2012年6月30日 星期六

Have You Tried the Famous Cabbage Soup Diet?

The weight loss program called Cabbage Soup Diet is designed for heavy consumption of low-calorie soups during the entire 7 days. Although seen by a lot of people as "fad diet," this plan have been tried by a number of famous people like models, celebrities and flight attendants. In fact, there have been numerous testimonials for this diet program. One of those people who tried this program is Melissa Browne from Fox News.com, Health Section. She says that she lost 5 pounds when she went through the diet for one week.


No one truly knows where Cabbage Soup Diet originated. Some historians say that this diet plan is a good example of an urban legend - like a modern folklore that is passed through e-mail, photocopies, or word of mouth. According to American Dietetic Association, this diet plan was first identified around 1950 (though it may date back earlier). After that, it was revived during early 1980s as "Dolly Parton Diet" and "TWA (Trans World Airlines) Diet."

In the middle of 1990s, Cabbage Soup Diet reappeared. Due to modern technology like fax machines and the internet, this diet has spread worldwide. In fact, it was even published in magazines like GQ (Gentlemen's Quarterly) and Cosmopolitan in 1995. Some health associations were attributed to this diet - they supposedly gave it to overweight patients to help them lose a few pounds quickly before a heart surgery. This is why Cabbage Soup Diet is also referred to as Miami Heart Diet, Mayo Clinic Diet, American Heart Diet, Spokane Diet, and Sacred Heart Diet.


Generally, cabbage soup is safe for adults who are in good health. However, if you have eating disorders, Type II diabetes, or other conditions, it would be best for you to consult a registered dietitian or doctor before you go through with it. Also, due to the repetitive and restrictive nature of the diet, you cannot sustain it for a long period of time. This is why it has to be stopped on the 7th day.

Some side effects may appear such as light-headedness, dizziness, and flatulence (or intestinal gas). Since the common version of the cabbage soup recipe is usually high in salt, those dieters that are trying to restrict their intake of sodium should discuss a little flexibility with their physician.


Although there is no mainstream clinical trial of the soup, the cabbage itself was studied by food chemists and nutritionists for many years. In fact, it has been considered as good food to be included in any well-balanced and healthful diet. After finishing the 7-day diet, Browne said that she learned quite a few things regarding her eating habits. Even though she may regard herself as a healthy eater, it has not occurred to her that she is not eating enough vegetables and fruits.

The diet helped her to be creative in putting together various combinations of healthy food cooked in different ways. She admitted that when you are stuck with eating veggies for several days, you could think of ways to enjoy it. It also made her conscious of drinking more water, which has not been part of her habit before this diet.

The author is an online medical searcher and webmaster of
1. Cabbage Soup Diet.

Visit site for more useful articles:
1. "Guidelines for a Success Cabbage Soup Diet" and
2. "Is Cabbage Soup Diet Perfect for Rapid Weight Loss?"

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Should You Colon Cleanse When Doing the Sacred Heart Soup Diet?

There are quite a few diets listed online now that suggest you do a colon cleanse while you diet. In a detox diet, you are trying to rid your body of toxins and the colon can be harboring fugitive bacteria!

Cleansing your colon could help you in many ways including:

· Removing several pounds of waste from your body

· Helping to flatten a formerly bloated tummy

· Increasing your energy

· Clear up your skin

· Help you have regular bowel movements

· Increase your colon transit time (which is better for health AND weight loss!)

If you're considering a colon cleanse during a cleansing diet, you don't want to take a laxative. A typical laxative can cause colon dependence because it causes the colon muscles to contract. Over time, your bowel may lose bowel tone so may require this intervention to function, so it's best to avoid laxatives! There are natural ways to cleanse your colon safely.

How do you safely cleanse your colon?

-High fiber food such as psyllium husks

-Oxygen colon cleansers like Oxy-Powder

Food can help you significantly and most people don't get the recommended 25-30 grams of fiber a day (most get 1/4 of the daily recommended fiber intake!) but if you're on a diet like Sacred Heart you obviously can't take food that's not on the allowed-food list. A cleanser that oxygenates your system helps scrub your colon clean.

Colon cleansing can provide shocking results. You might be surprised at just how much fecal matter has been building up in your system. The longer it putrifies in your colon, the more chance of it causing long term health problems for your digestive system and it can even lead to colon cleansers. Those with a healthy colon have better immune systems and can better fight off disease and bacteria.

Colon Cleansing and Weight Loss

Colon cleansing is not an obesity cure but can be part of the solution because it will help facilitate the digestive process and the faster your transit time, the better your body will absorb nutrients and remove potential toxins that could invoke havoc on your health.

The Sacred Heart Soup Diet, also known as the Cabbage Soup Diet, is more than just a fad diet with rapid weight loss; it can also be a springboard to a healthier lifestyle. A new diet could enhance your lifestyle, increasing your lifespan and your quality of life as well. Most who increase their vegetable intake substantially find that after a short timespan, they have improved bowel function, better skin, and a slimmer waistline as well.

Learn more about the Sacred Heart Diet at http://sacredheartsoup.com.

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Sacred Heart Diet

The Sacred Heart Diet is designed for people to lose weight quickly over a seven day period. The main source of food is a soup made of vegetables and broth. It is said that up to ten pounds can be shed on this seven day diet plan. This diet also claims to cleanse the body of harmful toxins and give the body a burst of energy.

This diet has also been called several names including the Cabbage Soup Diet, The Cleveland Clinic Diet and the Sacred Heart Memorial Hospital Diet.

(Even though it has been rumored that this diet comes from the Sacred Heart Memorial Hospital, there is no evidence to support this claim.)

The Sacred Heart Diet eliminates the following foods:

o alcohol

o bread

o carbonated drinks such sodas and diet sodas

o fried foods

Beverages that are allowed are:

o coffee

o skim milk

o unsweetened fruit juices

o tea and herbal teas

o plenty of water

The ingredients of the sacred heart diet soup vary. The following are common ingredients:

o green onions

o beef broth

o soup mix

o celery

o green beans

o carrots

o green peppers

o stewed tomatoes

o potatoes

All vegetable are to be cut into small pieces and covered with water and then brought to a boil and cooked over high heat for ten minutes and then the vegetables should be simmered until tender. Salt and pepper, parsley, curry powder and bouillon can be used for seasoning if so desired.

The guidelines are detailed and should be strictly followed for best results. The soup can be eaten everyday because it does not add calories.

The seven day sacred heart diet plan is as follows:

Day One - eat any fresh fruit with the exception of bananas. Only the soup and fruit are to be eaten on day one

Day Two - eat raw, cooked, or canned vegetables. Dry beans, corn and peas should be avoided. A baked potato and butter should be eaten at dinnertime

Day Three - the soup, fruits and vegetables are to be eaten

Day Four - consume a minimum of three bananas and as much skim milk as desired

Day Five - eat ten to twenty ounces of lean beef and a can of tomatoes or as many as six fresh tomatoes

Day Six - eat any desired amount of beef and vegetables. The soup can be eaten as well, but a baked potato can not be eaten

Day Seven - eat brown rice, unsweetened fruit juice and fresh vegetables. Cooked fresh vegetables can be added to the rice if desired

The con side of this diet is that it can be very restrictive for many people and there is not any evidence that this diet results in weight loss. And there is the risk of gorging on foods once the seven day period is over because of these restrictions. Nor are there any guidelines for maintaining long term weight loss.

The pro side of the scared heart diet is that it offers many health benefits such as the consumption of fruits and vegetables and lean protein. Plus this diet is rich with nutrients, minerals and fiber and does not include any refined sugars, flour or fat.

Research has found that the Sacred Heart Diet is more effective when used in conjunction with the official acai diet. Acai is a berry that grows in the Brazilian rain forest, and has been enjoyed by natives for hundreds of years. It has dozes of anti-oxidant properties and accelerates the metabolic process which makes your body burn calories faster and lose weight more rapidly. You can learn more about how to use the Sacred Heart Diet in conjunction with the acai diet at Official Acai Diet [http://www.officialacaidiet.com/index.php?id=Acai+Will+Increase+Your+Metabolism].

Ryan Steven Davis reviews the Sacred Heart Diet and the Official Acai Diet [http://www.officialacaidiet.com/index.php?id=Acai+Will+Increase+Your+Metabolism].

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2012年6月29日 星期五

What's So Great About Fat Burning Soup Diets Anyway?

Fat burning soup diets have been around for many years and are still used by Hollywood celebrities today. Popular fat burning soup diets such as the cabbage soup diet gained popularity in the 1980s when they were widely circulated by fax machine, although no person or organization has claimed responsibility for inventing the cabbage soup diet.

The idea behind fat burning soup diets is that you fill yourself with low-calorie soup and a few other foods, which vary from day to day. Some fat burning soup diets recommend following the diet for one week and then eating normally for two before restarting the process. It is claimed that the soup has fat-burning properties.

