyle paradigm, which is based on a philosophical principle best described as harmonizing and harnessing the primal power of nature. All the libido-busting lifestyles and substances I detail in my book stem from a synthetic belief system, which I jokingly call "Better living through chemistry."

This paradigm has failed us. Just look at all the obesity, degenerative disease, and unhappiness alone. These things are normal, but not natural. What I am trying to turn the reader on to is world-class wellness, better living through better living. Improved virility naturally emerges from improved overall vitality.

To answer your other question, the book includes some commentary on sexual positions, and styles of lovemaking, with the emphasis on methods that allow a man to maintain an erection so that lovers can linger longer in the magic of the moment.

Tyler: Paul, you starting out by saying, "libido liberation is the result of living like a "Jungle King" in the wild, free from the trappings of modern civilization the libido-busting lifestyles that cause domestication." How do you suggest a person bring about a change in lifestyle to live like a "Jungle King"?

Paul: The archetype of a king is a royal and rich ruler. If one is in touch with their sacred spiritual source, they will respect themselves (and all life) as royal. If one has sovereign selfhood, they will make their own rules, be the master of their destiny and therefore be their own ruler. If people ecstatically enjoy their experiences on earth and love the lives they live, they are rich.

A certain style of sex can help crown one with this kingly consciousness. Why? Our nervous system is the temple of consciousness. Our endocrine system creates the chemistry of our consciousness. Our hormone structure and nervous functions fluctuate depending on our neuroendocrine function. Therefore, a style of sex that improves our neuroendocrine function can help create crystal clear consciousness of a royal rich self-ruler. The style of sex I am referring to here I termed making love at the "rhythm of rejuvenation." It is detailed in my book.

Tyler: What about the Jungle Queen? Are women going to find help through your book as well as men?

Paul: About 95% of all the information contained within the book is applicable to women. Women are wired differently than men in many ways. However, they have spongy erectile tissue that engorges with blood during sexual arousal just like men do, only it is mostly on the inside of their body. The chemicals that lower libido in diverse ways and sexual super-food supplements that enhance sexual ecstasy are generally the same for men and women, give or take. Women can certainly benefit from the rejuvenating aspects of sex (by making love at the "rhythm of rejuvenation") as much as men can.

Tyler: You talk a lot about sexual ignorance in our culture. Will you explain further what you mean by sexual ignorance?

Paul: Everyone wants sensational sexual satisfaction, but many go about it backwards. Some seek imprudently to increase the intensity of the sexual excitement, often in ways that desensitize their nervous system and diminish the brain's capacity to experience heightened pleasure in the process. A whole industry has sprouted up around novel sexual stimulation that becomes necessary to become aroused when people engage in styles of sex that cause them to become increasingly dull and desensitized. Sex toys, pornography, phone sex, fetish supplies, casual sex partner connecting services, etc., all feed this need. I'm not morally judging these activities. However, I feel endless ecstasy elevation and sustained sexual satisfaction lie in sensitizing one's self to sensational soulful sex and cultivating it so it becomes more and more sublime, which is completely in the opposite direction.

Tyler: Paul, you said you are not a fan of pornography or casual sex partner services? Are you advocating monogamy? Is greater sexual satisfaction achieved by having one partner so you can train each other, or is variety the spice of life when it comes to sex?

Paul: Variety is the spice of life when it comes to sex. However, one does not need to have multiple partners to enjoy the vast variety of exquisite sexual states of ecstasy. To do this, lovers need to cultivate their sexual sensitivity so that sex becomes more and more sublime. One way to enhance erotic ecstasy is through sexual super-food supplements, which tweak hormone and neurotransmitter levers. Another way is through making love at the " rhythm of rejuvenation" (explained in my book). Another way to enhance one's love life is through energizing exercises. Multiple partners, porn, etc. tends to move one in the direction of dullness and desensitization. This is a vicious downward cycle because desensitization causes people to seek the neurochemical (brain chemical) buzz / thrill of novel partners or novel porn even more.

