2012年2月29日 星期三

Did You Know God Ordained Marriage From the Very Beginning?

The Mayor of San Francisco California recently decided that he would okay same sex relationships. I do not say marriage because marriage is a covenant agreement with God. If you have read the Bible it is quite clear that God does not accept or condone these types of relationships. God created us to live our lives daily centered on Him. God wants His children to have an intimate personal relationship with Him. When we obey His Word we grow spiritually. There are many types of religions. But there is only one true God. Just about anything goes when you are religious. Just having a religious experience is not the same thing. Let's further look at God's design for marriage. Let's take a look as well at what is going on in San Francisco. Do you think this is acceptable?

Did you know that from the very beginning God ordained marriage? He intended for marriage to be a committed covenant relationship. Adam was first created from the elements of the earth. God actually made Eve from a part of Adam's body, to be by his side as his helpmeet. In today's lingual this simply means companion. He told them to be fruitful and multiply. It is within the marriage union that two become one spiritually. God's only design for marriage consists of one man and one woman. What is happening in San Francisco further distorts God's design for marriage. Marriage between man and woman is the only type of marriage that God ordains. When the world's principles are adopted we begin to drift further away from God's principles. We must not compromise God's principles. God loved us so much that He created us in His image. Marriage ordained by God is sacred. As Christians we really need to think about how much we truly value what God has to say about marriage and family.

I realize that in 2004 that just about anything goes in the world. It is becoming increasingly evident that many are confused about what God has to say about marriage. Accepting same sex marriages is not exercising unconditional love. We as Christians say we have committed to Jesus being the way, truth and the life? Or have we? Or is it okay when a majority of people decide to go along with whatever? God has already spoken quite clearly. God will not lead anyone to do anything wrong or contrary to His Word. Many are being mislead. As a Christian you need to daily include the Word of God in your spiritual diet. This is why the Lord's Prayer tells us "Give us today our daily bread." This also why God told Peter three times to "feed His Sheep." What you eat spiritually is vitally important. When one adopts a daily spiritual meal of the Word you will grow stronger spiritually. This will actually help you to navigate properly in the world. Your desire to embrace what God has to say about marriage, life and living. will increase. When situations such as in San Francisco arise you will be able to recognize that this is not in line with God's Word.

The world says you can have as many marriages as you please? Just make sure you get divorced. But God says that divorce occurs once one's heart has hardened. Actually they are no longer open to working things out with the spouse to whom they have made a commitment. Many never resolve the bitterness that they experienced in an unsuccessful marriage. Many times they divorce because they really do not understand what God has said in regards to marriage. God's Word talks about a hardened heart. People who have divorced know first hand what a hardened heart feels like. This is why it is so important to make sure that when you decide to marry someone you are committed. Make sure that you are aware your covenant is not only with your spouse but with God. Many people treat others better than they do their very own spouse. Marriage is an excellent opportunity to experience and ever increasing God centered love. God is love. God is eternal. The traditional wedding vows says "I pledge thee my troth" Troth means fidelity, faithfulness, loyalty and honestly. God honors integrity in marriage. God will and can teach you how to guard your heart in lieu of having a hardened heart experience.

Christian marriage & family values are often set aside. Today, due to the many broken marriages it is not often you can find a family with both biological parents and children. When same sex relationships are embraced it mocks God's design for marriage. What do you mean? Same sex relationships should not receive the same recognition or benefits of marriage. This is why marriage is called Holy Matrimony. Holy means to be set apart for God! The truth is many have compromised God's principles and begun to conform to the world. God's original plan for marriage and family has not changed. Parents should instill in their children God's principles for marriage. This does not mean that He does not accept families that are blended. Just know that there are additional relational dynamics that are experienced in the blended family. Read the story of Abraham and Sarah. Look closely at what happened between Ishmael and Isaac this is an excellent example of what happens when we do things contrary to what God says. The story of Joseph and his brothers is another example. Always remember God has all power He is always able to bring about healing in all and any situation.

Many times as a child of God you must forego acceptance .You must be willing to confront, resolve, acknowledge, repent and move forward whenever conflict arises. Sweeping things under the rug causes one to walk in denial. If too much time goes by this actually allows the facts often to become distorted. God really does have an effective resolution process. When you stand on God's principles you never stand alone. God will never forsake you. God allows many things to happen. God wants to build our character. God wants us to instill in our children His principles. Jesus Christ is a solid rock! When you are rooted and grounded in His Word you will be spiritually grounded. The storms of life will not uproot you when your foundation is on the Lord. Life is a continual quest of spiritual growth. Spiritual warfare is a part of spiritual growth. God has said that those who live by His Word will be persecuted. There will always be those who will attempt to discredit you when you take a stand for what is right. Just make sure that your stance is anchored upon truth. You do not have to force God on anyone. God allows the freedom of choice. Remember it is not how things appear. God knows how they are really. It is vitally important to consult God when you desire to marry. We must learn to discipline ourselves to respond in a way that pleases God. It is very important to be absolutely sure that you KNOW you are a child of God. When you know for sure you are a child of God no one, nobody or nothing can ever change that; no matter what! This is why we must encourage others to faithfully study God's Word. We should willingly encourage others whenever possible to embrace God's design for marriage. We must go a step further and obey what His Word has to say. We have a spiritual and ethical responsibility to resolve life's challenges His way. Trials are a part of life. When you focus on God He will shower His grace upon you even in the midst of a storm, test or trial.

In 2004 God's plan for marriage has not changed. God has said that "pure and undefiled religion is to visit the widows and the orphans and to keep yourself unspotted from the world." God said to "go ye therefore into the world...." The world will continue to change. God has said that it will continue to ignore what He has to say. It will continue to say anything goes. You can't if you are a Christian. Everyone will have to give an account to God. I want to encourage you today to make, repent or renew your commitment to the Lord. Move beyond saying you are a Christian. The Lord wants you to make a difference wherever you are. Jesus was criticized for being different. It is okay to be different. God says that His children are peculiar. He tells us to be "as wise as a serpent, but as harmless as a dove." He will give you peace in the midst of a world that constantly turns their back on Him. God's design for His children for marriage and living has not changed. God's Word is true! He still wants to be the center of our life, family and worship!

In 2004 should there be a difference? Yes, especially in the lives of His children. God's children should make a difference. God's children should stand on His Word! If you do not stand for something you will fall for anything! The world at large does not want to hear what God has to say! That is why He has provided us with a Savior! Jesus was grossly misunderstood, constantly ridiculed, persecuted and brutally beaten. But this did not stop Jesus from being about His Father's business. He did not lose focus. John the Baptist went about crying "Repent, for the kingdom of God is at hand." He was beheaded at the request of Herodias' daughter because her mother was angry that He simply told the truth. (Read the story for yourself) Stephen was stoned because He stood for what was right. The Apostle Paul stood for what was right. He too was mistreated and imprisoned and later crucified upside down. These are a few of many. Jesus was crucified! Why? He not only spoke truth, He was the Truth! I want to encourage you to really know Jesus and the power of His resurrection for yourself!

Desire to walk in the Spirit and not in the flesh. Romans tell us we are not condemned when we walk in the Spirit. Let Jesus be your example. Just remember that Jesus was not violent. Many times Jesus did not respond at all. The Bible even says there were times when He said nothing at all. Jesus was aware that they were trying to discredit Him. Yet, He went about doing the will of His Father. He consistently stood His ground by being obedient. Would Jesus say because it is 2004 God's design for marriage has changed? Would Jesus say it is okay to marry someone of the same sex? Would He agree with what many call unconditional love? Can you truly love someone else and not sincerely know God? I do not think so! Perhaps instead we should say you have what I call "intoxicating affections" instead? When you have truly experienced love you will know the difference! God's true love is thoroughly described in I Corinthians 13. Take some time and really check it out. Please do not read it for the sake of reading. Just really take a personal examination. One on one with the Holy Spirit. God today and everyday wants to be the center of our life. He wants you to know His Word and the power of His resurrection so you will not be tossed to and fro by every wind of doctrine.

The world at large in 2004 is in chaos. Any and everything goes. Look around and see if the overall quality of life has improved? There is just about every kind of religion and/or organization that you can think of. But are you really growing spiritually? Not every congregation has God as their center of worship. A few are merely social groups filled with cliques. On the other hand there are many who sincerely love the Lord. There are many congregations that are truly Biblically sound and Spirit filled. They know what it means when we say "I've been washed by the blood of Jesus". Sin does not have to reign in the life of the Christian. Spiritual growth yields discipline. When situations arise we should seek to resolve conflicts or differences in a Godly manner. Be encouraged! The Spirit of God's power is evident in many multifaceted worship services. God loved us enough to allow us to choose? When Adam and Eve sinned He could have just said "too bad". No redemption from sin. No way back to Him. But instead He allowed His Son to come and live a sinless life that we might have a way back to Him!

The newly elected San Francisco Mayor has decided to allow same sex marriages. How ironic, God allows the freedom to be wrong. The chaos in the world is the result of the many decisions that did not include God. This week the city of San Francisco allowed numerous couples of the same sex to participate in a ceremony. San Jose has embraced this idea as well. This goes in complete opposition to what God says in the Bible. Once we claim to have accepted Christ as our Savior it really does matter how we live? This is why it is so important not to conform. We are to be transformed by the renewing of our mind. Is it possible to live a God centered life in today's time? I think so! Of course there will be consequences. You will still have trials, pain, sorrow and grief. But in the midst of it all you will have peace and joy that surpasses the understanding of man. You will be labeled and misunderstood. But you must remember that Jesus who never sinned was greatly misunderstood. His character too was maligned. Did you know Jesus' accusers did not even honestly and openly face Him? Due to their own insecurity they plotted secretly. They allowed false witnesses to justify their unwarranted accusations. They desired to undermine His influence and credibility.

Character is who you are when nobody but God is watching! Jesus really did show us a better non violent way! I am so thankful that God is watching over all of us! I am really thankful to know that He has everything under His control. He has promised that He will not allow more in our lives than we can handle. God's true CHURCH really needs to be in prayer! This is why He says to "pray unceasingly." What we see in San Francisco & San Jose is just a sampling of what is yet to come. What we see happening all around us is God's Word being fulfilled. You see the world does not embrace morality or God's design for marriage, living and the family. Yet everyone wants to go to heaven where God's will is done daily 24/7. Many are deceived. There is a way to be absolutely sure! God has given us a choice. You can choose His way or the world's way! In 2004 it is all about your choice? Do your thing? Right? Wrong! The right choice is to choose Jesus Christ as your Savior. To adopt His principles for, life, marriage and family. Remember, what God has joined together let not man put asunder. Who is your family? Jesus says, "Those who do the will of the Father."