Another very similar fat burning soup diet is the Sacred Heart Diet which supposedly came from the cardiology department at Sacred Heart Memorial Hospital where it was used for overweight heart patients. However, the Sacred Heart Medical Center disclaims any association with the diet as does the Sacred Heart Hospital in Montreal, Canada. The American Heart Association has claimed that the diet is a phony.

What no-one tells you is that these fat burning soup diets often provide no more than 800 to 1,000 calories a day which is on the border line of a starvation diet, especially considering the body needs on average 1,500 to 2,500 calories to function properly. In other words, you won't lose weight because of any magical foods in the fat burning soup but rather because you're starving yourself.

When you eat too little in this manner your body will try and conserve all the energy it has, which means it will rather hold on to fat than use it for energy. Also such diets can leave you feeling week, dizzy and undernourished. Fat burning soup diets are low in protein, calcium and healthy fats and have high salt/sodium levels.

If you go on fat burning soup diet you are not going to have an adequate carbohydrate intake and you will suffer many of the same side effects as low-carb dieters. This includes cravings, tiredness, confusion, mood swings and much more. The large amounts cabbage in fat burning soup diets has also been reported to cause abdominal discomfort and excess gas.

These fat burning soup diets are often used for a quick way to drop pounds for a special event or due to health concerns. Fat burning soup diets claim that you will lose 10 to 17 pounds in the first week. However, this weight loss has been attributed to water weight, which will inevitably be regained, and also lead to loss of muscle tissue.

When you lose muscle this causes your body's metabolism rate to decrease and future fat gain to be more likely. In fact, it has been shown that after following a very low calorie diet for one week, such as a fat burning soup diet, 30 per cent of the total weight loss is muscle, while the rest is fluid.

While it may be true that fat burning soup diets such as the Cabbage Soup Diet and the Sacred Heart Diet are effective in temporary and quick weight loss they are not safe and hinder your chances for losing fat long-term and keeping it off.

Joseph Cole has blown the whistle on the weight loss industry. Find out why 95% dieters fail within one year, why fat burning bills are a complete waste of money and why you don't need to count calories to lose weight. Download his brand new revealing industry report for FREE right now at: http://www.theantidietplan.com/1

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The Sacred Heart Diet Review

Another fad diet that has been making the rounds for a while is the Sacred Heart Diet. The prevailing theory for many years was that this detoxification diet originated in the cardiology department of Sacred Heart Memorial Hospital to treat overweight patients. However, like many diet stories, this is false as the hospital itself has issued press releases that state that very fact.

It is a fad diet which means it is something to be avoided. It bears a strong resemblance to The Cabbage Soup diet.

This diet is based on the consumption of soup with claims of weight loss up to 17 pounds in the first week. This may indeed happen but keep in mind that the vast majority of this weight loss will be nothing more than water. In addition, this weight will return as soon as the diet is concluded. What is in the diet soup? Here is the list of ingredients:

1 or 2 cans of stewed tomatoes.
3 plus large green onions.
1 large can of beef broth (no fat.)
2 lbs of Carrots.
2 Green Peppers.
1 pkg. Lipton Soup mix (chicken noodle.)
1 bunch of celery.
2 cans of green beans.

Luckily, there are a few other foods that you can have during the 7 days including fruits (bananas are restricted) and vegetables (leafy greens are best). Drinks that are allowed include tea, black coffee, skim milk, unsweetened juice and of course plenty of water. Here is the breakdown of the daily food consumption:

Day 1: Eat any fruit you desire except bananas. Nothing else but soup.

Day 2: Eat any vegetables you want, green leafy are recommended. No fruit at all but one baked potato with butter should be eaten for supper.

Day 3: Eat all the fruits and vegetables you want. Nothing else!

Day 4: Eat only the soup, bananas and skim milk

Day 5: Eat between 10 and 20 ounces of beef and up to 1 can of tomatoes. Also at least once, the soup must be eaten.

Day 6: Eat all the beef and vegetables you want. Eat the soup at least once during the day.

Day 7: Eat vegetables, brown rice and unsweetened fruit juice as often as you want. Also include the soup at least once a day.

I am not sure how this diet was devised or how the foods were chosen. I do know that it is severely lacking in proper nutrition and makes no mention of exercise. You will lose weight quickly on this plan but again it is not going to be permanent. This is one to avoid.

Are you looking for specific weight loss programs? If so, you should visit http://weight-loss-programs-info.com for reviews and information on every diet you can think of.

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2012年6月28日 星期四

Sacred Heart Diet Reviews

Another popular fad diet is the Sacred Heart Diet. The diet was thought to originate at Sacred Heart Memorial Hospital, where it was normally used for overweight patients who had heart problems. However, many other Sacred Heart Diet reviews state that this is a myth. Read on to know more!

The Sacred Heart Diet is also known as a few other names; for example, Spokane Heart Diet, Miami Heart Institute Diet, Cleveland Clinic Diet, and lastly the Sacred Heart Memorial Hospital Diet. None of these hospitals claim any affiliation to this diet.

The Sacred Heart Diet is basically a soup diet that is very similar to the cabbage soup diet. It claims that most people will lose anywhere from 10 pounds to 17 pounds during the first week on the diet. According to user reviews, people generally do lose a moderate amount of weight the first week, however, this is mostly water weight. The heavier the person is, the more weight will also be lost.

The Sacred Heart Diet can also be considered a calorie controlled diet. There is a significant reduction in calories compared to the normal person's amount eaten because the diet focuses on eating vegetables and fruit. It isn't nutritionally sound in the long haul. You would need to add more whole foods to the diet to get nutrients you would otherwise lack.

The Sacred Heart Diet lasts 7 days. On each day you are to eat certain things. Some users of the diet have other variations, but the key is to focus on fruits, and soups made with vegetables.

On Day 1 - You can have any fruit except bananas. Only eat fruit and soup this day.

On Day 2 - You can eat all vegetables. These can be cooked, canned, or raw. Try to stay away from starchy vegetables (such as corn and potatoes) and try to eat as many leafy greens as you can (kale, lettuce, romaine etc).

On Day 3 - You can eat all the veggie soup and fruit you want, but stay away from starchy vegetables such as potatoes.

On Day 4 - On this day the focus is potassium. You need to eat at least 3 bananas on this day and drink milk, along with soup.

On Day 5 - On this day you can eat beef. Have no more than 20 oz of beef throughout the day. This will be eaten with tomatoes, no more than six. Have the normal soup at least once on this day

On Day 6 - You can eat as much beef and vegetables as you like. Eat no starchy vegetables and try to incorporate leafy greens into your diet today. Make sure to have the soup once on this day at least.

On Day 7 - You are to eat fruits that are unsweetened, vegetables, soup, and brown rice until you're satisfied.

The liquids allowed on the diet are: tea, coffee, skim milk, water, and juice that's not sweetened.

The recipe for the soup is as follows:

2 Green Peppers

2 lbs of Carrots

2 cans of green beans

1 bunch of celery

1 to 2 cans of stewed tomatoes

3 or more large green onions

1 can of beef broth (with no fat)

The idea is to make a big batch of the soup and eat it throughout the day when you're hungry. You can season your soup with salt, parsley, pepper, buouillons, or even Worcestershire sauce. After you cut up and mix the ingredients together, simply boil for 10 minutes. Then reduce the heat and cook until your vegetables are a bit tender.

Along with a healthy diet see what worked for me

Learn about my diet

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Sacred Heart Memorial Hospital Diet - A Review

The Sacred Heart Memorial Hospital Diet (also known as the Sacred Heart Diet) is another of those diets which, like the Tuna Fish Diet, is attributed to hospital staff who were attempting to reduce the weight of a cardiac patient by some 10 lbs. It has been around since at least the 1980's and takes the form of a vegetable soup which is consumed, along with a few other foods, over a period of seven days.

Intending users should be aware that the origin of this plan is uncertain. Hospitals have denied being the source, as have other institutions that have been nominated as likely creators, including the American Heart Association.

Nonetheless, the diet continues to be circulated and has adherents who are happy to use it, along with others who were skeptical or did not find it useful. This soup diet is also known as the Cleveland Clinic Diet, the Cabbage Soup Diet, and the Spokane Heart Diet. I have found reports from users who state that they were introduced to it by their medical practitioner.

The dieter is expected to eat the soup at least once a day and, at various times, meats, rice, vegetables and fruit may be included in the eating plan. Excluded are bread and alcohol. Included are Chicken Noodle Soup, stewed tomatoes, beef broth, celery and more. The only drinks permitted are water, black coffee, cranberry juice (unsweetened) and skimmed milk. A detailed outline of this plan can be found with a quick search for my article "Sacred Heart Memorial Hospital Diet - Recipe and Diet Plan".