When constant conventional sex with one's cherished, committed companion becomes boring, don't have conventional sex. Make love at the "rhythm of rejuvenation," which will balance out brain chemistry and provide a deeper fulfillment and satisfaction so that so called "novel sex" acts no longer have the same appeal.

Tyler: Our culture seems obsessed with sex, and yet so much about sex appears to be taboo. What kind of reaction have people had to your work and your book?

Paul: Sexual repression and sexual obsession are two sides of the same coin. The reason there is so much sexual obsession is because there is so much sexual repression and vice-versa. The minute you try to condemn (repress) something, it suddenly becomes irresistible, hence the sexual obsession. Morality is obviously a good thing, but it needs to be elevated. The traditional religious moral rules, regulations and restrictions on sex multiply its already attractive allure a million-fold. It is the law of reverse psychology working here.

To answer your second question, so far the feedback for my book has been positive.

Tyler: I understand you are continuing your research, to help people enjoy the drug of sex without the soul-corruption of other drugs. Is sex potentially soul-corrupting? We hear a lot these days about sexual addiction. Where is the fine line between intense enjoyment of sex and becoming sexually addicted?

Paul: Compare sex to the strongest drug or medicine. Can a strong medicine or drug be used in ways that are beneficial? Can a medicine or drug be used in a way that is destructive? No external authority can prescribe the correct dosage of the psychoactive drug we call sex; it is up to the individual to investigate the issue independently. However, I can say that soul-corruption starts when one begins to become a slave to a substance or activity. It's all about balance. When one "self medicates" with sex in excess, seeking the orgasmic highs, he exhausts his sexual energy and becomes empty (strung out), which creates a cycle of craving to get high (often through sex) again. This cycle is highly addictive and can cause one to become enslaved. On the other hand, when one is conservative with their sexual energy, they can cultivate pleasure plateaus and peaks that makes the experience of sexual ecstasy more and more exquisite, in addition to energetically enhancing every other aspect of one's earthly experience exponentially. The neurochemistry of this is all explained in the book.

Tyler: Paul, "Jungle King Secrets" also talks a great deal about Taoism. Will you tell us about how Taoism can be used in relation to sex?

Paul: Our attitudes and beliefs about sex tend to be shaped from religious moral regulation and/or mass media titillation. However, the ancient Taoist mind was not influenced by modern mass media, or the rules and restrictions of organized religion. They observed the organic pull and power of orgasmic sex has on the psyche from a nonjudgmental and scientifically perspective. Their primary pastime was the quest for immortality. Therefore, they tried to harness the power of sexual energy for things like physical rejuvenation and psycho-spiritual illumination rather than just procreation and recreation. From this perception, they devised practical methods of harnessing sexual energy to achieve these goals. I include some of the Taoist sexual wisdom that can be validated by modern science in my book.

Tyler: Paul, tell us about your company, Unity Foods. What is the relation between your interest in food and your interest in sex?

Paul: In terms of food and sex, nutrient supplementation and dietary modulation for better sex is a big part of "Jungle King Secrets." Food provides the essential elements of the earth that the body needs to bio-synthesize bio-chemicals that cause the sex organs to swell, making sex possible. Supplementing the diet with sexual super-foods (real aphrodisiacs) that are rich in specific raw materials is a science that can spice up a couples love life infinitely. There are many sexual supplements that enhance the genital blood flow, tweak hormone and neurotransmitter balance in ways that are favorable to male ejaculation control, sexual stamina, etc. Certain sexual nutrients are also helpful in increasing sexual desire and drive, enhancing sexual sensation, and increasing female sexual engorgement and lubrication as well. Some herbal aphrodisiacs / super-foods can even aid in the alteration of our awareness during sexual arousal so that it is easier to get out of our minds and lost in loving sensation.