DeBorrah K. Ogans is a licensed Pastoral Counselor and ordained minister. She is certified through the Sarasota Academy of Christian Counseling in Creation Therapy and holds a Master's Degree in Biblical Clinical Counseling. She is the author of a pre-marital guide "How Do I Love Thee: Things You Need To Know Before You Say I Do," and just released her second book "Holy Matrimony: Now That You're Married". She writes an ongoing Counselor's Corner for Alpha 7 Ministries to help individuals, couples, and families establish an intimate relationship with God, which in turn helps them establish better relationships with one another.

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The Mbuti of the Ituri Rain Forest

The Mbuti people of Zaire, Africa make their homes in the Ituri Rain Forest, living confidentially among its paths, valleys, and rivers. Skilled as silent, shrewd hunters, animals and birds provide the protein adequate for their diets. As astute gatherers of mushrooms, roots, and other plants, they know which poisonous vegetation is to be not to be considered food-worthy. This resourceful race doesn't limited their food sources to the apparent however, as they often include termites, honey, and sometimes plantains they're able to obtain via trade with Bantu villagers.

It's speculated that these pygmy hunter-gatherers may be the initial African inhabitants. Around 2500 B.C., the Egyptians recorded the first known story of an expedition to the rain forest calling the Mbuti the "people of the trees". The Egyptian story journaled the unique nature of these happy people, telling of their singing and dancing.

The nomadic Mbuti family groups live in small camp-sites consisting of little round huts built from flexible saplings covered with great leaves which shed rain. They abandon their temporary villages as soon as the group decides to move on to a region with more plentiful game and vegetation. Every new Mbuti camp site is near the edge of the forest, however it also affords easy access to the Bantu village each unique group has a trade relationship with.

The forest is vital to the Mbuti's traditions and spiritual beliefs, and sustenance flows with the life of the Ituri. Often referring to the forest as mother or father, they revere it as the very source of their necessities for survival. This devotion is much more than it just being a resource for supplies however. To the Mbuti, Mother/Father Ituri is a divine, sacred, living force. Through their rituals and ceremonies they ask for help, give thanks, and acknowledge its blessings. "The Ituri Rain Forest is their 'place to return to for safety'".

With food and firewood in abundance, there isn't a full day's work to be done around the Mbuti camps, so these good natured, happy people spend a lot of time singing and storytelling. Though outsiders view the Mbuti as a peaceful light hearted people, the climate among the families is sometimes quite different at home in the camps. They don't have just one figure of authority so all decision making is in the hands of the entire group. Problem solving is a major endeavor and often involves arguing themselves through to mutual cooperation.

Through years of contact with the displaced Bantu villagers (the result of European colonization and exploitation of the Bantu), the two cultures have developed rather interdependent relationships. Since the Bantu are afraid of the forest, the Mbuti's well honed hunting skills make them the Bantu's only source for "prestige foods" such as fresh meat and honey". Being a nomadic people, "starch foods from villagers' gardens make up a significant part of Mbuti diet "year-round." "Mbuti also provide diverse forest products such as thatching and construction materials, firewood, medicinal plants and edible mushrooms."

Each viewing the other as inferior; the villagers see the Mbuti as heathens and often try to appear authoritative toward them. However regardless of any commitment the Mbuti may agree to with the Bantu (be it cultivation, harvest, or fishing expeditions), when their needs are met, their purposes served, the pigmies retreat to the sanctuary of the forest feeling no further obligation to the Bantu.

Though relationships are sometimes strained, these two groups share a give-and-take existence despite their mutual lowly view of each other. "Cultural reciprocity" is evident as some circumstances lead the Mbuti use the more hierarchical and formalized social structure of villager societies, whereas on other occasions the villagers use Mbuti to act as spiritual intermediaries with the forest. Bantu villagers often organize wedding feasts and assign the tasks at funerals. No matter how far away a death happens, the body will be brought back to the village for burial. Likewise, any crime occurring in the forest, particularly involving blood-letting, is brought by Mbuti to a village tribunal. Villagers recognize the Mbuti's spiritual unity with the forest, something they feel inadequate to achieve themselves. They enlist the participation of the Mbuti at major ceremonies aimed at calling forth the fruitfulness of their gardens and even their clans.

Events following the Simba Rebellion, 1964-1970 demonstrates not only the flexibility of the Mbuti's interactions with outside groups, but also their vulnerability and limited influence over the political future of the region. We find that in the end, the Mbuti, like the forest itself, are vulnerable. They have no legal rights to the forest, yet they do not live completely isolated in the forest either; perhaps they never have. Money has become more valued than the things the forest provides the Mbuti for trade. Agribusiness and large-scale logging evidences the goals for short term exploitation and conversion of the Ituri Rain Forest, making the Mbuti forest specialists less and less significant to the regional society.

Though they've survived political rebellions, mass slaughter by political forces seeking to control the agricultural and forested areas of the region and stop the them from helping the Bantu seek refuge in the forest, the erosion of the Mbuti way of life is now evident. Their political exploitation and use as cheap labor has brought the Mbuti closer to the ways of the outside world. It is not unusual, for example, to find Mbuti hired by local timber concessions to identify and cut trees, or for Mbuti to deplete local wildlife populations in the interest of commercial traders. It is Mbuti who guide and scout for illicit prospectors and elephant hunters, and it is the same Mbuti who may guide government soldiers and police on raids of such operations. It's no small wonder alcoholism has become a major problem among this happy, peaceful people as they abandon their old ways.

An Associated Press team hiked into the Congo's Okapi Wildlife Reserve, intending to serve as a fortification against the thriving bushmeat trade and commercial hunting. However upon their arrival they joined a band of Pygmy hunters working daily to meet the demands of the Bantu traders.

The rain forest is home to Africa's estimated 250,000 to 500,000 Pygmies. But every year, it grows smaller. According to the United Nations, Africa annually loses 10 million acres of trees - an area the size of Switzerland - because of uncontrolled logging, mining and waves of migrants desperate for land.

Conrad Aveling, a British environmental consultant, said, "the forest just doesn't produce enough to meet the demand." And by depleting their most precious resource for short-term gain, he said, the Pygmies "are sawing off the branch on which they're sitting."

Or, as Congo expert Terese Hart said, "They're overexploiting the forest in a way that's making their own way of living impossible."

Zaire Njikali, an elderly Pygmy clan leader doesn't want to talk about the change sweeping the continent, or the dangers of over-hunting. "The forest will always be there," he says. "For the forest to disappear, for the animals to disappear, the world would have to end first."

Yet even today, in the face of the encroachment of civilization, deep in the Congo's fierce and beautiful Ituri Rain Forest, the major ceremonial molimo ritual may still be witnessed. In the evening hours, Mbuti men gather round a fire dancing and singing through the molimo trumpet, "making animal sounds and beautiful music" that are part of the ritual. When the ceremonial molimo is brought to the festivity by the young men, they circle the fringe of the camp, making sure the singing and dancing around the innermost fire is most intense, good enough, and ready for the entrance of the trumpet. Whether celebrated to give thanks to the forest itself as all that is good in their lives, to cure noise, or even cure a bad incident such as death, the molimo is a joyous undertaking. Lasting from one day to a month or more, through this ancient ritual the Mbuti seek to become more "centered", balanced, and ordered as they celebrate.

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2012年2月28日 星期二

Top 5 Herbs For Good Health and Weight Loss!

Its easy to sleep away your problem and doze off into an ordinary living. It takes courage and conviction to reach for the star and tell yourself - "Yes, this is what is aspired for and I am on the right track."

Nature has been so benevolent to us from the time we exist. Every nook and corner of our Earth is replete with life saving and energy enhancing herbs. Its tragic that we are yet to utilize even 5% of the natural herbal treasure. Every civilization found its own natural penicillin and placebo - Chinese, Indian, and African regions are particularly very rich in natural herbs.

Some of the herbs which are mentioned even in mythologies and ancient epics and are used as part of our daily lives are:


Garlic contains a chemical called Allicin, which has already proved to have numerous health benefits. A team of Israeli scientists recently used this chemical to successfully kill cancer cells as well as malignant tumors in mice. A proper use of Garlic prevents heart disease including atherosclerosis, high cholesterol, high blood pressure, and cancer.


Turmeric is one of the most popular spices of India. It is also popular as medicine popularly used as part of home remedy. Almost in every dish prepared in India Turmeric is added. Further, it is also regarded by the Hindus as something "sacred" for use in ceremonial and religious functions. The spice Turmeric or Haldi consists of the dried, boiled, cleaned and polished rhizomes (the underground swollen stem of the plant) of Turmeric plant.

Under the genus Curcuma, to which turmeric belongs, the botanists have so far recognized 30 varieties. Of these, Curcuma longa is economically the most important accounting for about 96.4% of the total area under turmeric and the remaining 3.6% of the total area are cultivated under Curcuma aromatica, which is mostly grown in small areas in Andhra Pradesh and Tamil Nadu.

In Ayurvedic medicine, turmeric is thought to have many medicinal properties and many in India use it as a readily available antiseptic for cuts, burns and bruises. Practitioners of Ayurvedic medicine say it has fluoride which is thought to be essential for teeth. It is also used as an antibacterial agent.

It is taken in some Asian countries as a dietary supplement, which allegedly helps with stomach problems and other ailments. It is popular as a tea in Okinawa, Japan. It is currently being investigated for possible benefits in Alzheimer's disease, cancer and liver disorders.

Green Tea

The Chinese have known about the medicinal benefits of green tea since ancient times, using it to treat everything from headaches to depression. In 1994 the Journal of the National Cancer Institute published the results of an epidemiological study indicating that drinking green tea reduced the risk of esophageal cancer in Chinese men and women by nearly sixty percent.

The following ailments are particularly being targeted by Green tea:

- cancer

- rheumatoid arthritis

- high cholesterol levels

- cariovascular disease

- infection

- impaired immune function


Deep inside the African Kalahari desert, grows an ugly cactus-like plant called the Hoodia. It thrives in extremely high temperatures, and takes years to mature. The San Bushmen of the Kalahari, one of the world's oldest and most primitive tribes, had been eating the Hoodia for thousands of years, to stave off hunger during long hunting trips.

- Hoodia will curb your appetite almost immediately after taking only a few milligrams;

- Hoodia gives you control over your appetite - being the most effective natural appetite suppressant ever found

- Hoodia will make you feel great- its a natural mood enhancer;

- Hoodia will help you to lose weight by not over-eating;

- Hoodia is 100% Natural with Proven results that will work for you;

- Hoodia will not give you the shakes like so many other appetite suppressants;

fter some research, some diet supplement manufacturers started adding Hoodia & Green tea as their major ingredients. Hydroxycut & Thermodrenix supplements use Green tea as their major ingredient. Phenocal utilizes Hoodia, Green tea & some other natural supplements. Apart from Phenocal, Some other diet supplements have started using these two supplements.