1. The Sacred Heart Memorial Hospital Diet is essentially a low calorie, short term diet, with the difficulties typical of such a plan, such as dizziness, lack of energy, occasional diarrhea and sometimes fainting.

2. Short term weight loss is often water loss rather than fat loss and is easily regained once the diet has ended.

3. The body tends to conserve energy and fat reserves with low calorie diets. This makes it harder for lasting weight loss to occur.

4. There are reports of significant amounts of weight reduction but the feelings of hunger and discomfort caused by this diet plan make it likely the user will eat excessively after the seven days of restricted eating. Thus the amount of weight that has been lost will soon be regained.

5. A change in eating habits is not required except for the seven day period of the diet. This means that the benefits are unlikely to continue as returning to the same conditions as before will soon restore whatever has been lost.

To obtain lasting weight loss requires, in effect, a change of lifestyle - a different selection of foods as part of the normal diet rather than a crash program that adds stress to the body and provides only short term benefits. Such a plan would include food that has high nutritional value and suits the tastes and preferences of the dieter. As well, a significant portion of the weight that has been lost should be fat loss and not merely water which is easily replaced. Unfortunately, the Sacred Heart Memorial Hospital Diet does not meet these requirements.

Get details of a remarkably successful, quick, natural weight loss strategy that builds body tone and good health whilst burning unwanted fat at Fat Loss 4 Idiots. More information on this carefully designed and widely regarded program can also be found at: http://www.HerbalAndNaturalRemedies.com/FatLoss/

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Sacred Heart Medical Diet

The Sacred Heart Medical Diet is a soup based diet that has gotten a bad name as potentially being a "fad" diet. The core structure of the diet is its focus on healthy and filling foods to push the dieter into a better state of health to proceed from. Not only does the diet encourage a shift toward fruit and vegetable consumption, but it's reliance on soup keeps you full at all times. Weight loss potential on this diet is significant, but not overly optimistic. Most dieters see around 10 pounds of weight loss in the 7 days they engage in the program, with some reaching loss targets as high as 17 pounds.

The linchpin of this diet is the heart vegetable soup that is the focus of every meal. Heavily reliant on tomatoes, onions, celery, green beans, carrots, and green peppers, the soup that you eat everyday in unlimited quantities keeps you always feeling full and loads you down with vital nutrients. The high water content of the foods and naturally, the soup, helps to cleanse your system of toxins along with heavy fats and proteins from your body. Fruits and vegetables are interchanged daily as another unlimited food source to help stave off boredom with the soup, and force you into getting a maximum dose of natural nutrients that a normal diet may be short-changing you on.

Days 5 and 6 allow you to add beef back into your diet so that you can maintain a healthy protein level, and your last day, day 7, finishes you out on brown rice to return your non-refined carbohydrate level. You can use this diet as often as you like, but like anything, it is most effective with a tendency toward moderation. Overall, the variety allowed with this diet is enough to keep almost anyone from getting bored with the staple soup.

The diet works by virtue of its tendency to cleanse your system and the balance that the soup creates to your caloric load. A portion of the weight you lose is due to the buildup of garbage in your GI tract that the cleanse frees you of, and the bulk of the weight you lose comes from the negative calorie nature of the soup you are required to eat throughout the week. At the end you are left lighter, refreshed, and ready to begin anew with a clean body!

If you want to see how a clean body looks that lost weight check out this online weight loss journal.

For a detailed description including a 4 month step by step process check out my personal diet that worked.

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2012年6月27日 星期三

7 Day Diet Plan - The Cabbage Soup Diet

If you want to lose weight with a 7 day diet plan then you can chose the cabbage soup diet. Like the name of the diet suggests, the diet is over 7 days and is only a temporary weight program and should be terminated after 7 days. This particular diet is ideal for rapid weight loss for special events like weddings, vacations etc.

With the cabbage soup diet, you may eat/drink as much cabbage soup, fruit and drink as much caffeine and tea as you wish but little else. Other foods types are permitted but are minimal or very restricted. The reason that this diet works is because it is low in calories and not suppose to be a substitute for a lifetime of good nutrition. This diet program is not nutritionally sound, and I urge you to stop after seven days. The cabbage soup diet is also called the 'Sacred Heart Diet' or the 'Mayo Clinic Diet'. However it has no association with any Sacred Heart Hospital or the Mayo Clinic. The amount of what you lose on this diet is important muscle tissue. If you have not been exercising...you will gain the weight back as fat, which is not muscle and therefore you will become fatter.

What is eaten during the 7 day diet plan?

Day 1- Drink as much soup as you want, eat only fruit and drink black coffee, cranberry juice, unsweetened tea, and water.
Day 2- Drink as much soup as you want, eat only raw or cooked vegetables but no fruit allowed.
Day 3 - Drink as much soup as you want and a combination of the first 2 days of eating fruits and vegetables.
Day 4- Drink as much soup as you want, eat up to 8 bananas and drink skim milk.
Day 5- Drink soup at least once, eat 6 fresh tomatoes, 10oz to 20oz of beef, chicken or fish, and drink 6 to 8 glasses of water.
Day 6 - Drink soup at least once, eat 2 to 3 beef steaks with fresh salad or vegetables.
Day 7 - Drink soup at least once, eat vegetables and brown rice, and drink unsweetened fruit juice.

During this 7 day diet some people will experience being light headed, dizziness and lower ability to concentrate. The soup can taste bland to some people but a little seasoning can be added to improve the flavor. Because this diet is for rapid weight loss, when people go off the 7 day diet plan, the weight loss can be regained.

For your FREE video to discover how to LOSE 11 pounds in just 7 days - please visit to get slim [http://www.togetslim.com] now!

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How To Do The Sacred Heart Medical Diet

There are so many diet plans out there claiming to be able to help you lose weight. The Sacred Heart Medical Diet is one of them. This diet claims to have been used at a cardiology department of a hospital in North America. It was supposedly first used for overweight and obese patients. This diet is soup heavy and claims that you'll be able to lose over 10 pounds in a week.

The Sacred Heart Medical Diet is a 7 day diet plan that can be repeated as needed. This diet is not recommended by nutritionists and medical doctors. The hospital in Canada where the diet got it's name claims no association with the Sacred Heart Medical Diet.

Day 1 of the Sacred Heart Medical Diet is fruit and soup day. You can only eat fruits and soup on this first day of the diet. You can choose any fruits low in calorie like watermelons. The only fruit you can't consume today are bananas. You can eat as much low calorie fruit as you want on this day.

Day 2 is vegetable diet. Eat as much green leafy vegetables as you want cooked the way you want. Eat soup also. You need to have a baked potato with butter come dinner time. You can't consume fruits today.

Day 3 of the Sacred Heart Medical Diet allows you to eat all the fruits, soup and green leafy vegetables as you want. You have to stay away from baked potatoes on this day though.

Day 4 is banana day. You have to eat at least 3 bananas today. You should also consume milk on this day. Drink as much milk and consume as much soup as you can.

Day 5 is beef and tomatoes day. You can have 20 ounces of beef and 6 ripe tomatoes today. You will still have to consume soup.

Day 6 allows you to eat beef. You can eat as much beef and green leafy vegetables today. You can even have steak if you want. You have to remember to eat soup even once today.

Day 7 allows you to consume rice just as long as it is brown rice. You can also eat cooked vegetables until you're full. Eat as much soup as you can too.

This concludes the 7 day Sacred Heart Medical Diet. You can try it and see if it works for you.

The tips that I gave here helped me transform my body to be thinner and sexier [http://losewaistfat.org] and I'm sure that you'll be able to do the same. But honestly there's 1 more secret tip that helped me get thinner quickly and easily (my friends kept bugging me about it). If you want to know my #1 diet secret, visit [http://losewaistfat.org].

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The Cabbage Soup Recipe Diet For Quick Weight Loss

You've probably heard of the cabbage soup recipe diet. It's also known by several other names including the Mayo Clinic Diet, Sacred Heart Diet, Military Cabbage Soup, TJ's Miracle Diet and the Russian Peasant Diet. It's also called the Banana Diet and I'll tell you why a little later. The reason the diet is somewhat famous is the promise it makes that you can lose ten pounds in a week by following the diet. Is that possible? I can say it is because I've done it myself. And you get plenty to eat and a variety of different foods, so it wasn't that hard to follow.

Now is this diet a sensible long-term eating plan? Not really. It's a short-term way to drop a few pounds, that's all. Don't you know that sometimes you need to see some quick results to keep you motivated or to get you motivated. That's what this eating plan can do: help your motivation by letting you drop a few pounds fast.