Tyler: I won't ask what these foods and supplements are, but rather, are they readily available in the supermarket or a mall? How difficult is it to find these products?

Paul: Most supplements are relatively easy to obtain, especially with the advent of the Internet. It is, however, tricky to source quality sexual super-food supplements. I provide a lot of tips on sourcing supplements in the book because the difference between a quality super-food or supplement and a synthetic supplement or degraded natural source supplement with fillers, binders, etc. is like night and day. I have tried many products that I have not been happy with, and only a few rare jewels that I find to have noticeable results.

Tyler: Paul, would you say "Jungle King Secrets" is your answer to Viagra?

Paul: We all want simple solutions, and popping a pill is a lot simpler than rejuvenating one's self through lifestyle adjustments. However, the results are not as rewarding as a libido-liberating lifestyle. The little pill you mentioned is a savage synthetic pseudo-solution with potentially severe side effects such as heart disorders, eye trouble, and infertility. It does not help heal the underlying condition that is causing the potency problem; it merely suppresses the symptoms of erectile dysfunction (impotence).

Tyler: Thank you for joining me today, Paul. Before we go, would you tell us about your website and what additional information can be found there?

Paul: Thank you. I wish everyone life-long libido and a lively love life that lasts a lifetime. The website is http://www.JungleKing.biz. Check it out often, as I try to post new articles and videos that warn people about chemical castration, and explore valuable information about libido liberation.

Tyler: Thank you, Paul, for so much educational information. I wish you much luck with "Jungle King Secrets" and your continued research.

Paul: Thank you.

Tyler R. Tichelaar of Reader Views was joined by Paul Adcock to discuss his new book "Jungle King Secrets: A Libido-Liberating Lifestyle," Loving Healing Press (2008), ISBN 9781932690491.


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2012年4月23日 星期一

Monthly Cosmic Gossip

Aries can be impatient. This sign is eager to get on with life, there is little time to waste with details and generalities. Aries prefers to leave the small stuff to other folk. He or she does not tolerate waiting and will be the first to speak up and to get things moving.

Extremely competitive, Aries suffers from me-me-syndrome. Like the Vernal Equinox signaling Spring, Aries is first, wants to be first, must be first, will insist on being number one. Sparks will ignite when Aries is around, if you need to be motivated, Aries will light your fire. This sign is all about beginnings and the energy required to sprint off the starting line.

If you love an Aries, be sure to let him or her win. The game of pursuit is an important factor in romance for Aries. If you have other suitors, Aries will enjoy jousting with them to win your hand. In turn, you must be a competitor too. Keep current with his or her ideas and try to help with the follow through. Remember your sweetheart has a short fuse, so don't over-react to his or her explosions. Their blow-ups are brief and generally forgotten quickly. Aries holds no grudges. This is good.

The best thing about Aries is his or her passion for romance. Aries is a fire sign, so he or she will find inventive ways to "heat things up". Candles (fire) are especially effective. Enjoy your Aries partner's optimism and spontaneity and you will be forever blessed with the warmth of his or her embrace and the fire of love never extinguished.

ARIES (March 19-April 19) Aries is having a birthday and we are heralding the beginning of spring. Aries is all about communicating. Your voice is almost lyrical and perhaps you are sprouting words like flowers this month. As the month progresses your tone will change but only to put your money where your mouth has been. Continue to be mindful of what happens at home. Move your energy in a direction that is productive rather than combative. Cosmic Advice: Good things remain on the horizon for your career. Pluto has begun its long sojourn in your house of public life and over the next decade and a half you will find your reputation more important than you ever imagined. Keep yourself away from people who do not have your best interests at heart.

TAURUS (April 20-May 20) Taurus will keep thoughts to his or her self for the first half of the month. This quiet has a purpose. Taurus is not one to speak up out-of-turn. Come the middle of the month Taurus will get a turn. Your advice is always a determination of the future and one that has been considered deeply. Watch the stock market, that "bullish" place of finances. There will be lots coming out of that sector. Cosmic Advice: Opportunities remain for Taurus in the community and on short trips. Your good fortune is also in long distance travel and may help you in endeavors concerning education or religion. Pluto takes up residence in your house of beliefs. When this cycle ends do not expect to profess any of what you hold to be true now.