Ginseng is one of the most widely studied herbs, having been the subject of more than 3,000 scientific studies to investigate how ginseng helps improve a person's physical and/or mental performance, notes McCaleb. Studies have shown ginseng helps increase memory and learning by improving circulation. It's also been shown to reduce cholesterol and protect the liver from toxins. Ginseng, according to Tierra, is known to strengthen the lungs, nourish body fluids and calm the spirit. It may be used for shock, collapse and heart weakness, as well as for promoting longevity and increasing resistance to disease.

A Japanese study showed cancerous liver cells could be reverted to normal cells in a Petri dish culture when treated with Panax ginseng extract. Siberian ginseng has also been shown to stimulate the immune system.

In addition to the above mentioned herbs , diet also plays a big role in your well being. You should adopt a diet which suits your body & mind and not just because some dietitian is broadcasting it.

Author is a healthcare, aromatherapy, natural herbs & culinary Enthusiast. she can be contacted at her blog: http://www.phenocal.org

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Sex and the Healthy Body

An active sex life offers many healthy benefits for a long and happy life. Like most mammals and other creatures, humans were created to enjoy intercourse. Why we struggle so much with this natural part of our lives is so complicated that it can and has filled volumes of books.

Guilt, confusion, inexperience and embarrassment are obstacles that make enjoying sexual intercourse difficult for many women. But if you are married and physically capable, sex should be a regular and sacred part of your union. It can bring a couple closer together or the lack of it can destroy a marriage over time.

Many times, women allow every other task and responsibility to take precedence over making love to their spouse. If you are one of those women, keep in mind that while it is acceptable to outsource all of your other tasks, sex is the one thing you don't want someone else delving out to your man. Honestly, if your budget allows for it, you can hire someone to cook, clean, baby-sit and run errands, but when it comes to making love, that's one activity you want to take care of yourself.

Women usually need to feel loved and appreciated before getting in the mood for love- making. Men tend to be more visual, getting stimulated by the sight of a woman in sexy lingerie or something as different as seeing his lover wearing a different hairstyle of wig. This type of foreplay can heighten the anticipation and lead to a more satisfying sexual relationship.

Like women's fitness and exercise, sex burns calories and keeps your body flexible and healthy. Coupled with a balanced diet of protein, vitamins and nutrients and accompanied by a regular exercise program, sexual intercourse can improve your health and lead to a stronger heart. Sex is a form of regular exercise that raises the heart's rate. An effective cardio activity, women should consider participating in sexual intercourse at least three times a week if not more often.

Sex can help you to lose weight. During 30 minutes of lovemaking, it is possible to burn up to 100 calories. While that might not seem like a lot, if you multiply that by 3 times per week, you've burned 300 calories by just having fun! Plus, if you are concerned about burning calories to lose weight, you might be interested to know that exercise, while helping you lose weight, plays an important role in a happy sex life.

Exercise builds and tones muscles, including your heart. If you participate in a regular women's workout, you'll find you have more strength, energy and flexibility so that sex becomes even more enjoyable. No matter what your body type, remember that a woman's body is beautiful and you should never be ashamed to allow your husband to see it. It is truly a gift that you have been blessed with.

Learn to love the body that you have. Take care of yourself and allow yourself the pleasure of an active sex life. Allow others to help you with all of your other tasks and responsibilities, it's okay not to do everything yourself. But above all, take time to love your spouse, enjoy a healthy sex life and celebrate life to its fullest. When all other things fall away, love is the key to a life well lived.

Karen Ficarelli is the founder and CEO of Fitness4Her.com, a diet, exercise program and women's fitness blog, developed especially for women. A mother of three, Karen knows how hard it is to fit everything into a busy schedule. A fitness author, personal trainer, Pilate's instructor, sports nutritionist, fitness model, wife and mom, Karen is passionate about helping other women reach their fitness goals. She knows firsthand that the desire to attain a healthy, slim and well-toned body is just as important as any other dream that a woman can have. But going a step further, Karen understands that to achieve that dream, you first must believe in it. Think it, believe it, achieve it... www.Fitness4Her.com ... the website for women's fitness.

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The Psychic Vampires

Popularity of the vampire - in books, television shows and movies - few truly know what a vampire is. Many assume that if vampires were real they would be similar to the supernatural, blood-drinking creatures portrayed in popular films - indeed Brad Steiger's article, 'Are Vampires Real?' in Paranormal Magazine issue 42, implied that such an assumption would not be so far off the mark.

While I remain unconvinced that vampires of this kind exist outside the realm of fiction, there is another type of vampire in whose existence I am ready to believe - the 'psychic vampire'. So what exactly is a psychic vampire? In her book Vampires in Their Own Words, American author Michelle Belanger, apparently a psychic vampire herself, defines the term as follows: 'An individual who regularly and actively needs to take in human vital energy in order to maintain his or her physical, mental, emotion or spiritual well-being.'

A 2005 survey involving more than 1,000 self-identified vampires living in the United States, Canada, France and England revealed that 17% of vampires drink blood; 31% are exclusively psychic, while the rest are hybrids. Conducted by Suscitatio Enterprises LLC, the research arm of the Atlanta Vampire Alliance, the survey also found that vampires are an average age of 28, and that they suffer from higher rates of asthma, migraines and anaemia than non-vampires.

Belanger, who is one of the most prominent members of the vampire community, noticed as a teenager that she possessed the ability to sense and manipulate other people's energy - much like a psychic healer - and, further, that her general health improved when she consumed some of this energy herself.

Born with a major heart-defect, Belanger was constantly ill throughout her childhood and adolescence; she suffered from migraines, dizziness and was always tired. As she got older, Belanger began to feel an intense hunger - not for food, but for the vital energy of others. To deny this hunger caused problems, she says, leading her to feed unconsciously from other people, many of whom exhibited obvious signs of nausea, dizziness and tiredness.

Belanger came to the conclusion that in order to maintain her health, she had to feed on human psychic energy. This, after all, was the only thing that made her feel well. Nowadays, she says, she only takes energy from willing donors.

Fortunately for us non-vampires, most vampires, including Belanger, follow a code of ethics called the Black Veil, which stipulates that 'feeding should occur between consenting adults'.

Belanger's story is not unusual; her experiences match those of many psychic vampires. One such individual is Kris Steaveson, an author and 'ethical witch', and one of the many vampire voices in Vampires in Their Own Words. At first, she says, her mental and physical health was extremely poor. Then, one night, 'I felt myself reach out and draw energy from something. The energy cured my ills as nothing else had done in all my life.'

Steaveson found that although she could consume energy from the environment, such as from trees, plants, etc., human energy was easier to obtain and much more satisfying and fulfilling.

(Many psychic vampires report the same thing.) She says she finds blood appealing, but not as much as human energy. She prescribes to the occult view that blood is a powerful carrier of vital energy.

For her, feeding 'is not a thrill by any measure'. She likens the sensation 'to inhaling a very deep breath of fresh air'. After absorbing energy, her mind clears up and her vitality improves.

Midnight Childe (not her real name) is a psychic vampire who 'awakened' (became aware of her condition) in her teens. She enjoys 'deep feeding', whereby she uses her hands and mouth to 'breathe in' the energy from the chakra points of her donor. However, since this type of feeding can create 'potent psychic ties between people', she practises it with the utmost care, feeding exclusively from her husband, a willing donor. (Midnight Childe is one of the vampire voices in Belanger's Vampires in Their Own Words.)

Midnight Childe says that feeding produces a sensation of energy flowing into her body and is sometimes accompanied by the taste of blood in her mouth. The exchange of energy, moreover, does not go unnoticed by her husband, who can feel it being drained from his body, as though he were bleeding profusely from a deep cut. It's safest, she says, if her husband sits down while she's feeding from him, since it makes him feel dizzy and weak.

Perhaps to put us non-vampires at ease, most psychic vampires insist that even if they're unable to find a consensual host they won't target an unwilling member of the public. Instead they will resort to 'ambient feeding", which consists of absorbing the energy emanating from large crowds. Vampires state that ambient feeding is comparable to soaking up the warmth from a candle flame, in the sense that this energy no longer belongs to its source, and would go to waste anyway.

Among members of the vampire community, there are many wild and diverse theories as to the cause of the phenomenon. These range from the pseudoscientific to the spiritual. In Steaveson's view, psychic vampirism is a 'condition of the soul' that is either brought about by 'being spiritually inhuman or by severe and lasting damage to the spiritual bodies'. She refers to the condition as a 'spiritual diabetes that has no cure and can only be managed with the equivalent of spiritual insulin'.

Madame Sedona, a psychic vampire in her mid-twenties who resides in Dallas, Texas, attributes the condition to a damaged aura, caused as a result of intense physical and emotional shocks like near-death experiences.

In many modern books on psychic vampirism, most of which belong to the new age category, such as Joe H. Slate's Psychic Vampires, the phenomenon is seen as something to be avoided and overcome, almost as a kind of sickness. Slate describes psychic vampirism as a harmful spiritual, physical and emotional condition that can either take place between individuals, on a group basis, and also internally.

Slate makes the controversial claim of having conducted research on the 'human energy system' for the US Army Missile Research and Development Command. During a typical vampire attack, he states, 'the psychic vampire taps into the energy system of the host victim for the express purpose of extracting energy', resulting 'in an instant but transient surge of energy for the vampire, and a critical loss of energy for the victim'.

According to Slate, proof of psychic vampire attacks are reflected in the energy field, or aura, of the victim, the aura being an outward manifestation of the internal energy system. With the use of controversial Kirlian (or aura) photography, Slate claims to have found clear signs of damage in the auras of vampire victims.

'Psychic vampire' is a greatly abused term: everyone seems to have a different definition of it. It's common for people to remark, for example, that their boss is a psychic vampire, because he or she manipulates and exploits them. In this case, the term is being used metaphorically, and indeed it could be said that we're all guilty of vampirism; that the phenomenon is a fact of life. However, regarding literal psychic vampires - such as the kind described in this article - I do know someone who claims to have been 'attacked' by one.

The victim, named Jim, a carpenter in his early-thirties, told me of a disturbing encounter he'd had with a well-known Eastern spiritual teacher who 'drained my energy to the point where I felt physically ill and damaged inside- After the attack, I slept for ages.'

Jim says that the 'guru', whose name he refuses to disclose, stole his vital energy by 'fixing me with a powerful, malevolent stare'. He came to the conclusion that the teacher had been using his many students as a 'source of sustenance' and had 'put them under a spell'.

The British occultist and author Dion Fortune, who belonged to a mysterious magical order named the Alpha et Omega, wrote about the phenomenon of psychic vampirism long before the term existed. Anton LaVey, another famous (and far less benevolent) occultist, claimed to have coined the term. LaVey, of course, founded the Church of Satan, which happens to be affiliated with another occult organisation called The Temple of the Vampire.