You might think that the cabbage soup diet is just eating cabbage soup for a week. No fun, huh? Actually you can use all kinds of cabbage soup recipes to provide some variety. But that's not what it is at all. Actually, you can eat all the cabbage soup you want for the entire week, but there are many different foods you can eat during the week. It's not at all a starvation diet. Each day you eat certain foods and the foods change on each day. When you consider that you can eat all the soup you want, there is little chance you will really get hungry. The down side is the absence of several of my favorite dishes from the food plan. No brownies, ice cream, sweet potato casserole or pizza. Oh well! Like most fat loss diets, you don't get breads and pastries.

Included in the meal plan are fruits, vegetables, meat, milk and bananas. Alright, here's the banana part. On the fourth day of the diet, you eat up to eight bananas and all the skim milk you want plus the soup. That's why I call it the banana diet!

Visit our site to get great cabbage soup recipes and the detailed free 7 day cabbage soup recipe diet plan. Go to Our Cabbage Soup Recipe Diet Plan and get the free plan and drop that ten pounds next week.

Al Bullington constantly is struggling with weight gain simply because he likes to eat too much of his wife and daughter's outstanding cooking!

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2012年6月26日 星期二

Easy Ways to Lose Weight Without Going on a Diet

The only way to stop obesity is by losing weight the earliest time possible. There are many ways on how you can lose weight. Usually, these methods include lots of physical activities and dieting. Not all of us are fond of going on a diet. Just thinking about not being able to eat your favorite food will already make you lose your appetite for dieting. If you want to lose weight easily without going on a diet, then this article is right for you.

So you want to lose weight without sacrificing your stomach. It is very possible to do so. Read on and find out the easy ways to lose weight without going on a diet listed below.

- Exercise

If you want to eat all those food, you must learn how to burn them. The best way to shed off those extra calories is through exercise. Make it a habit to go to the gym and workout at least three times a week. You can enroll in an aerobic or dance class if you want. Meanwhile, if you do not have the time to hit the gym you may exercise at the comfort of your own home. You can buy an exercise video and perform the exercises included there. Another easy way to burn calories is by walking. Walk around the neighborhood or take your dog out for a walk in the park.

- Go to the spa

You can actually relax and enjoy losing weight if done the right way. A steam bath is tested and proven to help you lose inches off your waist line while a massage can help relax your muscles.

- Drink lots of water

If you are determined to lose weight and have an attractive body, you have to avoid alcoholic and carbonated drinks. Drinking eight to ten glasses of water daily can make you feel full and energized the whole day. In addition, it detoxifies the body naturally.

The easy ways to lose weight without going on a diet listed above are tested and proven to be very effective. If you hate dieting, you can still lose weight by exercising, going to the spa, drinking lots of water, and taking medications or undergoing surgery.

For more great tips and advice on Easy Ways to Lose Weight [http://www.smart-goal-setting-tips.com/easy-ways-to-lose-weight.html], visit [http://www.smart-goal-setting-tips.com] to discover how to create a roadmap to achieve your goals for your personal development and self improvement.

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The Yoga of Love - Sacred Relationships through Yoga

"Love is the ultimate guru. Where love does not exist, life cannot exist."

In life, a great spiritual awakening can come from the love a significant other - a partner. Perhaps we should approach our relationships like our yoga practice -growing and evolving. Therefore, Sacred relationships require the same mindfulness that we use to develop our yoga practice. These are presented here, as the Five keys to Sacred Love.

"Like the practice of yoga, sacred relationships require consciousness and wisdom" Chris Walker.

The First Key is Balance

Balance is as paramount in relationships as it is in yoga. True love can only come from a balanced mind. When your mind is balanced, not in excess or deficiency, then the ego cannot act. To see good and bad at one time loosens the grip of egoism and righteousness on the individual and allows their heart to open. Love exists in the stillness of balance. The rest is purely emotional trivia.

The Second Key is Appreciation

In yoga, we must learn to find contentment. Negative consciousness is always pushing us to improve, perfect, aspire and desire more or better. Good yoga practice must overcome this. So too, in a sacred relationship we must learn to function from the higher realms of our mind by learning contentment. Contentment in love comes through appreciation, not wanting to change someone, or ourselves is to become content, and therefore in love. Appreciation grows relationship, wanting to change people defeats it.

The Third Key - learn to grow through challenge

Our real guru is challenge. Our teachers challenge us, and we eventually learn in yoga that this is an act of deep love. We grow in yoga from the challenge of a teacher. In Sacred relationships, our guru must become our beloved. They will challenge us, confront us and therefore, if we can be conscious, grow us. All relationships grow at the border of support and challenge, yet many people run from challenge. As in yoga, we must learn not to blame and accuse in the face of challenges. These are our teachers in yoga and in relationship.

The forth key - The art of Service

WE begin our yoga thinking that our practice of yoga is for self realization, but we discover very quickly, that self realization actually comes from what we give, not what we are. We cannot self realize until we can make others a priority over ourselves. The new student of yoga will be drawn to class because they see some personal gain in it. Eventually, they become devoted to yoga because there is service they can do for others. In Sacred Relationship, we bind with our lover because we serve them. Self serving people, emotionally reactive and pleasure hungry will be unable to sustain relationships, just as they are unable to sustain integrity to their yoga practice.

The fifth step - Love is a lifestyle.

Yoga is more than an asana or a deep backbend. Yoga is more than a meditation done in the morning. Yoga is a lifestyle, a way of life. It includes vegetarian diet, it includes mindfulness of words and deeds. Yoga practitioners are taught non violence and respect - yoga is a way of life. So too is love. One cannot be a vindictive cheat in business and a sacred lover at home. Such duality in personality is the lowest of delusions witnessed in humanity. Therefore, sacred love is a lifestyle, a way of being, a way of treating all people. Even alone, the yogi will be respectful and mindful. So too, the sacred lover who aspires to sacred relationship will act alone as they act in public, with gentleness, compassion, kindness and love.

Sacred Relationship --- Ideas to remember

1. Love is cumulative - remember that small acts of forgetfulness add to large disasters.

2. Every day is a sacred day.

3. Emotion is cyclic - with the moon. Love is constant with the sun. Both share influence over the earth, and therefore you. Prioritize one of them.

4. Healing an emotional wound is really the release of ego. Evolution.

5. Nobody does to you more or less than you do to yourself. Don't play victim.

6. If you are motivated by pleasure - you'll be de-motivated by pain.

7. Nothing of the senses ever satisfied the soul.

8. People can reject your expectations, they cannot reject your love.

Chris Walker Chris Walker is a world leading change agent, an environmentalist and author of more than 20 books. Born and bred in Australia, he consults to people and organisations throughout the world on improved relationships, health and lifestyle through the application of the Universal laws of Nature. The result he offers is that we stay balanced, share loving relationships, work with passion, enjoy success, and live our personal truth. To learn more about Chris?s work and journeys to Nepal, visit http://www.chriswalker.com.au

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Loss Weight Healthfully With The Sacred Heart Diet

The Sacred Heart Diet is a popular plan for quick weight loss. It was developed in the Sacred Heart Hospital for heart patients who needed to quickly and healthfully loss weight in order to improve their overall heart health. While it was developed with this specific purpose in mind, it can be used by anyone who wishes to shed as many as 10 pounds in one week.

This is a short term diet that is only meant to last for 7 days. There are a few resources that provide day by day meal plans that dieters can follow to make sure that they are eating well throughout, or dieters themselves may create meals that will adhere to the given restrictions. Some of the biggest changes that those on the plan must make is avoiding bread, pasta and other wheat products, not drinking any alcohol for at least a week and avoiding high fat, high calorie foods.

As this program was conceived by medical professions, it is generally considered to be safe for anyone at all and can be done as often as you like. Remember, the food guidelines in this plan are meant to cover all of your nutritional needs without adding a lot of empty calories or fat, so those who try this as indicated should not experience any nutritional deficits from the program.

If you are looking for a healthy way to lose weight quickly, sacred heart diet program may be for you. In many cases, it is not necessary to invest anything to try it, as free guides can be found online.

Bradley P. White has been a practicing pharmacist in Ohio for 14 years. He focuses his practice on healthy living and wellness. He educates people on how to correct nutritional deficiencies to avoid illness and disease, lose weight, and have more energy.

To learn more Healthy living Tips visit http://www.supersizeyourhealth.com/blog/

Copyright BPW Solutions LLC 2010

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Cabbage Soup Diet - A Good Starting Point to Weight Loss

It is a nightmare for a lot of people when they think of diet. Losing weight is difficult and more so keeping it off. A lot of pound-challenged people are on the look out for the perfect formula to decrease the unwanted bulges and lumps on their bodies. The cabbage soup diet is a popular option to quickly lose excess weight. This diet is also called Sacred Heart Hospital Diet or the Mayo Clinic Diet.

The cabbage soup diet is a good starting point to weight loss according to experts. It entails, as the name suggests, eating cabbage soup for seven days or a week. During the week long scheme, the one who engages in this diet consume specific foods to decrease his poundage. Unlike most programs, the cabbage soup diet is not a life altering diet.