GEMINI (May 21-June 20) Gemini will rely on conversations with friends and encounters with good friends the early part of the month. These will offer opportunities to Gemini, the kind that have long reaching effects on dreams and goals. From mid-April to early May, Gemini might want to keep some opinions to his or her self. Quiet your mind, quiet in general will be good. Not speaking has its rewards. Cosmic Advice: Your good fortune is with others. The helping hands of resources beyond your own will benefit Gemini very well. Pluto moves into this sector for a long visit. This is the house of money, for starters, how and what happens to resources you hold with other people will never be the same again. What exists today will in no way resemble what it will be a decade from now.

CANCER (June 21-July 22) Cancer quick step will end early this month. That wild dance you've been doing will quiet down. All that spinning and twirling will not have been in vain; expect your personal resources to now show the effect of the past few months. Your communicating may be a challenge but only in the sense that you may have to stand on your desk to be heard. You are in the public view and you want to be sure that fact is taken notice of. Cosmic Advice: Your good fortune lies within your relationships. One-to-one encounters benefit you and cause you much joy. Too many suitors could be one problem, and only the best need apply. Connections with professionals will have excellent results. Pluto based here for the next decade plus will assure you that an existing relationship cannot survive unless you are willing to accept it completely transformed. This being unlikely...it is best to keep an open mind and see what the future holds.

LEO (July 23-August 22) Leo only has a short time remaining before he or she can come out from under the manhole cover. One more month of this cramped energy. Leo is feeling the awakening. Just a few days into May and you will be able to step into the light, meet folk head-on and slay a few dragons. Until then continue to get your life in order. Cosmic Advice: Meditate daily and be patient. If you choose to travel, do it early in the month. There will be more talk with authority and those folk carrying boss statuses. Your good fortune remains in your house of health and day-to-day. Pluto has taken up residence here as well, but his stay in very long. What kind of changes he will enforce can only be imagined. Do not expect anything about your routine to be what it is today. A decade from now, you will barely remember this part of your self.

VIRGO (August 24-September 22) Virgo is planted for the next four years. There will be no moving off the dime, it is primarily about learning lessons. Be a good student and pay attention, please. Opportunities exist where your friends are, these will affect your dreams and goal. Cosmic Advice: Expect lengthy talks involving wills, estates and the like. Money is the focal point. Talk will shift later in the month to broader topics. Your good fortune remains in the risks you take. Good fortune to those you love. Children and lovers will fare well and receive rewards or recognition. Pluto has parked his bottom here for the next decade plus. The extent of the changes he will make will be mind boggling. Keep a watchful eye on those you love.

LIBRA (September 23-October 22) Libra has challenges with career, but every challenge experienced pushes you towards your goal, forces you to do more and be all that you can be. Don't think of what you encounter as negative, turn things around with your thinking. Talking to someone you trust in a one-to-one manner is the best approach. Later in the month you will have to talk about joint finances or insurance matters. Cosmic Advice: Your good fortune remains at home; in your roots and your sacred space. Pluto resides there for the next decade plus and may push you to find another home, bring up what you considered roots and force you to plant again. Remember change is good, it is the seed of what will be, of what is suppose to be.

SCORPIO (October 23-November 21) Scorpio must make adjustments in his or her thinking. If you think there is nothing to do, that everything is going according to plan, don't get ahead of yourself. One can not align his or her self completely if the actions taken are not true to self. Your belief system may need review, are you using outdated forms of belief and pretending to believe in what you say? These are questions to ask your self this month. Scorpio may divulge some of this to a trusted companion, someone younger, a brother, a son. Cosmic Advice: Your good fortune is with siblings and relatives. Local happenings keep you happy and expand your mind. Learning in a community setting or teaching in the same will bring you rewards. Pluto moves into this location and his affect will bounce around through the above mentioned people. The place you consider your home town may not be that place several years from now. Keep yourself open to change, people may come and go...it is not about them but more about you.