In her fascinating book Psychic Self-Defence (1930), Fortune sheds light on what she calls 'parasitic vampirism', a partly psychological condition that she distinguishes from true vampirism. She explains that the phenomenon most commonly occurs between two people who are morbidly attached to each other, such as a mother and her son, one of whom - in this case the mother - is more dominant than the other.

'There is a leaking of vitality going on,' she explains, 'and the dominant partner is more or less consciously lapping it up, if not actually sucking it out.'

True vampirism, says Fortune, can be explained in terms of the astral and etheric bodies, which together form part of a person's aura. Some souls, she explains, are so attached to the physical realm that they attempt to cheat death by attaching themselves to a living person and feeding off their etheric energy. Thus a vampire is born - a parasitic earth-bound entity that consumes the energy of the living in order to maintain its existence in the etheric realm (while at the same time avoiding the disintegration of its astral body).

According to the occult perspective, then, most vampires are spirits - not physical beings. These entities, says Fortune, are capable of inflicting what look like very severe mosquito bites. In other words, they do in fact drink blood.

In Kyriacos C. Markide's The Magus of Slrovolos, which concerns the teachings of the late Christian mystic and spiritual healer Dr Stylianos Atteshlis, known simply as Daskalos, we are told that earth- bound spirits are responsible for some incidents of vampirism.

Daskalos describes how he was asked to treat a girl who'd lost a lot of blood and vitality as a result of being bitten on multiple occasions by a bat that entered her room at night. Prior to this, the girl's Fiancee had died from tuberculosis, leaving the two of them unable to consummate their relationship. Since the young man had died with his sexual craving for the girl unfulfilled, this 'kept him floating in the etheric', explains Daskalos, and he began harassing the girl.

Daskalos says that the spirit of the young man had been semi- hypnotizing the girl, so that she'd keep her window open at night. Then, having entered inside a bat, he'd fly into her room and attack her, draining blood and etheric from her body.

Examining the girl, Daskalos found bite marks on her neck that had been caused by a bat. He says that he ended up capturing and killing the bat, and that he also helped the man's spirit "disentangle himself from the etheric worlds so that he could go higher." Afterwards, the disturbances ceased. Amazingly, Daskalos's perspective on psychic vampirism is almost identical to Fortune's.

Returning to the topic of physical psychic vampires, it's interesting to note that some of them practice a form of feeding that takes place during sleep. Belanger calls this phenomenon 'dreamwalking', and she says it lies somewhere between lucid dreaming and astral projection. Before Belanger learnt how to harness this ability, she occasionally found herself involuntarily reaching out to people she knew in dreams and feeding upon their energy from a distance.

What Belanger is referring to sounds a lot like sleep paralysis (SP), a phenomenon that occurs when, either prior or subsequent to REM sleep, the mind is awake and the body is asleep and paralyzed. During SP, it appears as though one's non-physical body - the astral body - is detached from, or out of phase with, one's physical body, facilitating contact and communication with entities that inhabit the 'spirit realm', including people in an out-of-body (OBE) state.

Featured in an article on psychic vampirism, published in Bizarre Magazine, is an interview with a 19-year-old cookery student from New York State named Gabrielle, who claims to donate energy to a psychic vampire friend of hers, named Jackie. Jackie, who's 15, lives 3,000 miles away in California. The two of them met online. The donations occur several times a week and usually at night, while Gabrielle is lying down and Jackie is in an OBE state. Gabrielle says that she donates energy to Jackie out of the goodness of her heart, and that the two of them share an intimate, though not sexual, bond.

She explains how the process occurs: 'Her Qackie's] consciousness goes into her subtle body... and it travels outside the bounds of her physical L body. She can travel

to my body and draw energy from me. When she comes to me, I can often feel a sensation like a hand reaching inside me, pulling at my spine and heart - a very physical yanking. After donating, my back often gets cold.'

The evidence seems to suggest that psychic vampires fall under two main categories. One is a parasitic earth-bound spirit; the other is a person who, in some cases, possesses the ability to feed on others by means of astral projection. The former is discarnate; the latter is incarnate.

In Psychic Self-Defence, Fortunes offers a compelling explanation for the cause of psychic vampirism in people. A vanipiric earth-bound soul can attach itself permanently to a person, she says, turning them into a 'psychic vacuum'. This person, being constantly depleted of vital energy, is forced to draw energy from those around them, eventually becoming a vampire themselves. Like a virus, vampirism is contagious. Could it be, then, that psychic vampires are unconscious hosts for parasitic earth-bound entities?

Ft would appear that energy vampirism is alive and flourishing in the world today, which raises the question: Should the practice be frowned upon? In many Eastern spiritual traditions great importance is placed on conserving one's vital energy and making proper use of it. Life energy is seen as a sacred thing - not something to be abused, or, for that matter, stolen.

In my book Dark Intrusions (2009), I came to the conclusion that only entities of a very inferior advancement would want to feed on the etheric energy. contained in blood - as, for example, when an animal is slaughtered and offered as a sacrifice to some fearsome deity. From a spiritual perspective, this energy is a source of food, as are powerful emotions like fear and pain. If it's true that we are what we eat, perhaps we should watch our diet - psychic vampires in particular.

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2012年2月27日 星期一

What Should a Hatha Yoga Teacher Know? - Part 3

Niyamas are the ethical observances of Yoga. Yoga teachers should know them by heart; they do not conflict with any law or religion.

Shaucha: To put it simply, be clean in hygiene, diet, and behavior. Hygiene and a Sattvic diet can become a daily ritual, but avoiding unhealthy or unclean thought is a daily challenge. This means controlling angry thoughts, angry actions, and suppressing the ego as much as humanly possible.

Santosha: This is commonly considered to be contentment, but it is also acceptance of life as it is. This is most difficult to attain in societies where material gain is the number one objective. Acceptance does not mean giving up but accepting what we cannot control. When we realize there is much in life that we cannot control, we open the door to inner peace.

Tapas: When we think of Tapas, the first word that comes to mind is austerity. This is fine, but Tapas is a way of life, based on fortitude, perseverance, dedication, discipline, and regular Yoga practice, put into action. Tapas will produce results, but may require you to practice Yoga, when it is much easier to eat a chocolate doughnut. One of the biggest problems with the world today is the lack of commitment toward goals.

Swadhyaya: This is taking the time to study sacred scriptures of your specific religion. The answers to all your spiritual questions can be found within them. You do not have to change your religion, but the more you read from your own religion's scriptures, the more ways you can learn to appreciate people who practice a different religion.

If you take the time, you will see commonality in the principles of all the major religions. Jesus said, "Do to others what you would have them do to you." All of the world's religions have a similar saying, but who really puts the words into practice and action? Only an enlightened person would make a statement such as: "Hurt no one so that no one may hurt you." This statement was made by Mohammed.

Therefore, reading and studying Holy Scriptures, mean nothing if you do not take positive action from what you learn. All of the scriptures tell us to live in peace. The worst crime against humanity is when a political or religious leader preaches hate and incites war or killing.

Ishwara Pranidhana: Acknowledge God as a supreme being by whatever name you are familiar with. Pray daily and actively participate in your religion.

© Copyright 2006 - Paul Jerard / Aura Publications

Paul Jerard is a co-owner and the director of Yoga teacher training at: Aura Wellness Center, in North Providence, RI. He has been a certified Master Yoga teacher since 1995. To receive a Free e-Book: "Yoga in Practice," and a Free Yoga Newsletter, please visit: http://www.yoga-teacher-training.org/index.html

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Women, Painting and Power

I'm standing in my studio, watching ten women painting in silence with exquisite focus and concentration, and the energy is just humming. All of a sudden I hear a groan from one of the women and the words "Oh no, I hate it. It's so ugly". I smile, feeling a sense of great relief and dread.

Relief because another woman has just blindly stumbled into her gateway to creative freedom. Dread because I know the resistance and arguments I am going to be coming up against as I try to talk her out of destroying what she deems ugly and to even to begin to take the radical step of accepting what she has created with curiosity and compassion. I have to be quick here because women are nothing if not stealthy and crafty and will waste little time in eradicating the evidence of what they consider unattractive art.

This is a class in what's known as intuitive painting or process painting. The purpose of this kind of painting is to learn to listen deeply to yourself and to then courageously express what you find,without censoring anything,in a spirit of spontaneity, surrendering to the creative process.It's very different from typical art classes where the primary focus is on developing technique and ending up with a pleasing product. This type of class uses art and painting as a way to get more in touch with the inner world of soul and psyche. The focus is exclusively on exploring and expressing that internal process.

This road is difficult for most women, because even though many of us have done some kind of self investigation and recognize the value inherent in that search, we are still fighting an uphill battle against a very strong cultural bias that teaches us to place the greatest value on what is outside of us. We are taught that feelings and an inner life are fine as far as they go, but what is truly worthwhile is how we look, what we own, who we know, and where we find ourselves on the economic and status hierarchy.

The mysterious stirrings of our soul, the needs of our hearts, the messages from our bodies,and the genius of our intuition, are STILL, even after all of the battles for liberation that we have fought, denigrated and considered trivial and unimportant, unrealistic and immature. But in the world of the process arts the realm of psyche and dreams, imagination and feelings are staunchly defended as sacrosanct and even given center stage.

The women in my painting class know the rules of intuitive painting, one of which is that they are not to destroy anything or cover up what they have done just because they don't like it or have a negative reaction to it. They know what they are attempting here is an exercise in radical self acceptance which means embracing everything that comes out of them especially if it makes them uncomfortable because there's "gold in them thar hills" of the psyche that they can mine to great advantage if they are just willing to stay with the discomfort. But the urge to disavow the abomination of a perceived ugly painting by making it disappear can be overwhelming.

There are four words in the English language that you should never use in reference to a western 21st century woman if you don't want to get your teeth knocked out. Those four little words are ugly, fat, bitch and selfish.

Each of these four words addresses an issue of great importance for a woman, and what they all have in common is that they are keys to unlocking the door to our forbidden feminine power. And one thing you can count on is that each of these four issues will show up eventually if a woman seriously gives herself over to making her own art. Which is one reason that women often shy away from the creative process.

These words have extremely negative connotations for a woman and have been used to denigrate and control us for a very long time.The charge around them is so intense that as soon as we hear them we throw up our hands, recoil into a place of shame, close our eyes and back away from them as if they were Kryptonite and we were Super Girl. Since we are unwilling to be curious and explore them, we never get to see that in actuality these four words describe very positive qualities and archetypal energies that we desperately need if we are going to be complete, whole, actualized and effective feminine creators of our own lives.

One of the biggest internal obstacles to reclaiming our power is a potent archetype at work in most women's psyches that can be called the Inner Good Girl. The Good Girl lives for approval and she garners that approval by keeping women small and safe and non-threatening. She is not interested in growing up and is content to remain eternally young. Ultimately, she is the one that keeps a woman from being able to develop and flourish as someone who is strong and potent,gutsy and capable of taking authority over her own life. And the Good Girl never wants to risk being fat, selfish, ugly or bitchy.