The Basic Cabbage Soup

The soup is very easy to prepare. All you need to do is slice the vegetables and add it into a pot of broth. Let the mix boil and serve when all the vegetables are soft or tender. The following ingredients can be used:

- 1 head cabbage

- 6 medium onions

- 6 green onions

- 6 carrots

- 2 bell peppers

- 3 large tomatoes

- 5 stalks celery

- 4 oz uncooked brown rice

- Salt and freshly-ground black pepper

The cabbage soup diet doesn't offer many calories. It allows people to decrease weight as temptation to eat more or beyond appetite is well controlled. The cabbage soup acts as filler to avoid hunger or starvation. Remember, the diet doesn't limit one to eat only cabbage soup but there are specific foods that must be included. Dieticians always remind people that the cabbage diet is not a long term scheme and should only be followed for a week.

The 7-Day Cabbage Soup Diet

Day 1 - Your goal is to eat fruits except bananas. You can take as much cabbage soup as you want with your fruits. You can drink cranberry juice, unsweetened teas, or plain water.

Day 2 - Vegetable is the name of the game for the second day. Fruits should be avoided. Together with your soup, you can consume any cooked or raw vegetable. Green leafy veggies are highly recommended. Avoid corn, peas, or beans. At the end of the day you can consume a large oven baked potato with a dash of butter.

Day 3 - The concept is mixing fruits and vegetables. Drop the potato with butter. Banana is still off limits for this day. You can eat as much fruits and vegetables with your cabbage soup.

Day 4 - Consume up to eight bananas for this day. Skimmed milk will be the drink of the day. Take in as much milk and cabbage soup.

Day 5 - You can add around 20 ounces of beef to your cabbage soup. Around six potatoes and six tomatoes should be added to your soup as well. As an alternative to beef, skinless chicken can be used. It is also recommended to drink at least six glasses of water. The more water the better since this will wash away uric acid that may have accumulated in the body.

Day 6 - This will be beef day. Eat all the beef that you want together with the cabbage soup and vegetables less the potatoes.

Day 7 - Brown rice can be eaten with the vegetables and cabbage soup while drinking unsweetened fruit juices.

Dieters say that the steps for the week long cut down is a bit hard to follow but the results are incredibly pleasing to their eyes and the weighing scale. It is always wise to consult experts before engaging in any diets which may affect the health condition of your body.

Author is an online medical searcher and webmaster of Cabbage Soup Diet Recipe You may be interested in: "The Cabbage Soup Cuisine" and "What a Cabbage Can Do?"

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2012年6月25日 星期一

Vegetable Soup Diet - Lose 10 Lbs a Week

A vegetable soup diet has the dual advantage of being very nutritious as well as low in calories and contributing to weight loss. As a result, it forms the core of many different diets and it is possible to even design your own soup diet and select ingredients according to personal preferences.

There are some important matters to consider no matter which approach you take to a vegetable soup diet - whether to adopt one that is known to be popular or concoct a recipe of your own.

1. Canned foods tend to have a high salt content, so try to avoid these in your soup if possible.

2. Potatoes have a high glycemic index - they are absorbed more readily into your bloodstream, so use these in the mix sparingly, if at all.

3. Many cookbook recipes for vegetable soup also specify a lot of salt, so be alert to this and keep the content as low as possible. The presence of sodium salt encourages water retention in the body, so adds weight.

4. Use as many fresh vegetables as possible.

Here is a nutritious, delicious and easy to prepare recipe and daily plan for a 3 day diet which will shed about 5 lbs weight:


1 16 oz can of beans or lentils

1 16 oz can of diced tomatoes

Several sticks of celery

1 large onion

1/2 head of cabbage, chopped

16 oz pumpkin, chopped

2 carrots, chopped

Seasoning as preferred

Beef or chicken stock, as preferred

Cover with water and boil for 10 minutes, then simmer until the vegetables are tender.

No alcohol or bread to be consumed.

Day 1: Eat only fruit and soup today. As much as you like of both, spaced throughout the day with about six meals to minimize hunger. Do not include bananas in your diet.

Day 2: Eat veggies today, along with the soup. Again, as much as you like in about six meals spaced throughout the day. The veggies may be cooked or raw. Give preference to green leafy veggies if possible. At dinnertime, a treat is allowed in the form of a baked potato with butter.

Day 3: Have all the soup, veggies and fruit that you want but no potato.

After 3 days of this diet, you should be about 5 lbs lighter and can return to moderate helpings of your normal diet. If you have problems with bowel movements, a cup of bran will help.

As outlined, this diet is intended for a period of only 3 days, with a break of 4 days normal eating before following the diet again.

A variation of this diet which covers a 7 day period is based on the Sacred Heart Diet. It aims for a weight loss of 10 lbs:

Day 4: Because your body now requires additional potassium, carbohydrates and calcium, eat at least three bananas throughout the day and drink as much skimmed milk as you want. Also have at least one serving of soup.

Day 5: 10 - 20 oz of meat is allowed - beef, skinless chicken or broiled fish. Not fried. Have up to six tomatoes, along with at least one serving of soup.

Day 6: 10 - 20 oz of meat is allowed - beef or skinless chicken, not fried. Also as many veggies as you want, especially green leafy ones. One or more servings of soup.

Day 7: As much soup as you like. As well, cooked veggies, brown rice and unsweetened fruit juice is permitted.

By the end of day seven, it's likely that you will be at least 10 lbs lighter.

This vegetable soup diet plan has plenty of nutrients as well as protein and carbohydrates. It is not intended to be adopted as a lifestyle and some may find it too stringent to follow. However, a weight loss target of 10 lbs requires that some persistence must be shown to achieve this. The practices outlined offer a useful guideline for changes in eating habits that may allow further weight loss if this plan is only loosely followed (or adapted to your needs) beyond the seven days.

Get details of a remarkably successful, natural and quick weight loss strategy that builds body tone and good health whilst burning unwanted fat at Fat Loss 4 Idiots

More information on this carefully designed and widely regarded program can also be found at: http://www.HerbalAndNaturalRemedies.com/FatLoss/

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Cabbage Soup Diet For Beginners

If you are searching for a great way to lose weight and maintain your good health without using the aid of fad diets or costly synthetic treatments, you may be interested in the cabbage soup diet. This weight loss program offers a fiber-filled, low-fat eating plan that can help you shape up your body in no time. This weight loss technique is highly recommended if your intention is to follow a medium to long-term diet plan.

Like most green and leafy vegetables, cabbages come full of vitamins, calcium, and other nutrients which are vital for your body. A cabbage soup diet can be highly beneficial if you are keen to create a healthy resistance against diseases. This program helps develop your immune system and at the same time you keep your weight right down. Compared to other dietary supplements and the many expensive weight-training treatments available today, the cabbage diet program is very cost-effective. All you really need to do is ensure that your fridge is full of enough cabbages to last you through the whole diet-training duration. For your best chance at success it is recommended that you purchase fresh cabbages from the market. Why you ask? Fresh cabbages contain far more nutrients than wilted cabbages, plus the taste of fresh cabbages is a great deal better.

The cabbage diet has often mistakenly been called by several other names. You may have heard of it as the Mayo Clinic Diet or possibly the Sacred Heart Hospital Diet. This diet is different. It has nothing to do with the other weight loss programs bearing similar names. If you are looking for an alternative to the supplements and pills being offered by many clinics and experts these days then you should consider the cabbage soup diet. By no means am I negating the effectiveness of other diet programs, but if what you want is a more organic weight loss method without the crippling cost, the cabbage diet is a viable option.

If you are seeking proof of the effectiveness of this weight loss method, you will have no trouble finding it in the many various online health forums. People are openly praising the health benefits of this diet, creating quite a buzz among many health circles in the world. As with any diet program, there are some important considerations you should undertake before commencing. First, in order to experience the best results, it is imperative that you follow the cabbage soup diet to the letter. Consult your doctor or medical practitioner before commencing and get them to recommend a good multivitamin tablet to take while you are on the diet.

Another consideration when following this diet is that you need to constantly eat plenty of cabbage soup. You can have as much as you want. You will not go hungry. There really is no need for you to starve your self to death to lose weight. The beauty of this diet is that it only lasts for seven days. Try to stay as fit and active as possible while completing it and drink at least four glasses of water each day to compensate for the lack of food being eaten. Seven days is not long at all, so give the cabbage soup diet a try!

If you are trying to lose weight or find the diet that is right for you, check out Online Diet Zone. Sign up for our free newsletter today and receive a bonus weight loss free e-book.

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Cabbage Soup Diet - Is it Just a Fad?

"Sacred Heart Hospital diet" or the "Mayo Clinic diet", these are two most common names of the Cabbage Soup diet. This works by consuming a soup made of cabbage during the 7-day time frame. If you plan to lose weight in an instant, this diet is right for you. This diet will let you lose weight in the form of water. But after a while, when you're out of the program, you'll easily add up on your weight again.