SAGITTARIUS (November 22-December 21) Sagittarius will juggle the finances of others this month. Don't put too much stress on your self, try to make adjustments that work in your favor. You may be talking about taking a chance, buying a lottery ticket or spending money on children, and/or a lover. The conversation will shift to what happens on a daily basis after you are done with that. Cosmic Advice: Good fortune is in your own resources. There are no issues of self-esteem, the issues can be inflated sense of self. Keep your head and ego in check. Pluto moves into this sector and will storm through your perfect financial plan like a tsunami. Ten years from now you will be wondering what happened and may find yourself in a financial place you never expected.

CAPRICORN (December 22-January 19) Capricorn is the only sign rejoicing over Pluto's movement. The feeling that all that of the out-of-control stuff in your life is more predictable may be valid. Capricorn is of course, grounding. There is the all business attitude and don't-mess-with-me feeling. The only sore spot is that Pluto is going to sit in your light for a long time. If you think you are used to the shadow of your ruler Saturn then you may not fare too badly. Cosmic Advice: Ask any Sagittarius you know how they feel about the last fourteen years of his or her life. Write down his or her answer. This information will be your bench mark. Good fortune is driving beside you in the front seat, so for now roll the windows down and enjoy the ride.

AQUARIUS (January 20-February 18) Aquarius has good fortune at his or her elbow. She is there to break your fall or whisper good advice in your ear. Be sure to listen to your angel, please. Mid-month the family is crowding around, lots of talking, lots of moving about. Travel short distances will insure that the whole family shows up at least once, all together. Cosmic Advice: Your stomach may remain an issue for about another month. What you eat is what you are. Hopefully by the end of this transit of Mars you will have a better diet.

PISCES (February 19-March 18) Pisces has good fortune in friendship, groups, and organizations. Become a part of the whole and you will feel more useful, here is where kindness matters. Money is in every conversation, and it is your finances that dominate the issues. This shifts mid-month to talking with siblings and other relatives. Don't give more of yourself away than you have to. Cosmic Advice: Pluto has moved in next to your hopes and dreams. He has a reputation for not knowing when to leave. Change is his goal and he stays long enough to make changes that turn what you have planned inside out. Don't push or pull against his energy. Let change occur, you may surprised where it leads you and what dreams come true.

Linda Merlino, author

Belly of the Whale release date April 1, 2008

preorder on amazon.com


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Spiritual Empowerment in Seven Days

The different abilities of humans can be classified in three categories - Physical, Intellectual and Spiritual. The strength of these abilities varies from human to human. Just as the intellectual quotient increases with an increase of intellectual abilities the emotional quotient of a human increases as spiritual abilities increase. The modern human knows much more about enhancing his or her physical and intellectual abilities as compared to the enhancements on the spiritual side. Traditionally, religions provided the discipline and practice required to enhance spiritual abilities. However, in the scientific age, the grip of religion has weakened because some believe that religions contain dogma that is not rational or appealing.

This article lists seven steps that can put a person firmly on the road to spiritual empowerment. Since physical and intellectual capabilities are subservient to spiritual abilities, following these seven steps will results in improvements in all three areas. In order to follow the steps given here one need not belong to any specific religion but a belief in God or the Universal intelligence is necessary. On the other hand, these steps can be followed even if a person belongs strictly to any of the religions prevalent on our planet. It is secular knowledge recommended by all the great religions as well as new age philosophies. There is nothing new in whatever is written in this article but the organization of the matter is new as relevant for our times.