If a woman takes her creative life seriously, if she makes a commitment to herself and devotes herself to her creative work, she will eventually reach a crossroads where she has to confront the Inner Good Girl and the list of Good Girl rules if she wants to continue creating with passion and authenticity.

We all know what those rules are.Smile, smile, smile, be sweet and nice, never get mad (or even annoyed),look pretty (which of course includes being thin), smell good, be clean and neat and always be pleasing and accommodating. Don't be loud and stay in the background. What you think or feel is not really all that important. Don't upset anyone. And never, ever make another person uncomfortable. In the Good Girl world perfection is an attainable goal and you need to work relentlessly, tirelessly, exhaustively, to be the absolute best mother, daughter, wife and friend you can be, all the while berating yourself because you inexplicably and continuously fall short of the mark.

When a woman starts her creative life she brings these same attitudes and expectations to her art. She only allows herself to paint pretty paintings that are perfect in every way. Paintings that are nice and make people smile. She is unwilling to risk disturbing or intense color or imagery; nothing that is too strong or stands out too much. But painting in this way eventually leaves her feeling bored and stifled. Pretty can be wonderful as part of a larger repertoire, but if it's all you are allowed to do it eventually becomes both a noose and a cage.

At a certain point in her creative process a woman needs to be willing to ditch the Good Girl by breaking the Good Girl rules. But breaking those rules leads a woman into the territory of the shadow side of the Good Girl, the dreaded yet fascinating BAD GIRL!

The Bad Girl is alive and well in most women's psyches and is the part of us who is sick and tired of the long list of restrictions that hem in her wild and juicy self. She is feisty and bold, full of audacity and unafraid to go for what she wants. She is adventurous and courageous, and enjoys the excitement that comes with taking positive life-affirming risks.

But our relationship to her has a strong shame and shadow element so she often gets expressed in way's that end up hurting us. She is the one who eats the whole container of the mint chocolate chip ice cream in one sitting, who doesn't return necessary phone calls to annoying family members, who spends money that she doesn't have on clothes or shoes, and who has inappropriate relationships with men or women that aren't good for her.What I am presenting here is a way to reclaim the Bad Girl energy, through painting, that is affirming and positive. To recognize that what we have been calling bad are disowned parts of ourselves that need to be brought back home.

THE SELFISH GIRL: Unafraid of putting herself first, of being needy and proud of it, of nurturing herself, of conserving her own energy, of filling her own well, willing to have limits, making her own self care her first priority, willing to be her own good mother, willing to take time just for herself, willing to confront and overcome her guilt about taking care of herself.

This is the first Bad Girl to show up when a woman attempts to have a viable creative life, and the first one I see when a woman walks in the door of my studio to attend a painting class. I hear over and over again from these women how much they have lost themselves in taking care of everyone else. How tired they are of putting everyone else's needs first and that they have come to this class because they want to do something that has no visible benefit to anyone else.

For a woman to be creative she needs to be willing to take time just for herself. She needs uninterrupted periods when she is able to enter her studio, sit down at her computer or her easel, and see what wants to come. She needs to let herself get dreamy, do nothing, stare out the window, and be seemingly unproductive. During these interludes in which she drops into a creative trance she is inviting the muse to enter her and inviting the often secret and mysterious movement of her soul to express itself.

In these moments, she begins to face herself through her art. She is able to get quiet enough so that she can listen deeply and start to ask some essential questions such as "What do I think? What do I like? What do I really want? What moves me, brings me pleasure, makes me feel alive.?" It is a me, myself and I time, a time that needs to be treated as sacred and inviolable in order to allow those creative juices to flow unimpeded and to eventually turn into a raging, rushing river.

However, it's usually not long before the telephone rings or someone taps (or sometimes pounds ) on the studio door with the cry of "I need you! And I need you RIGHT NOW!" It could be a friend, a child, a mother a husband, a work obligation, or a pipe that has just sprung a leak. All of a sudden, somebody else's needs become more important than her need to be creative, and the woman is faced with the eternal female question." Do I once again close the door to my studio and turn my back on the needs of my own soul? Do I once again prove how reliable, dutiful, compassionate , caring, self sacrificing, available, loving, responsible I am, at the terrible price of my own creative self? Knowing that I have the small, and getting smaller consolation of being able to say "Well at least no one is going to be able to call me selfish!"

THE UGLY GIRL: Willing to buck the tide, to be her own unique self, to not always conform , to step away from the need for approval, to be willing to risk censure, to step outside of the box of what is acceptable as a woman in this culture, willing to be weird, different, unique, outrageous, bold.

The most common lament or desire that I hear from my women painting student's is "But I just want my painting to be beautiful."

For most women, beauty is a need, a deep irrational hunger, and an unconscious compulsion. Our identification with the need to be beautiful is so great and so ingrained that we rarely, if ever, question it. Beauty is the key to the magic kingdom of well- being, happiness and success. It is the source of our value, the guarantee of love, our only legitimate access to power, and on a very deep level has meant survival itself. Because so much is at stake, the pressure a woman feels to be beautiful and to create something beautiful is enormous.

Our whole relationship to beauty shows up painfully and clearly in the painting process. While she is painting, there is always some beauty standard- whether she is aware of it or not- that a woman is trying to live up to. Maybe the ideal is of a painting that is neat and flawless where no mistakes or messiness, no drips or uneven lines are allowed. Or the idealized vision may be one of a painting that is balanced and symmetrical, a paragon of elegance, grace, and impeccable good taste. In this version of perfection, all the colors must match, and can only be in the range of muted pastels with the overall effect being soothing and pleasant, like a well put together design in a home and garden magazine.

Whatever the ideal, the energy put into achieving it is relentless. When I watch a woman paint I am always amazed by the passion she has for endlessly fussing over and fixing her paintings. Spontaneity is out of the question. She just takes it for granted that her painting must be well thought out, planned, and organized , and under as much of her control as is humanly possible. She is used to not trusting in her own innate beauty, and expects that the quest for beauty will entail nonstop work. She never questions the ceaseless dieting and exercising, the hours spent shopping for just the right outfit and the worrying over her skin, her hair, her nails. She always has and always will fall short of the beauty mark and just assumes that beauty is something she will continually struggle for and rarely, if ever, achieve.

The really sad thing is that she sees nothing wrong with this fretful and anxious approach to her self and to her artwork.This ceaseless and ultimately hopeless striving for the unattainable ideal is just the norm. It's really the only thing she has ever known.

These narrow constraints of beauty that a woman finds herself tangled in are always some variation on the Good Girl creed. These socially accepted standards are based on a definition of beauty that is related to being nice and non threatening, to not standing out too much and conforming to an established norm that is pleasant but not powerful. Beauty is related to compliance and convention, to following the rules and to fitting in. The Good Girl beauty ideal means that it's not OK to just be herself, warts and all. She needs to clean herself up and make herself acceptable.

When a woman is painting, the Ugly Girl often sneaks in as a mistake or imperfection, a smear or a smudge, something messy or uncontrolled.When the woman tries to clean up the mess, she finds with increasing horror that the muddle only continues to grow. She is constantly having technical calamities. The paint drips or runs, she can't control her brush, chaos reigns, and it seems like there is nothing she can do to make it stop.

She is desperate to get back to pretty. In risking spontaneity, she has found, to her horror, that she has created something that appears harsh or loud or imperfect. Or,even worse, something grotesque or malformed. She frantically tries painting more safe images, more flowers, rainbows, peaceful landscapes . But the flowers develop sharp edges and dark colors and grow completely out of control , the rainbow colors become wildly fluorescent , and the landscapes becomes populated with darkly mysterious shapes and figures .

At this point she has stepped out of the confines of charming and attractive, and into an unfamiliar landscape of the wild, the untamed the unkempt and disheveled. This is often the beginning of a relationship to the inner Wise Old Woman archetype, also known as the Witch. This is the face of the deep feminine that doesn't care about appearances . After all, the Witch walks around with missing teeth and warts, and obviously doesn't care what other people think. This is an awakening of the aspect of a woman's soul who is no longer a slave to approval and who has begun to walk down the long road away from woman as product and commodity.

THE FAT GIRL: Willing to be big, be visible, to come out of hiding, to be a woman and not a little girl, to take up space, to be hungry, to say what she wants, to know what she wants, to be full of herself, to be too big for her britches, to be a full adult, unafraid to say yes! A fat girl isn't afraid to take up space and to take her place in the world.

In my studio I offer high quality paper that is of ample size, but students can tape the sheets together to make even larger paintings. It's a heady time when a woman can let herself spread out and take up some real space,when she can make a HUGE painting, one that can sometimes cover an entire wall.

Creating a giant painting is a dizzying and terrifying prospect, and a woman often needs lots of encouragement and permission to take this step. In fact I usually need to nudge her a little. She will start with saying something about MAYBE needing to go a little bigger with her work. She feels something pushing on her, wanting to come through, and so she will ask if it's OK to use two pieces of paper instead of one. I generously offer to get the paper for her but come back with four pieces of paper, instead of the asked for two. No matter how "nice" she is, at this point she is more than willing to make a fuss, to strenuously object about how it's too much, she could never fill up that much paper, she doesn't have enough to express, she couldn't possibly take up that much room in the studio.

But as I continue to calmly pin the four pieces to the easel, nodding supportively, yet ignoring her increasingly frantic protestations, I see the gleam in her eye. She wants this opportunity to take up space, to proclaim herself in living color, to be unmistakably seen, but is trained to not give voice to this desire. I watch her as she struggles with the forbidden excitement of the challenge, the possibility, the sheer daring of it. The door to a secret longing is creaking open on long unused and rusted hinges, opening to her hunger to be big, to be bold, to be outrageous, to be visible as completely and utterly herself.

THE BITCHY GIRL: Willing to be fierce and powerful; unafraid of her own anger, unafraid to speak up, to take a stand, to have limits and boundaries, unafraid to say NO! Unafraid to combat abuse, refuses to be treated badly, willing to break connections and walk away from toxic relationships if it means protecting your own wild and precious self.

Another major crossroads occurs in the painting process when a woman realizes how angry and enraged she feels and she lets herself express it on paper for everyone to see. However, the feeling of anger is so taboo and so threatening that it will usually sneak in the back door as just a little color. Some red or black appears on the page and then slowly or by "accident" grows larger than the woman had intended .

As this continues , the artist begins to feel a little uncomfortable. She will stand back from her now unruly painting with a puzzled frown and turn to me , saying something like " That looks awfully angry," followed quickly by, "You know, I'm not really angry. I don't get angry. A little frustrated maybe, but never angry." This is a very precarious moment in the process. I have had women actually walk out of the room to get away from this intimation of anger, put on their coat and announce that they really must leave now. I am generally able to coax her back to the painting for the rest of the class, but once she leaves I will often never see her again. The reality of her own angry feelings is just too scary, the prohibitions too strong, and all I can do at this point is hope for her that someday she will be able to feel safe enough to take that deep plunge into her own passionate and furious heart .