While you're in the program, you can take as much cabbage soup as you wish accompanied by lots of water. It is also best to add some fruits and more vegetables to your meals. For diet starters, cabbage soup diet is a best pilot program because it works fast and is proven to be very healthy.

The cabbage soup diet is programmed for strictly 7 days, not shortened nor extended. It is also important to follow the diet instructions. It is required that you drink at least 8 glasses of water in a day and observe the diet meal menu without changing it. During the 7 days within the program, some body needs like protein, calcium and fatty acids may not be present.

With the tasteless flavor of the cabbage soup, it earned several different reviews from critics. Also, while in the diet, one may feel dizziness and headaches because of the lack of protein of the diet. Many quit this program because they could not stand the tasteless flavor of the soup and side effects occur to be inconvenient and unpleasant.

For those who want to have fast weight loss results, cabbage soup diet is right for you. Despite of its richness in fiber and low fat, it still fails to meet the body needs in nutritional value. The main thought of this diet is to take out fat from the body with the help of the fiber found in cabbage.

With all the diet fads out there, a balanced and healthy life style accompanied by regular exercise is still the best to achieve a better you.

See how Beyonce Knowles lost over 20 Pounds on the Master Cleanse diet! The Master Cleanse diet, featured on Oprah and CNN Health

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2012年6月24日 星期日

Burning Fats Fast With the Cabbage Soup Diet

You have probably experienced having the "I have to lose weight fast!" moment. It doesn't matter what the reason might be - everyone experiences that moment and everyone has experienced thinking the same thought. What do you when that happens? Do you go on a crash diet? Unfortunately, a crash diet can only make you hungry. The next time you have this moment, you should consider the Cabbage Soup Diet.

What is the Cabbage Soup Diet?

The Cabbage Soup Diet is otherwise known as the Mayo Clinic Diet or the Sacred Heart Hospital Diet. Ironically, it not related to either the Mayo Clinic or the Sacred Heart Hospital. The names, however, has resulted from having both health establishments claiming the diet for their own.

The Cabbage Soup Diet is, as the name suggests, a type of soup diet which encourages fast burning of fats. The soup basically consists of calories that are completely negligible, so you burn fats fast. The more cabbage soup that you eat, the more weight you lose. In fact, you can eat as much soup as you want but you wouldn't have to worry about gaining weight.

The Cabbage Soup Diet lasts for a week. You are definitely assured of quick weight loss. The drawback, however, to this diet is that there are limited food choices which results to inadequate nutrition. Often, people who would initially try this diet would eventually drop it without finishing the diet duration.

Unlike other types of diet programs, you cannot get a personal program for the Cabbage Soup Diet. Rarely will you find exercise recommendations. You will find no recommendations on lifestyle changes or bad habits. The program is quite stark, mainly consisting of the meal that you have to stick with for 7 days. Sticking to the program will get you to lose at least 10 pounds in a week's time. You cannot continue with the diet though after you have finished the one-week program. You will have to wait for another week to pass before you can initiate another week of the Cabbage Soup Diet.

The One-Week Cabbage Soup Diet

Following the program, you can eat as much cabbage soup as you want. In addition to the soup, you can only eat the recommended food for the day. You could be eating fruits on the first day, vegetables on the second day, mixture of fruits and vegetables on the third day, bananas on the fourth day, limited serving of fish or chicken on the fifth day, limited serving of beef and unlimited serving of vegetables on the sixth day and rice and unlimited serving of vegetables on the 7th day.

If you want to try out the Cabbage Soup Diet, you should consider consulting with your physician first about the possible health issues that could arise. Remember that there are drawbacks to this diet. It may work fast but you should not place your health in jeopardy.

John Grant is a the author for a diet fads site where he is writing articles about the cabbage soup diet.

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Heart Necklace

Why would you buy somebody a heart necklace? Does the heart symbol only signify love and affection? The significance of the heart symbol has always been regarded as being at the center of things. This is whether we are thinking about love and affection, morality and intellectualism, religion and spiritualism, or just as the physical organ that pumps blood around your body and keep you alive.

The human heart is an essential to survival. It allows the blood to flow around your body, bringing with it the life-giving elements that you need for survival. Healthy heart is essential to the survival of any mammal. Much of the time we eat unhealthy diets, we always increase our risk of having heart attacks.

But these are not the only broken hearts that we are at risk of. The heart has always been an emblem that symbolizes love. When we buy a gift of a heart necklace for the person that we love, it symbolizes an unbreakable connection. But of course we know that this love can be broken and will lead to psychological and physical pain. A gift of heart jewelry is meant to symbolize the flawless and unbreakable nature of love.

Heart jewelry also characterizes a very spiritual meaning. You might think of Jesus and the Sacred Heart. Many religions use the heart symbol to emphasize the center of being. Heart jewelry has also been used as a symbol for certain charities.

When you are thinking of purchasing some heart jewelry you should make sure that you find the right piece for the right purpose.

You can use the Internet to your advantage here. Shopping online for heart jewelry will give you the biggest rewards. You should be able to find heart jewelry of all sorts, heart necklace, heart brooch, heart pins, heart bracelets, heart badges, etc. You must be very careful about shopping online, make sure that you go to the site of reputable dealer or that you have a full guarantee of money back if you are not satisfied with your purchase.

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2012年6月23日 星期六

Does The Sacred Heart Soup Diet Really Work?

Perhaps the hardest part for anybody beginning a diet is that everyone wants to see results very quickly. It is all too easy to become impatient and want the 'quick fix'. But like anything in life, nothing worthwhile is generally easy. This also applies to weight loss. After all, if losing weight were easy, NOBODY would be overweight!

However, there ARE certain diets that can jump start your weight loss goals. And this is where the Sacred Heart soup diet comes in. The Sacred Heart Soup Diet is a diet that has actually been going around for many years. The diet was supposedly thought to come straight from the cardiology department at the Sacred Heart Memorial Hospital in America. It was allegedly used for very obese heart patients. However, like most of these diets - this is nothing but an urban myth. The Sacred Heart Soup Diet has been called a number of different names. For example: the Spokane Heart Diet, the Cleveland Clinic Diet, Sacred Heart Memorial Hospital Diet and the Miami Heart Institute Diet.

Low Calories

The diet doesn't offer many calories but because it fills you up, you are less tempted to eat anything else and indulge yourself in 'naughty' foods! The soup acts as filler, making sure that the dieter does not get hunger pangs or the feeling of starvation. Due to the low number of calories that you are eating, a dieter following the Sacred Heart Soup Diet may experience a few side effects. These can range from feeling a little weak or lightheadedness, but generally most people won't feel too bad and its very easy to stick with because you know it will only last for a short time. The diet should only be followed for a week - it's not meant to be taken as a continuous diet and there should certainly be breaks between using it. But as a fast weight loss program it's unrivalled. Losing weight, like anything else worthwhile in life, takes discipline and perseverance.

I am not going to lie to you like so many others and promise you that it is easy. It's not. But neither is it a monumental mountain to climb - if you apply the right diet program and adopt a positive attitude to your goal. Here is a recipe for the diet. Sacred Heart Soup Diet Recipe Ingredients: 1 or 2 cans of stewed tomatoes 3 plus large green onions 1 large can of beef broth (no fat) 1 pkg. Lipton Soup mix (chicken noodle) 1 bunch of celery 2 cans green beans 2 lbs. Carrots 2 Green Peppers Making the soup Season with parsley, salt, pepper curry, if desired, or bouillon, or even a dash of Worcestershire sauce. Cut the vegetables into small to medium size pieces. Then cover with water. Boil on high heat for 10 minutes. Then redduce heat to a simmer and then continue to cook until vegetables are soft and tender. This soup can be eaten anytime you are feeling hungry.

This will help you to feel full and not be tempted to eat fatening foods. Eat as much as you want, whenever you want. This soup will certainly not add on any pounds! The more you eat, the more you will lose. You could even fill a thermos in the morning and take it to work with you. You can then eat a few bowls during the day and not be tempted by those naughty foods! The Sacred Heart Soup Diet will only work if you follow it exactly.


Make sure you consume at least 4 glasses of water or diet soda per day. You can eat the soup at any time of the day or night.

Sacred Heart Soup Recipe

6 large green

2 green peppers

1 or 2 cans of tomatoes

1 bunch celery

1/2 head cabbage

1 package Lipton Soup Mix 1 or 2 cubes bouillon (not compulsory)

1 48 oz. can V8 Juice (not compulsory)

Season with salt and pepper etc.

Day 1 - Any fruit you would like to eat except bananas.

Day 2 - Any vegetables you want.

Day 3 - Consume as much soup as you wish. Consume plenty of fruits and vegetables.

Day 4 - Up to six bananas, all the skim milk you want.