One may become spiritually empowered in one week or a million years. The road to becoming god-like can be a long or short one depending on where one stands presently. However, the essential thing is that one takes to that road because the benefits in terms of happiness, security, freedom and success in one's endeavors begin as soon as a person begins the journey. For convenience, the various things required for spiritual empowerment have been divided in seven steps, so that one may focus on the first on a Monday, the second on Tuesday and so on returning to the same cycle in the following week. One does not become perfect in one day but any improvement made in any of the designated areas will have one marching swiftly towards spiritual empowerment. If you wish you could maintain a diary in which you record a specific improvement that has been made on each day of the week.


One must remain content with whatever one can acquire through reasonable effort and honest work. To crave for anything that one cannot attain easily or is not one's fair share in life is a short cut to unhappiness. Even if our needs and desire seem to be necessary, we have to be patient for the Universal intelligence to grant it at the right time. All we can do is make reasonable efforts towards fulfilling that need. It is not improper to work honestly towards a worthy goal but being impatient in achieving results has to be avoided. The Universal Intelligence will grant those at the right time. So get on with whatever needs to be done cheerfully.

WORK: Tuesday

It is necessary to do work for one's livelihood and for maintaining one's home and social obligations cheerfully, sincerely and honestly. If one is unemployed, then one should explore avenues for new employment, volunteer work and self-employment. It is also necessary to reserve some of one's effort for acts of service. Retired persons or those who do not need to work for a livelihood may involve themselves in charitable work only. Spiritual empowerment requires avoiding laziness and idle pursuits. However, a reasonable amount of entertainment that is wholesome and does not strain one's health should not be regarded as an idle pursuit but as something that helps maintain a cheerful personality.

TRUTH: Wednesday

This refers to truthfulness in speech. If we feel compelled to lie in a situation then we are on the wrong track and the situation needs a change. Speech must be genial too. Silence has to be preferred to voicing the truth when we know it will cause hurt to another person. By extension truthfulness also implies straightforwardness and honesty in all of one's dealings and work.

LOVE: Thursday

To love it is necessary that the opposite is avoided, that is violence, not just in deed but also in speech and thought. To be a loving person one must love all of creation and show kindness to all creatures. It also means avoiding hatred, harsh behavior, jealousy, malicious intent and gossip and to be a forgiving person. The avoidance of anger even on provocation is necessary for a truly loving person. It also means helping others and doing acts of charity whenever the appropriate opportunity arises without expecting anything in return.


Lust implies sexual indulgence, thoughts and behavior. Since total celibacy is not feasible for most humans, sexual interests must be confined to interactions that are a part of romantic love and involve mutual love and interests. Sexual indulgence for purely physical pleasure needs to be avoided.


It is necessary to keep one's body, clothes and surroundings clean and orderly. It also means to ensure that the food, water and air we consume are pure. We need to ensure discipline in diet, exercise, sleep, work and entertainment so that our health remains in the best possible state.


The first step is to believe in the Lord of this universe with all our heart and to trust in His love for us. We may worship Him in whatever way we have learnt and consider best. It can include any or all of meditation, prayer, chanting, studies of sacred texts etc. It means being fearless and not worrying about future too much, but rather to trust in the Lord to take care of all our necessary needs. It also implies not being proud or egoistic. One must realize how small one is in this vast universe and avoid a sense of self-importance. Whatever we achieve is a gift from the Universe and hardly because of any great achievement on our part. Humility is a necessary virtue for worship. To love God also means to have a sense of shame and guilt whenever we are tempted to do a wrong act. It is impossible for a human to be perfect. All that is required is an effort to improve and ensure that we do not justify or support wrong acts i.e. such as those listed in the seven steps above.

You need not wait for a Monday to begin. The cycle can be started on any day of the week. Begin today. Once you begin the journey, it will be a joyous one.

Dr. Ashok Malhotra is an international educator. For more articles by him on spirituality follow http://someitemshave.blogspot.com or his book - Mystic and the Blossoms - at http://stores.lulu.com/am

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