For the woman who is ready to take that terrifying yet thrilling dive, admitting that she is indeed angry can allow an amazing intensity of feeling to come flooding out. All the years of saying yes, yes, yes when she wanted to say no, no, NO to unreasonable demands, to abuse, to putting her own needs on a perpetual back burner, come out on the paper in a frenzy of paint , of color, and of image.

For one woman it comes out as a bright red background, with black words painted simply and starkly to read "I AM SO PISSED OFF!'". For another , it is a large image of a woman with wildly flying red hair, bellowing open mouthed and brazen " What the $#%@ about me!!!"

A 60 year old woman, who has been married to a Methodist preacher for 40 years, surprises herself by painting a warrior goddess in hot pants, with a Colt 45 in one hand and a cake spatula (to be used as a whacking weapon when necessary) in the other.

The paintings sometimes depict images that are recognizable out of myth, such as a snake haired Medusa, and sometimes are expressed as a whirl of color and chaos, populated by weird, otherworldly creatures sporting very large, VERY sharp teeth. But what they all have in common is that they jump off the page with the ferocity of emotion portrayed. There is no mistaking the intent behind these paintings which is some version of " I'm mad as hell, and I'm not going to take it anymore!"

I RECENTLY READ an article in a marketing journal that was warning advertisers away from using the words power or powerful in ads directed towards women. The writer of this article was not questioning the issue of women's fear around power, just stating an obvious ( to him) fact that women won't buy things that are associated with the language of power.

We have a long history as women around being disempowered and victimized, and we have internalized this fear of power, of our own power, for way too long. We are living in times of great change and uncertainty and it is critical that we reclaim our birthright of strength, authority and creative vision to take advantage of the opportunity that we have to recreate the world as a place where our most treasured values can survive.

There are many ways to face and to heal this power wound, and approaching it through our creativity is just one of them. But it's a good place to start. As my women student's and I have learned over many years, it's quite possible to experience courage, transformation and self love by wielding the business end of a paintbrush. And breaking our long allegiance to the Good Girl and allowing the Bad Girl an honored place in our lives is not only healing, but makes life a lot more interesting and fun!

Copyright © Chris Zydel 2007

About the Author:
Using counseling, astrology and the expressive arts, Chris Zydel, MA, at http://www.creativejuicesarts.com, has worked with hundreds of people over 28 years, to help them joyfully grow and expand into their full creative potential.

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2012年2月26日 星期日

Ovarian Cancer Part 4 - Conversations About the Elephant in the Room - Living With Cancer

I have been living with ovarian cancer for five years. When I was diagnosed with advanced cancer in Oct. 2003, my immediate response was of shock, horror, fear and anger. Those feelings quickly metamorphosed into creating myself as WARRIOR-"I'm going to fight this with everything I have and WIN!" Through, surgery, chemo, visualization and meditation, prayer, exercise, diet etc. I did win. My labs were normal and I was cancer-free. Until I had a recurrence of disease in the spring of 2005 and endured more surgery and chemo. Now, after additional recurrences, my process has become one of living with a chronic disease.

I've discussed the first few years of my journey in previous writing. In this article, I'll share some insights and information; my progress and set-backs and some new paths that I have discovered on this journey. I'll also discuss how living with a serious chronic disease has affected my relationships with my spouse, family and especially how it has affected my relationship with myself. Anyone living with any serious chronic disease can probably relate to how it can be that other energy in the room-always there with you-the elephant in the room that we are all aware of, but might not be talking about. Let's talk about that BIG, FAT, GREY ELEPHANT; acknowledge it and perhaps figure out ways of changing our relationship to it.

The first conversation I'd like to focus on is the physical relationship I have with that energy; that elephant. Presently, I am on a regimen of going in monthly for labs, doctor visit and chemo. A few days before my appointment, I feel the apprehension, fear and uncertainty creep into my mind and manifest in my body as tight neck, jaw, and shoulders; insomnia and "nervous tummy." My brain will shift into the what-if's: what if the CA-125 (cancer marker) is going up; what if the chemo stops working; will I have to go through unpleasant procedures. Sometimes, these negative ruminations will keep me awake at night or be there as a waling thought. My energy levels are down, especially the first week after chemo, and that affects my exercise routines and activities. I've switched from aerobic step class to walking on the treadmill. It's a reminder, from that elephant, that my health is compromised.

Normal aches and pains, coughs or headaches, can take on new importance when the elephant keeps asking-"Is the cancer back?" Fear and uncertainty are the main components of the elephant and they affect not just me, but my loved ones and friends. They know when I'm due for lab work and experience tension and concern around that time. My sister knows that it's good news if I call her first; if she calls me (because I've postponed calling her), it's not so good news. My husband can read in my eyes what my concern/fear level is. My tone of voice can betray me to my Mom. The elephant is not just with me- it's with all of us. I've learned, and I practice, several techniques that help bring me back into balance; help me sleep better and awake more refreshed. I've also learned to better "let go" of fear and worry.

As I've used these techniques, I've found that the elephant gets smaller, more transparent and, sometimes, even disappears. Deep breathing, relaxation exercises, and focusing on my heartbeat when my mind feels chaotic, all help bring me back to the present moment; back into my body and out of my head. Yoga classes 4 or 5 times a week, as well as, walking and mild aerobics help me focus my attention on being here, right now, in this body. Focusing on my heart beating; my muscles working; each footfall on the treadmill, banishes fear. Part of this awareness of body includes talking to my body-talking to the cancer. "I've lived with you for five years now. I've learned many lessons and will continue to learn. And now it's time for you to be GONE! I really, really, really, really want you GONE!" Awareness of my body also includes honoring it-what do I do with it; how do I treat it and feed it and do special things for it like eat chocolate and truly appreciate every morsel. I thank my body for how hard it works and for all the complicated things it does everyday.

I ask my body to communicate with me- "I'm listening; I'm paying attention; talk to me and let me know what I need to pay attention to. I'm fortunate in that I live with a stress management expert, my husband. He's taught me many exercises and strategies for controlling my anxiety and physiologic responses to stress. I invite you to check out his website where he has many articles offering information on these techniques. In addition to exercise and practicing stress management, I also pay attention to my diet and take supplements, following the recommendations of my naturopathic physician. He guides me in not only what to take, but how to take it so that nothing interferes with the effectiveness of chemo. This is important. There are so many products offered in stores magazines and the internet claiming to cure cancer and other diseases. Having expert advice and coordinating with your physician is a MUST! Acupuncture is another component of my wellness program. I feel that having acupuncture a few days after a chemo treatment helps rebalance my body and minimize side effects.

I believe that my wellness program which includes diet, yoga and exercise, acupuncture, naturopathic physician visits and supplements is helping me live well with cancer. Unfortunately, my insurance does not cover any of it, which leads me into our next 'elephant' discourse.

Illness is expensive and packs a big financial punch, even if you have insurance. It uses up sick days and impacts job performance. After each surgery, I went back to full time work a little early so that I wouldn't run out of paid time off. In hindsight, I probably should have worked less and rested more, but a tight budget is a hard task master. I am fortunate to have a good health plan that does cover most of my bills after a hefty deductible. Even with my medical coverage, alternative adjunctive therapies like acupuncture and supplements are not covered and I have to budget and prioritize what will be most helpful and what can I afford. So many people are not so lucky and compile huge medical debts. It is easy to feel overwhelmed while you're working so hard to stay well. Taking time out everyday to shut off the worry for a time and practice stress management can help minimize overwhelm and reduce some of it's side effects such as muscle tension, headaches, stomach upset and insomnia. When I feel the tension and upset building, I stop-get quiet-and listen to my heartbeat. I say to myself-"my heartbeat is calm and regular" several times and breathe deeply. This simple exercise calms me and helps quiet the 'mind-chatter' that can lead to overwhelm.

This past year has brought an acceptance of the chronic nature of my disease. It has also brought new ways of thinking about money and finances. I've always been a saver; always have a savings account; put money aside for a rainy day; pay bills on time; don't run up credit cards and save up for what you want. Living with the uncertainty of my prognosis and life span has led to new ways of thinking,(prompted loudly by the elephant, of course). Now, it's I want to renovate the bathroom now; I want to go to Europe in the spring; I've hated that green sofa, with the stuffing coming out, for years and I want a new one. I don't want to wait until I can afford it. I might not be here! I'm impatient and want things and experiences now.

I hear friends and family talk about their 5 year plans; the world trip they'll take in 2 years when they retire; their long-term goals and I want to squish all of that into right now. My impatience, driven by my fear and uncertainty, battles with my fiscally conservative nature and the realities of my budget. And naturally my impatient wants impact my husband's view on finances. The elephant is sitting on both of us when we have our financial talks. It's very difficult to find a balance between splurging and running up a big debt, and being financially responsible. Suppose I use all of the equity loan for my right -nows and I live another 5 years? I'll owe all that money! Or, if my time here is done in a year, my husband will have to pay it back. I don't want to saddle him with that. My compromise is to keep a responsible budget with some splurges throw in. The new couch and matching chair, in my living room, look great and are so comfortable. I enjoy looking at them and sitting in them.

The European experience and bathroom renovation are on the back burner, to be revisited another time. I pay down my credit cards and keep money in my savings account. I shop at thrift stores and clip coupons and save up for splurge items. When John and I are kind and loving towards one another while having our talks about tough things, the elephant loses power; gets lighter and sometimes floats away all together. And while my short-term plan is to take each day as a gift and live in the present moment, my long-term goal is to expect and be open to miracles. I have always believed in the possibility of being able to disappear this disease from my body and live the next five years without cancer. The late Carnegie Mellon professor, Randy Pausch, died of pancreatic cancer recently. He posted his last lecture on the internet. In it, he said, "I am maintaining my clear-eyed sense of the inevitable. I am living like I'm dying. But at the same time, I'm very much living like I'm still living."

The emotional component of chronic disease is huge. While we are "living like we're living," our well-being is hooked up to the next lab report or CT scan. It can be so easy to get caught up in being a victim to Fear, Anxiety and Uncertainty. Sometimes, the elephant even throws Envy into the mix. I will find myself envying those are not only healthy, but take that health for granted. Or occasionally, when the elephant is in really good form, I'll hear a niggling voice in my head directed towards the woman over there complaining about her laugh lines or cellulite. If only that's all I had to worry about. With daily, vigilant practice, I'm much better at banishing those nasty thoughts and envious feelings. I've also realized that the Big Three-Fear-Anxiety and Uncertainty- are not part of my daily 'being,' When those feelings come up, I'm better at letting them go. Sometimes, it's as easy as saying to myself, "Be Here Now, Barb." And, sometimes, it doesn't work and all the questions come up.