Day 5 - Ten to twenty ounces of beef, a can of tomatoes, 5 to 8 glasses of water.

Day 6 - All the beef and vegetables you want.

Day 7 - Consume as much unsweetened fruit juices, brown rice and fresh vegetables as you wish. Again, eat at least 1 bowl of soup during today. Don't eat any bread or drink any alcohol, or carbonated drinks.

Incorporating the Sacred Heart Soup diet into your slimming program will help you lose the weight you desire. Be disciplined in your planning and execution, plan out your foods for the week and you will get there. Don't give in to temptation!

For more information about the Sacred Heart Soup Diet [http://sacred-heart-soup-diet.info/] please visit my website.

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The Skinny on the Sacred Heart Diet

The cabbage soup diet may have been all the rage a while back, but it failed miserably for many reasons - one of which was its awful taste. A new diet called the Sacred Heart Diet has emerged onto the scene. It was supposedly created by the Sacred Heart Memorial Hospital for overweight patients who needed to lose weight before surgery. However, the hospital claims to have absolutely no affiliation with the diet.

Regardless of the affiliation, the bigger questions are...what is the Sacred Heart diet and DOES IT WORK?

The diet is a week-long eating plan in the form of a progression. On day one, you basically only eat this soup. As the days progress, you continue eating the soup in large quantities, but you slowly introduce regular foods (in very small portions) back into your diet. Some users report losing up to 20 pounds in one week!

There are definitely some benefits to this plan, but there are also several pitfalls. Because of the restrictive nature of this diet, you will most definitely lose weight. By eliminating processed foods and sugars, you'll be eating fewer calories. BUT...

- This is a short-term fix. Once you finish your seventh day and go back to the way you were eating, you'll put all of the weight back on. The best way to lose weight is to modify your lifestyle. Come up with a long-term plan to cut back on calories and increase exercise.

- Just because they're telling you what food to eat and how much of it, doesn't mean you'll be able to control your cravings. No matter what diet plan you end up trying, taking an appetite suppressant will be incredibly helpful. Hoodia pills are all-natural and safe, and they'll help you control cravings and avoid over-eating.

- If the Sacred Heart Diet isn't really backed by a hospital or doctor, it may not be safe. Losing an extreme amount of weight in a short period of time gives a shock to your body. Losing weight more slowly is much healthier!

- Just because the soup contains vegetables doesn't mean it's providing your body with all the vitamins and nutrients it really needs. If you're looking for a meal replacement, try a whey protein shake instead. It tastes much better than vegetable soup (think chocolate, vanilla, or strawberry) and it's packed with vitamins, minerals, and protein to help your body function more efficiently.

I have been studying alternative medicine, health and fitness for over 10 years. I love to write about what I have found to help others, especially in the area of weight loss. I have found herbal remedies to be effective without the debilitating side effects that medications cause. I am passionate about hoodia, especially when taken as a hoodia shot.

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How to Survive the Cabbage Soup Diet

The Cabbage Soup Diet can be pretty strict and overwhelming, the soup consists of a variety of vegetables that are mixed together and simmered in a pot. Often referred to as "Russian Peasant Soup" or "Sacred Heart Diet", its simplicity is the secret to its effectiveness. The diet is a seven-day plan that allows the user to eat unlimited amounts of the soup. The soup is not what you can call a hearty meal since it does not have bits of meat in it. It consists of green peppers, crushed tomatoes, celery stalk, mushroom, onions and lots and lots of cabbage.

The soup is a low-calorie and low-protein meal, often steering clear of high-protein vegetables such as beans, peas and soya. Because of this, what the person loses is mostly water weight and lean muscle tissue. There is hardly any body fat loss. However, the great advantage with regards to this diet is the speedy loss of weight that can be attained. The Cabbage Soup Diet promises at least ten pounds off in just one week.

But cabbage soup, no matter how refreshing at first can get really odd, especially if you are eating the same thing over and over in a period of seven days. It can be very unbearable even if the diet allows you to eat as much fruit and vegetable you want during this period. The lack of variety as well as the constant hunger pangs can lead to irritability, restlessness, lethargy and inability to concentrate. First time dieters should be prepared to battle it out with during the seven-day period.

Here are a few suggestions to make the seven-period more tolerable.

1. Water up. You will be feeling constant hunger pangs so be ready with lots of water by your side. The diet allows you to drink juice and unsweetened teas so those are also good alternatives. One great idea to add variety to your drinks is to make shakes out of them. Some fruits like Mango or strawberries are already sweet in themselves so you don't need to add sugar or any kind of artificial sweetener. Throw in some ice cubes and you're ready to go.

2. Take a good multivitamin. Since you will be losing weight at an incredible speed as well as eating food with minimal nutrients, you have to supplement the diet with multivitamins especially one rich in vitamin A and C. It can in the need help you retain some of the nutrients that you have lost during the period.

3. Find something to occupy your mind. It would be hard concentrating during this period because you will feel constantly hungry. You might even be tempted to take a teeny-weeny bite of chocolate or a taste of peanut butter. Occupy yourself with reading, watching TV or walking around the block. Steer clear of restaurants and skip food advertisements. Try to keep yourself busy with work or in making more cabbage soup. You can keep a container of snackable fruits and veggies like wedges of oranges and apples or sticks of carrots and radish.

Author is an online medical researcher and webmaster of The Cabbage Soup Diet and Cabbage Soup Diet Recipe Visit site for related topic: "Selecting, Storing, and Serving Cabbage" and "Getting to Know the Cabbage".

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2012年6月22日 星期五

Celopin Diet Pill - Does Celopin Or Any Diet Pill, Help You Lose Weight Fast?

Over the past few decades, the big pharmaceutical companies have marketed over 1000 diet pills - Celopin Diet Pill is only one of their latest offerings. And despite their claims of rapid, easy weight loss, the fact is that a large majority of diet pills DO NOT WORK AT ALL. (For more information on this, see the website listed in the Resource Box below this article.)

The first diet pills go all the way back to the 1950s, when amphetamines were offered as a way to suppress your appetite/boost your metabolism. Unfortunately, amphetamines (also known as "speed") are highly addictive, and caused so many serious side effects that the drug companies were forced to take them off the market.

There then followed a long line of diet-pill drugs, which came and went as the continual discovery of side effects would force a new pill off the market within a few years. The most infamous case of this, were the "fen-phen" diet pills. The FDA approved this combination of fenfluramine and phentermine, assuring all that it was completely safe. Mere MONTHS later, the FDA had to issue a humiliating reversal of its decision - the "fen-phen" combination produced some of the worst side effects ever seen in any diet pill offered!

But "Big Pharma" wasn't about to lose this "cash cow" that easily. In order to regain the trust of the general public, they began moving towards the use of "natural ingredients" in their new diet pill offerings. Of course, just because a chemical is produced by a plant, doesn't mean it's any safer than one produced in the laboratory.

The most notorious "natural" diet pill ingredient, was ephedra. Similar to caffeine (but more potent), it was eventually found to be causing caffeine-like side effects - but much more serious. Heart palpitations, heart arrhythmias, other heart problems, allergic reactions, nervous system problems - quite a list indeed! It too, was eventually banned in most of the technologically-advanced, Western civilized nations.

Are you seeing a pattern yet?

All of this does not mean that diet pills are entirely useless. A very few, select diet pills, have some value in assisting with weight loss. They can be useful - but only if you know how to use them correctly, and are fully aware of their problems:

1) ALL diet pills are potent drugs. They all have side effects - some of which are potentially very dangerous.

2) The more frequent side effects of diet pills include: heart complications, high blood pressure, dizziness, nervousness, insomnia, dry mouth, and diarrhea or constipation.

3) Like many other drugs, diet pills can be addictive. People have been known to become quite dependent on these pills, even long after they have stopped their dieting.

4) Many "successful" diet pill claims, are by people who also used a diet plan and exercised regularly during this period. Thus, there's no way to know for certain, whether they would have lost the same amount of weight WITHOUT using the diet pill.

5) Recently, Big Pharma has tried a different approach: Offering watered-down versions of their prescription diet pills, as "over-the-counter" diet pills. Of course, being watered-down, they are even more useless than their original, stronger, prescription-required versions.

Even worse, after taking all these risks and possibly suffering through a list of side effects, ALL diet pills only work for a short time. Typically, your body will adapt to their weight-loss effects, and the pills will lose potency after a couple of months.

But worst of all, is the "bounce". Many diet pill users report that after they went off the pills, they regained all the weight they lost while on the pills - plus more! (I have personal experience with this: After trying several different diet pills, each time I finished my diet-pill regimen, I would eventually end up at a HIGHER weight, than the weight I started at before using the diet pill!)

