No doubt, you are convinced that you are prevented from living the life you would like to live because of the many considerations involved. And, furthermore because your situation is so unique and complicated with numerous extenuating factor, it would be impossible, [not to mention, totally selfish] for you to pursue your dreams. There is absolutely no way you would be so thoughtless, disrespectful, insensitive, unaccommodating, and self-centered to put your wants and needs before another. How grand! While you are in the midst of all of your consuming considerations, coupled with the self-effaced picture of how benevolent you are, to deny yourself these silent aspirations, you conjure up even more elaborately inscribed considerations as a means to sabotage. Not only are you quite adept in the 'art of consideration' but undermining your most passionate desires, without the slightest bit of recognizable manipulation, is simply an sophisticatedly adroit affair. Acting as a master self-deceiving manipulator, your actions are impeccably maneuvered in such a way that no one would ever suspect how much you resent, (inwardly seethe) not being able to fulfill your own heart's desire. You have so crafted your outward gestures of aiding the other, to such a degree, that people actually praise you for being so 'understanding', 'patient' 'kind' 'loving' and of course, 'considerate'.
The idea that you have so many THINGS to consider invariably speaks to the fact that you are hiding beneath a facade of inappropriate delusion. For some reason, {known only to you}, you have chosen to live your life vicariously through another, having convinced yourself that not only is it noble but praiseworthy, as well. You have further convinced yourself that your apparent self-denial is a sign of LOVE in the highest measure of degree. False. Not true. You can not possibly LOVE when you harbor unfinished business within. CONSIDERATION is just another convenient word for "not showing up for your own life." What are you afraid of? What are you embarrassed about? What is it that so terrifies you to think of attempting and failing? Who are you supposedly concerned over upsetting? Why are you really sublimating your desires? {It's really not only futile to do this, but stupid.} You can not hide from yourself. Whatever YOU are, shines through like a locomotive's headlight. Have you ever stopped to think how much energy you are wasting in all of your fruitless considering? The amount of time you spend, mulling the THINGS over in your mind while trying to cover up the subliminal hints being dropped along the way is preposterous.
Consider. Consider. Consider. After you exhaust yourself in the unrelenting act of considering, then you start inventing more things to consider. By this time, {being the charitable person you are} you start worrying about the things you have been considering to gauge whether or not you should or could do more than you are doing. How double grand! When and if, you allow yourself the opportunity and granted permission to possibly envision the attainment conceived in your dreams, you end up feeling unnecessarily guilty for having done so. You might even ponder, once in a while, the most RIGHT and least offensive course of action to take in the matter. But, dismiss it rather quickly in favor of staying in good graces with the business partner, friendship, romantic involvement, relationship, marriage, or the significant other. How absurd! How can you possibly tame a wild stallion? How can you 'put out' the fire of your own innate enthusiasm? You can't.
The naturally inclined impetus of impetuosity will not let you be. You must answer its wooing call, sometime. Sooner or later, what you've tried so hard in vain to hold down, shut up, BURY {under the guise of consideration} will rise up in unmistakable fury. The artistic creative passion in you will surge like a tsunami on a day when you least expect it. {Overtaking you and all of those around you} You were born to create. To express openly, freely and uninhibited is your natural birth right not to be assuaged. It is sexual in nature. Sexual Energy is the highest form of spiritual energy available to mankind! Music is its affinity, art its cohort, the written word its vehicle and drama its superlative expression. You are the magnificently created concoction in exaltation to be ejaculated while on Earth. There can be no consideration applied. Consideration lies in the passive mode; you are actively engaged at all times completely engulfed by the flames of sacred passion.
Some might say, "Doesn't one have to consider such things as how many bricks it will take to build or lay a foundation of a house?" In this case, consideration is not linked to personal objectives. It's mere measurement. If 1300 bricks are needed, then 1300 bricks will be secured to actively build the house. Any further discussion concerning the 1300 bricks will be alleviated, once having started the structure. The consideration is tied to reality not escapism. Considering is not an action; on the contrary, it is the undeniable way to avoid action. Unlike effective talking, which states a definite intent, followed by deliberate action, {in line with the project whether it be physical or mental} produces tangible results. Far too much time is consumed in consideration. Words are powerful and 'magical' in nature. Too much talking dilutes their inherent manifold properties. Considering is nothing more than 'deformed magic.' Excessive talking that results in more incessant talking about the talking is the true definition of consideration. Any prolonged talk, no matter how intelligent it sounds, or to what emotional extent it appeals, seduces and conjures. It is guilefully inspired to cause consideration and deliberating. Consideration is no more than a seductive trap to snare your attention away from the project at hand: YOU.
Considering anything is totally useless. Your soul conceives, voice and tongue are used to state the intent; your feet to stand, squat or sit, your hands to construct and your passion to invoke and approach the creation with reverence. Then, with ardent appreciation you release it into the universe. {For in reality, you as a singular human being {everything is connected) had nothing to do with its manifestation outside your being used as a divine mode of expression}. The Sacred Intent works through you and your soul without regard of you. The result of your apparent manifestation is of no concern of yours any more than the thought that arrives in your head before you have time to think it. Consideration: once again. Your personal feelings, effort, and concern over such matters are rather boring to say the least and morbidly dull to say the most. Your so-called informed thoughts upon things are somewhat limited. There is always that third omnipresent presence unaccounted for. Thinking that you can be any more educated on a subject by considering all options is fruitless. On the same token, believing that by discovering who your mate cheated with, for how long and in what ways will bring added benefit is erroneous. No causeway or direction can be found to alleviate consideration and concern. Pointless! Get over it. Refuse to speak of it again. {Much more productive and mentally rewarding.}
You are never in a position to comment on a situation that has been decreed from another dimension of the Universe for you to experience. {In other words there is always a third silent party operating of which you have no bearing.} Without consideration, you are to accept the Divine Intent without provocation. Further talk is indolent discussion. Paying attention to how determined you are to negate your relegated passion is necessary for the Great Work. The Great Work is in you, for you and is YOU! Never forget: a divine plan has been implemented for your life. The irrevocable structure will not be decreased, diminished or delayed because of your lack of attention to details. It will merely restrict your ability to break through in understanding of what is taking place currently. In other words, while your world of illusion is shattered, you will most likely try to consider your options. There are none. The direct cause of all so-called unnecessary turmoil, guilt, worry, concern, mental anguish, fear, phobias and anxiety is due to the fact you considered something or someone. You have no way of ever knowing what is to be in its entirety but you can comprehend in full wisdom the exacting truth that nothing will befall that you are not sufficiently equipped to deal with in the divinely ordered experience. So, stop considering.
Cosmic Therapist, Author, Artist, Entertainer, Teacher, Author, Speaker, Singer/Songwriter. Composer, Perfumer, Self-taught Chef, Radio/Television Talk Show Host
Married 39 years with 6 children and 11 grandchildren and a native of North Carolina.
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