Will I be here to dance at Katie's wedding in July? Will I dance at my sons' weddings? Will I hold my grandchildren in my arms? Will I be missed; have I made a difference being here; what more can I be doing with my life while I'm still here? And the really big one-how will I handle my dying-which brings up fear of death itself. Even while I'm writing this at the kitchen table on a stormy day, I feel the elephant -VERY BIG- in the room. To deny that these questions are here is to make the elephant even bigger. So I write this article, and I write in my journal. I acknowledge and accept the fears, and I seek guidance and pray. I strive to focus my attention on how I want to live, instead of on I don't want to die. And I cultivate inner peace and rich emotional and spiritual 'beingness'. Dr. Morry Edwards, a licensed psychologist who specializes in treating people with cancer and other chronic illnesses, offers these "Ten Habits for Cultivating Inner Peace."

1) Make a point to start and end each day with a positive thought.

2) Develop a daily practice of becoming quiet enough to experience what calmness really feels like.

3) Try to acknowledge 100 blessings a day, to notice all the beauty and small miracles that surround you.

4) Create the best individual healing path which includes exploring all avenues that can generate growth, peace, and harmony among body, mind and spirit.

5) Be proactive and informed so you can pick your treatment team and participate actively in decisions that affect you.

6) Be willing to accept your thoughts and feelings so you can change them or make peace with them.

7) Stay in the moment instead of worrying about the future or holding regrets about the past.

8) Stay focused on what you still have rather than what you have lost.

9) Experience the wonder of a spiritual connection. It may be difficult during this time to understand "why?" but an overriding sense that there is some purpose, is essential to inner peace.

10) Focus on what is meaningful, joyful and makes you feel productive.

A large part of my journey of the last five years has been exploring and experiencing "the wonder of a spiritual connection." I've always believed in God; in the Divine; in the concept that we are spiritual beings having a human experience. As many questions I ask in my search for answer, the more questions I generate. What do I have control over-what do I give up to the Divine? Can I prolong my time here or is my time of death preordained at the time of my birth? How do I find comfort when I feel so unready to leave this earthly plane?

Earlier in this article, I talked about self-talk- having a conversation with my body and how it has helped me feel more calm and in control. On a higher level, I practice soul talk or prayerful conversation with myself and with God. I truly believe in the power of prayer. I've heard of or read about many instances of people being cured miraculously, when there was no hope of recovery, after a group of people got together and prayed for them. It doesn't matter what your concept of the Divine or God is. The power comes from the collective gathering of sacred selves for a common purpose. As I wage my personal physical battle with cancer, my prayers lift me beyond the corporal self to a new plane of being. An Native American chant expresses this so well. "All of a sudden I feel myself pitying myself, meantime my soul is being blown across the sky." In my daily practices, I've been learning about Wayne Dyer's teachings- "Learning to Manifest." When you want something, you really, really, really, really have to want it. The first "really" is the Wish-please help me create what I want in my life The second "really" is the desire- be willing to ask for what you want. The third "really" is the Will or Intention- I will create this in my life and I intend to get it. The fourth "really" is the Passion- hardening the will and have a passion about what you want. We're all probably familiar with the phrase-"as you think, so shall it be." I believe in the power of thought to create what I want in my physical world.

Focusing on being in my body-talking with and listening to; honoring and taking care of; practicing stress management and exercise is the first step to creating what I want. Being true to myself, speaking the truth, and practicing fiscal responsibility and splurges is step number two. Cultivating and nurturing emotional and spiritual health and well-being are the third and fourth steps to manifesting what I want- physical health and inner peace. Right now, the storm still rages off and on, but I'm warm and comfortable in my new chair. No elephant here sitting across from me or whispering in my ear. I've no doubt that it will show up again. But I have found that the more I practice the things I've discussed in this article, there are fewer visitations and the lamentations are quieter. And there are whole stretches of time, days even, when the elephant is gone.

Someone wonderful sent me this wonderful message: "I am not going to live forever; but while I am still here, I will not waste time lamenting what could have been, or worrying about what will be. And I shall eat dessert everyday (if I feel like it.)

As I prepare to celebrate the holidays with my loved ones, I am filled with gratitude. Lovingly decorating the tree with ornaments I tucked away last year (not knowing if I'd be here this year) takes on new meaning. Each ornament has a special memory and I enjoy the remembering. When we clink our glasses to toast the New Year, I'll be looking forward to spring bulbs popping up; visits with family and playing in my garden. But mostly, at this moment, on this day, I shall immerse myself in the present: the sun peeking through dark clouds; a formation of geese winging south; an old Rosie the cat, snoozing in the chair with me; and me feeling healthy and alive.


Barbara Ehlers-Mason, RN has partnered with her husband in writing articles to assist cancer patients and parents. She offers coaching to cancer patients and parents (regarding parenting issues) through the Stress Education Center. Her first 3 articles are available at our website and at ezinearticles. Barbara's husband, L. John Mason, Ph.D., is the country's leading stress management expert and the author of the best selling "Guide to Stress Reduction." Since 1977, he has offered Success & Executive Coaching and Training.

Please visit the Stress Education Center's website at Stress, Stress Management, Coaching, and Training for articles, free ezine signup, and learn about the new telecourses that are available. If you would like information or a targeted proposal for training or coaching, please contact us at (360) 593-3833.

If you are looking to promote your training or coaching career, please investigate the Professional Stress Management Training and Certification Program for a secondary source of income or as career path.

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Six Golden Rules

Do or Die

This is a do or die situation for all of us. If we do, we do not die; if we do not do, we die!

Yes, one day or the other, all of us are to give up the body-this is what is normally called death. But, if we understand that mere giving up of the body is not dying and actually, there is nothing called death-it is a mere mental formation-we stand to gain the kingdom of immortality.

Try to understand the gravity of the situation. Die we must-today or tomorrow. Are we prepared for that moment? If today itself we have to go-who can deny the possibility or resist the pull-are we prepared? If we are scared, we are not prepared. Our fears only tell us how entangled our mind is. The task is gigantic. In order to conquer death, the mind has to be brought under control. Death is a mere conditioning, mere phantom, with no real existence. A conditioned mind fears it out of the belief that everything is going to be lost with death. Is it really so? The masters tell us that when the false beliefs, conditionings, incompleteness and desires are given up by right understanding, the mind experiences its own subtle, immortal base. The Self is luminous, eternal and blissful. It is the Reality behind everything that is apparent. Controlling the mind is as difficult as controlling a storm itself. Lukewarm approaches, soft steps are not going to help. An all pronged attack has to be planned and executed. All aspects of the mind need to be taken into consideration. All functions of the mind-perception, volition, intelligence, emotion, mental formation and ego-need to be made best use of. Inactivity has to be sublimated into activity, and activity into inactivity. So, mere mechanical concentration is not going to help. Meditation is not concentration. Development of inactivity is impossible to attain without clear understanding, clear intention, clear will and clear planning & its execution. Till the time the mind is transcended, it has to be made best use of.

Time is short. It is running away with incredible speed. Only yesterday we were children. Are we making best use of the time we have got? Is it a life with a direction or a haphazard and meaningless life that we are living? Are we satisfied with the way we are passing our days? Are we really living without regrets? And if not, do we have the time to think whether any direction can be given to our life; whether life with satisfaction and without regrets is a possibility?

Satisfaction is possible only when the contemplative faculties are invoked. This requires tremendous scavenging capabilities. Giving up the junk is a prerequisite. Clean the dust from the mirror, the reflection is spontaneous.

We need to give the hardest blows to the wasteful wanderings of the mind. Looking at the current requirements of man, these strong blows have been formulated in the form of six laws. If we make them the base of our thinking process, there is no power on earth that can stop us from unfolding the divine possibilities hidden in us.

No proof, no belief

Nothing needs to be accepted without scientific substantiation. Krishnas and Buddhas and Christs need to be tested analytically and then experiential. All of us belong to the age of science, the age of testing everything at the altar of experience. We cannot afford to ignore scientific temper in this age of ours.

A physicist goes to his lab, conducts experiments with certain instruments, over certain objects and writes down his observations over a period of time. Then, he tries to find out the hidden schemes of nature in what is so apparent. He calls these schemes of nature the natural laws. Having proved these laws himself in his lab, he then proclaims it to the whole world. He has discovered the laws and anybody, anywhere, anytime can go to his lab and put them to test.

Others following his instructions, conduct the experiments in their own labs and testify the truth or falsity of the assertions of the discoverer. The discoverer, if he is really scientific, is always open to objective suggestions and queries.

What has happened here? The subject-the discoverer scientist-goes to his lab-the place most congenial to the experiments. He passes the object-the thing to be scrutinized-through the observation of his instruments-the most appropriate way of making observations. Then he scans the observations objectively, dispassionately and intently.

Subjectivity, bias or prejudice have no place in his observation, scanning and analysis because he is a scientist. The Earth moves clockwise or anti clockwise around the Sun or the Sun oscillates around the Earth, he only observes. He has nothing personal to gain from his observations. The moment any personal gain or bias comes into picture, the scientist does not remain a scientist.

The process is not so simple in the case of subtle spiritual experiments. The physicist, his instruments and the objects under observation are all different entities. They have their existence independent of each other. In the case of mental scientists-the mediators-the mind is the subject, the mind is the object and the mind is the instrument as well! When the mind turns its light upon itself, all the vagaries, whims and unnecessary clingings are made naked. The whole thought structure is found to be based on very impermanent settings. The source of one's dearest attachments is found to be just some illusions, some whims. The pillars of this house of cards are themselves made of cards. How can anybody so attached to the thoughts of objects take them to be mere impermanent, imaginary whims? The attachment, the clinging to objects, individuals, environment, situation, work, fruits of work, time, place, all seem to lose their importance. Even the ego-that I am this body-mind-complex-is also peeled like an onion and nothing is found in it. The moment you become objective with the mind, its colorful imaginations begin to fade away. The whiteness, the purity is not appreciated initially. The mind may refuse to bend. Why should it? "Meditation is different from my personal life. Why to combine them?"; "I did not start doing meditation to give up my personality."; "Without ego with me, who will protect me?"-These are some of the blabberings of a turbulent mind.

It is like a stormy revolution of beliefs. The old definitions crumble. The new ones are not strong yet. The utilitarian benefits don't present themselves in the beginning itself. The complete unfoldment of Reality takes a lot of time, practice and patience. It is difficult. It is difficult to remain scientific when one's own mind is involved.Only one in a million is fit to be a scientific meditator. All other puny minds keep getting tossed about by the turbulent waves of nature, both internal and external. If you want to know your Self-don't ask for any other material benefit because knowledge cannot be made secondary to any materialistic idea-you need to get up and get going. This life is too short to be wasted in futile pursuits. Gird up your loins and be on the march. Put every single thought that occurs in the mind to test-the test of Reality and unreality, the test of Truth and falsity. Are you ready to give up all sophistry arising in the mind? Are you ready to accept science as a way for your mind also?