So as we can see, despite the promise of "easy weight loss", using Celopin Diet Pill (and other diet pills) can lead you through a potential minefield of problems and dangers. But as I said earlier, there are ways to deal with these problems, and alternatives for losing weight quickly and easily - if you know where to find Diet Plans that really work! And I will show you exactly that (plus give you full details on how to make your weight loss Permanent, and avoid the "bounce" entirely), in my next article in this series on: http://celopindietpill.blogspot.com

Did you know that 90% of Diet Failures are caused by only a few major mistakes? At http://celopindietpill.blogspot.com find out EXACTLY what they are, and how YOU can easily prevent them. Click: Celopin Diet Pill

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The Cabbage Soup Diet And What It Is All About

The Cabbage Soup Diet is considered as a fad diet that is centered on the consumption of cabbage soup over the 7 day period of the diet, and is also known as the "Sacred Heart Hospital Diet" or the "Mayo Clinic Diet". However, this is a diet that is mainly suitable for those who are keen on losing weight fast, and not for long term weight loss. It is also highly speculated that most of the weight lost is water loss. In other words, the weight that is lost is easily put back on once you get off the cabbage soup diet.

The key appeal of the Cabbage Soup Diet is that it is encouraged to consume as much cabbage soup as the individual wishes to. The main setback is that only water and cabbage soup is allowed on this diet, as well as some other foods such as fruits and vegetables. The Cabbage Soup Diet can be used as a quick fix or as a morale booster for individuals who are embarking on a diet or a weight loss plan for the first time.

When on the Cabbage Soup Diet, it is essential to stick to the diet and the meal plans without any divergence at all. A minimum consumption of 8 glasses of water a day is encouraged, and the diet should only last for 7 days, no more no less. The consumption of vitamins and other supplements is allowed. However, on many days of the 7 day diet, there is a lack of protein, calcium and essential fatty acids that the body needs.

The Cabbage Soup Diet has its fair share of critics as well. Due to the bland taste of the cabbage soup, the recipe for it usually includes higher than average sodium content. Also, by following strictly to the 7 day meal plan, there is insufficient protein which may result in spells of giddiness, headaches and a lack of concentration. Although dieters are allowed to consume as much cabbage soup as they desire, the bland taste of it has caused many to give up on the diet without following it through to the end. Flatulence is also an inconvenient and unpleasant side effect of the Cabbage Soup Diet.

The Cabbage Soup Diet is advisable only for those who wish to see fast weight loss, without regard for their medium to long term health and weight maintenance. Although cabbage provides low fat and high fiber, it does not meet all the nutritional value that the body needs, and can be counterproductive to weight loss or people who are keen on healthy diets. The Cabbage Soup Diet is supposed to burn the fat content in the body due to the high fiber nature of cabbage. Thus, the greater the amount of soup consumed, the greater the calories burned and hence the weight loss.

As with all fad diets, a balanced lifestyle and good exercise regime is important to keep the body fit and filled with energy. It should be used only for a special occasion that you wish to look good for, or as a first step towards a healthier lifestyle.

Visit http://www.YummyFitness.com to have a custom diet created for you, for free Or Click Here to learn the secrets most dieters will never know about losing weight, for free.

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The Popularity of the Cabbage Soup Diet

People are getting stressed over weight-related issues. Whether the problem is stemmed from the desire to wear a dress, to look good on the wedding day or to fit in to one's favorite bikini, women will do just everything to achieve this goal. The fastest way to attain this centuries-old problem swiftly is simply following the Cabbage Soup Diet.

Said diet is not considered a long-term diet program but it can surely help you lose a couple of kilograms in no time. Thus is a high-fiber diet with extremely low fat content that will aide you achieve your goal. Before you even download your first cabbage soup recipe, it is recommended that you weigh the advantages and disadvantages of this diet plan.

One of the advantages includes the fact that you do not have to deprive yourself from eating the food which are listed in the program. This diet lasts only for a week and it is a god motivational tool to continue doing the diet plan so as to maximize the weight loss. It is a good way to embark also on a more moderate type of diet.

On the contrary, the result may be effective but the taste may not be appealing to many people. A lot of people actually find it quite bland. By engaging in this type of diet, side effects may also happen such as being weak, having the light-headed feeling, or decreasing ability to concentrate.

The Cabbage Soup Diet is also sometimes called as the Sacred Heart Hospital Diet although in reality it is not connected in any way to a medical institution named Sacred Heart Hospital. This diet program may be effective for people but as many doctors have said, a slow diet is rather healthier and has long-term effect. So if you feel half-hearted about it, it is best to speak to your doctor first.

Stuart is writing for many websites, He enjoys writing on wide range of topics such as Cabbage Soup Recipe and Cabbage Soup Diet. Visit to find more details.

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2012年6月21日 星期四

Information For Soup Diets - Recipe Included

Fat burning soup diets have been in existence for many, many years, and are still widely being used by people around the world including some of Hollywood's most popular and well known celebrities of today. The most popular fat burning soup diets such as the cabbage soup diet became popular in the early 1980's. The diet calls for eating any amount of cabbage soup you want to throughout each day as you want it. You can do this because the calories in a bowl of cabbage soup are very low. In fact, what you probably don't know about these soup diets is they often provide no more than 800 to 1,000 calories each day when eaten as recommended which alarmingly is on the border line of a starvation diet when you consider that our bodies need on average 1,500 to 2,500 calories per day to function properly and in a healthy way. In other words, your weight loss won't be because of any magical foods that you put in the soup, but rather because you're effectively starving yourself. Soup diets do provide quick results when done correctly although it's not always easy, especially when it comes to overcoming your old eating habits and cravings and replacing them with new ones. These diets should only be done for a 7 day period at a time, having a break in between turn before resuming.

I am not going to try to fool you like so many others and tell you that it is going to be easy. Because it's not. But keep in mind it is not a monumental mountain climb either - if you are motivated and disciplined with a positive attitude then you can certainly achieve your weight loss goal.

While it is true that soup diets such as the Cabbage Soup Diet and the Sacred Heart Diet are effective in quick weight loss they are not completely safe and may hinder your chances for losing weight long-term and keeping it off if you do not do them correctly. These soup diets are only a quick fix type of diet and definitely should not be done for more than the recommended duration. If you want to lose more weight than just the few pounds that will initially be shed with a soup diet, it is recommended that you seek the help and advice of professional healthcare practitioners.

Here is a recipe for the Sacred Heart Soup Diet:


>> 1 to 2 cans of whole peeled tomatoes

>> 3 or more large green onions

>> 1 large can of beef broth (no fat)

>> 1 package of Lipton Soup Mix (chicken noodle)

>> 1 bunch of celery

>> 2 cans of green beans

>> 2 pounds of carrots

>> 2 green peppers


Season your soup with parsley, pepper curry and salt if desired, bouillon or even a dash of Worcestershire sauce. Cut the vegetables into small to medium size pieces as you prefer. Cover with water in a large pot. Boil on high a heat for 10 minutes then reduce the heat to a simmer and continue to cook until the vegetables are soft and tender. The soup can be reheated and eaten anytime you are feeling hungry.

Encourage yourself and keep motivated! - Keep in mind that it's only for seven days and remember to make sure you drink plenty of water. Be sure to contact a doctor, dietitian or heath food store if you have any questions or concerns. There's no time like the present so go for it and get started today!

Information just like this will help you learn more about soup diets [http://www.diet-plan-diet-plan.info/] and how they could work for you, and also show you where your Best Source for Weight Loss and Diet Plan [http://www.diet-plan-diet-plan.info/] information is FREE!

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Sacred Heart Diet - A Fast Weight Loss Program That is Similar to Cabbage Soup Diet

Have you heard of the Sacred Heart Diet? It is a fast weight loss program that is similar to Cabbage Soup Diet. If you have not heard about this, now is the perfect time to learn about this and you may never know, this is finally the plan that will help you lose those unwanted fats in your body.

Perhaps you have heard of this in the television, or you read this in the internet. Regardless of where you have seen it, the Sacred Heart Diet is a good way of losing weight for seven consecutive days, as it offers a 7-day eating plan based on special soups. It is simple and easy to follow unlike other programs that require you to do many recipes and buy unusual ingredients. The special soup that we are referring here is made of broth and vegetables. This will be the primary meal for you if you are planning to do this program. Just by eating this for seven days, they claimed that you could lose as much as 10 pounds or even more while becoming healthier.

For those seven days, they will also provide you with specific guidelines so you know what foods and drink you can have while having soup as your primary meal. They guide you in every step in this program, so they have a comprehensive list of foods that you can and cannot eat. If you are wondering why it has its name, it is because this program came from the Sacred Heart Memorial Hospital thus, Sacred Heart Diet. They said that these soups are for patients only especially those who need to lose weight before their surgical operations. Moreover, it can also help you cleanse your body with toxins that is essential before undergoing a surgery. If you think that you want the Sacred Heart Diet, make sure to do it properly.

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