Shadows to be avoided at all costs

There are various schools teaching different methods for the control of the mind. They give emphasis on the development of one or the other function of the mind to the exclusion of the others. Developing love, mindfulness or the ability of clear dissection of thoughts are all good methods for the dissolution of the mind, but they have their own limitations and in most of the cases, they tend to develop a shadow personality of the individual. A lover of God may become too sentimental; a follower of pure reason may develop an unbreakable sense of superiority and one following only mindfulness may very soon run away from the practice as there is no grease of love, unity and intelligence in his system. In our view, the best method should include all the major functions of the mind-Love, Intelligence, Concentration, Mindfulness. It is also to be seen that the propensity of the mind towards any function should be encouraged at the same time-the others playing their significant role as junior partners.

Intelligence, emotions and volition have to be made best use of. They must serve each other. They must keep a watch over each other. The possibility of the development of a shadow personality should be checked in the beginning itself. There should remain no room for the mind to develop into a monster. Whichever combination of whichever degree one follows, one must know that without complete digestion of the concepts, concentration is not possible. Meditation is permanent residence in the Truth. Unless one is clear about the meaning of the Truth, how is dwelling in it possible?

How will one dissolve the false grabbings of ignorance into purity of the Truth if one does not know what the latter is. Firstly, one needs to learn about Reality from a competent master who is following it in his own life. Then one needs to reflect over its nature deeply so that all doubts about its being Real and everything else being unreal are uprooted completely. Lastly, one has to make it one with one's life. Only Reality remains then. Everything else-all thoughts, all emotions, ego, volition-is made one with it.

Dry knowledge can also become a hindrance as it can be quite boring. One requires love. Love for oneself; love for the whole world. Love for what one is doing; love for the Truth. Love for those who have already conquered the Mount Everest of life; love for the fellow travelers. Love for those who do not want to move; love for those who want to, but can't.

Further, knowledge and love are not possible without concentration. The deeper the concentration becomes, the deeper one moves towards understanding the knowledge and expanding in love. A vacillating mind is good for nothing. If one cannot be one pointed, how will one evolve in knowledge and love. The mind will keep on running in circles around utilities and will never be able to dwell in Reality.

Words reach Reality most easily

Word thoughts are the most powerful thoughts. Emotions and Intelligence are best expressed through words.

Concentration can certainly be had through other means like visualization, perception etc. You can concentrate on sensations like pain, heat, tingling, prickling etc. arising in your body; you can concentrate on the movement of your body; you can concentrate on running, walking, eating, drinking and talking without using any words. Also, you can concentrate on external factors like the ocean, the sky, a flame of light etc. without using words. However, such concentration cannot take anyone beyond mere one-pointedness. One-pointedness is no doubt a pre-requisite for meditation, but, it is not the end. Mechanical one-pointedness gets shattered in no time. The end is the purity of the mind. The goal is the realization of Oneness of all. The duality, incompleteness, insecurity and forgetfulness have to be demolished in the mind. It is not possible by lukewarm approaches. Words, expressing the eternal wisdom, need to be hammered again and again on the mind. The mind must contemplate and meditate on the Truth-not merely concentrate mechanically-which can be approached only with the help of the words expressing it.

How to go about concentrating on words of wisdom so that we may not only develop in concentration but our grounding in knowledge should also become deep? This is best done by repeating the words expressing the Truth. The normal tendency of an ordinary mind is to revel in inertia or sensuality. For bringing it unto unactivity, it is found most useful to make it reside in the mantras expressing the Truth. By hammering the mantra repeatedly on the mind, it gets the opportunity to reflect over its meaning and integrate it with life. Initially, when you start doing the meditation, these repetitions might look boring or sometimes preposterous. However, if you persist with them, they will be instrumental in creating new grooves of purity in the mind. Very soon-within one year, if you are doing the practice regularly and diligently-you find that you cannot live outside the Truth. You develop a deep love for the practice.

It is also true that the Absolute is beyond thought and word. Then how can we realize it using thoughts? Well, these thoughts are meant for the invocation of purity and clearing the mud from the mind. That done, thoughtlessness is realized spontaneously.

No vernacular, no understanding

Concentration on words can also be of two types:

1. Perfunctory concentration: When you concentrate on the sound of a word without understanding what it denotes.

2. Meaningful concentration: When you concentrate on the meaning of the word.

In perfunctory concentration, there is no penetration of what you are concentrating on, in your system. It remains only at the surface level. While in meaningful concentration, the penetration is deep and it helps in uprooting the old false conditionings.

Do the following exercise:

Repeat 10×3 times one of the most sacred mantras for the Hindus: 'Om Namo Bhagvatey Vaasudevaaya'. Be careful that no involuntary thoughts should arise in your mind when you are doing the exercise. Concentrate intently on the sound of the mantra echoing in your repetitions.

What did you observe? Did you find yourself dwelling in wisdom when you were doing the exercise? Did you have involuntary thoughts? If yes, could you annihilate them with the understanding of the mantra?

Concentration on sound is different from digestion of the meaning with concentration. Now, do the second part of the exercise:

Repeat 10×3 times the mantra: Pure love is free from expectations. Concentrate intently on the meaning of the mantra. Try not to let any involuntary thoughts arise in your mind.

Now, analyze the meaning and effect with the mantra with these questions:Does it relate to your life? Do you agree with what is being suggested? How much? If you agree completely, why is it not becoming one with your life? Is there a dichotomy between your head and heart? Can you still have involuntary thoughts if you are able to make this mantra run in your blood stream? Could you still be suffering from incompleteness and insecurity if you make this mantra your life? What is it that stops you from suffusing yourself completely with the mantra?

Do you now get the difference between perfunctory concentration and meaningful concentration?

Suppose you are now told the meaning of the mantra Om Namo Bhagvatey Vaasudevaaya: 'I surrender myself to the Love of the Truth'. Do the exercise once again. Slowly repeat this mantra and try to keep its meaning also alive. 10×3 times. What do you observe?

Whenever you are concentrating on some repetition in a foreign language, you will find the following to be true:

1. You have to do double the effort. First repeat the statement in the foreign language and then translate it for getting its meaning.

2. As it is difficult to relate to the foreign language one is not born with, the repetitions do not penetrate easily. They tend to become mechanical or perfunctory. The mind gets clouded by inertia very soon and there is every possibility that it will start dwelling on something else.

It is therefore best to do the repetitions in one's mother tongue-the language you think in. However sacred Sanskrit or Pali or Latin might be for some, the truths the mantras express are certainly more auspicious.

No tuning, no music

The mind gets affected by changes in the physical realm. However hard you try, you find that the moment you cross your limits, you cannot concentrate. Too much of food or too little, too much of sleep or too little, too much of work or too little, too much of recreation or too little, all these only help in making the mind too vehement. There has to be a balance in everything you do. There has to be a reason for everything you do. Do not tighten the strings of your guitar too much, lest the wires should break; also, do not loosen them too much, lest there should be no music from the instrument. Find the balance. Find the middle path in everything you do because only in perfect tuning of your life can you tune the mind perfectly.

For a sound meditation, remember this golden rule: The stomach should be soft, the head cool and the feet warm. What you eat affects your mind directly. Too much food, you feel dizzy. Too little food, you feel hungry. Exciting food, stale food and oily food also create problems for the mind. There should be a conscious effort to avoid constipating food, food that can cause indigestion or loose motions. Similarly, too much or too less sleep, you do not remain in form.

The same applies to your activities also. The center of everything has to be found. Make it very clear to yourself: Meditation is not just a fifteen-minutes-a-day routine. It is a way of life.However, there is no absolute middle. It varies with individual requirements. It varies as one progresses further in the discipline of mind and body. What is middle for me might not be middle for you. You may live on a salad diet thrice a week, I may be able to do so once only. You may meditate six hours a day. If I do that, trying to emulate you, my head may become too hot to handle. I may be comfortable with eight hours of work daily. You may require only two hours-your activity might already be quite exhausted.

The possibility of changing requirements with time cannot be denied. With sincere practice, anyone can raise his middle level. Today, I feel comfortable with a certain routine; tomorrow that may very well change. In tuning oneself, one ought to go for five-to-ten-percent higher than one's upper limit. Then, on getting comfortable with that higher limiting factor, one should increase it further by five to ten percent. Trying to stretch oneself by one hundred percent more than what one can comfortably do, may wreck the nerves and one may run away from the battlefield no sooner than later. Complacency with the present level of living may push one into a vegetating routine. One must be vigilant on both sides.

Meditation cannot be done in the fast forward mode

This rule is related to the previous one. We feel that the meditation technique should not be practiced at a stretch in a fast forward mode. It is found that most of the meditators do their practice in a routine-like manner. They have to sit, they sit. There is little enthusiasm in what they are doing. This happens because there is little grasp of the Truth and there is no understanding that the Truth needs to be integrated with one's life. The repetitions are then done perfunctorily. Somehow, the routine must be kept up, even if one is not getting anything from it. Such meditations are bound to be futile. There is little development with regard to concentration and purity.

For avoiding this possibility, it is advisable to take periodic rests while the meditation is going on. These rest periods are called digesting periods. Repeat the mantra, stop and digest it. Then, once again do the repetition, stop and digest it. During resting time, let the mind ponder methodically over the Reality being expressed by the mantra. Let it have a firm grasp over it. Let it dissolve what is not real or what is contrary to the mantra-mostly coming in the form of involuntary thoughts-with the help of the mantra itself. After that, with a rejuvenated and purer mind, the meditation practice can be continued.

There is the possibility of a shadow side here too. You go in the digesting period and the mind may rest there for too long. It may not come back to the practice easily as it has got more turbulent now. Instead of digesting the mantra, it may get the opportunity to dwell on the sense objects and its imaginary castles. The involuntary thoughts may come with such vigor that it may not be possible for the meditator to fight against them. This is a practical difficulty. If you do the meditation for too long, it becomes mechanical. If you stop intermittently, it may lead to more chaos. There is a way out. During the digesting periods, if you continue the reflection and deliberation over what is being said in the mantra with the help of a well chalked out thinking strategy, you will find that both the above problems can be easily overcome. Meditation is not a routine job to be done unwillingly every day. It is a march towards the Truth. The Truth is also not a mere word. It is the Reality of all of us. There is no way other than meditation, to understand the Truth and accept it as a way of life. Meditation is the key for unlocking the mysteries hidden in all of us. We are all potentially divine. Do we have the courage to unfold this divinity?

For more information about meditation in India, meditation retreats, meditation centers in India, meditation courses in India Please follow this link retreats in India

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