2012年5月7日 星期一

Change Your Biological Terrain Through Food

Kevin: What are you excited about now? What are some of the things that you're finding that are really helping people and what their application is. Let's talk about some of that.

David: OK, well, I want to talk about two things in that regard that's really exciting to me right now. One is a discovery that we've known about for a long time in the field of nutrition but the more and more I'm out there, the more and more of this I see and that is that we are not us.. We are actually a combination of many organisms and us living symbiotically, which means most of the cells in our body are not actually our cells, it is bacteria. We have a 100 times more bacteria living on us and outside of us and in us than we have cells in our body, of our own cells. So, who are we really? Well, we're a symbiotic organism. We live with bacteria that are friendly to us. We also living with bacteria and other organisms that are unfriendly to us.

There's this whole thing we call the biome, which is your biological home. That's your gardens, everything that's inside you and outside of you, and getting that sorted out. When you get that sorted out, that's when what we call the self-composting button gets shut off because you've driven off all the bad buys. Then all of a sudden, you're healthy. Really healthy. This biome idea has to be developed and nourished in a certain type of way to actually get the bad guys off of you. To change your biological terrain is easier said than done.. I see it every day, people who have very severe digestive problems, skin disorders-their biome, their biological home, is disrupted to a very severe degree. They've got critters living in there that make the friendly bacteria go, "We're not dealing with it." Your own immune cells go, "Well, we've got about three weapons here instead of 300. We can't do anything about this."

So, that's part of it. How that's related to, not only nutrition, but also mineralization. It turns out that, if at a very young age you're eating wild foods that mineral-rich, your biome is constructed in such a way that you're very impervious to outside attack. And your immune system is able to understand what's foreign and what's domestic much easier. So, we don't fall into auto-immune conditions or any of that. Those two areas are really of high interest to me because that, to me, is where we're going to have breakthroughs in nutrition. Because when you're dealing people who are very ill, you need to be able to give them something that makes them feel better immediately-like, right there on the spot.

With probiotics...I have held back on probiotics for so many years about which one I'm really going to back and what I'm really into-I've never found any single one that I was really into, until now.

Kevin: Really?

David: Now, I've got an angle on it that I never had before because I held out, kept reading about, kept studying, kept learning about it. And now, I feel now we're in a place where we can deliver a probiotic that is...This probiotic stuff can actually cause an immune reaction where the immune system goes, "Oh, my gosh! We've got an invader! This is crazy! We've got to stop this!" High does of probiotics that are not right can cause immune system problems. And the probiotic has to come in a certain way where it can become part of your biome, your biological home. It can be added to your immune chemistry and suddenly you're fortifying your body and strengthening it against the pathogens and problems that have been created by the nutritionally-deficient terrain, or mineral-deficient terrain.

Kevin: And so I'm guessing it's almost like you don't want to put wood against wood and expect it to stick, is kinda what you're saying. So, you have your bio-terrain and you're putting probiotics in, and if there's nothing to...

David: Well, yeah. You need all of the facets of a probiotic. You need the probiotics. You need to be delivering them into...First of all, every probiotic in that program and that system needs to be well studied and known to be effective in very types of conditions. There's about a dozen that I'm really into that I really feel that that's true of. There's an enormous body of research on how powerful the right kind of probiotics delivered, it's really about delivery, done in the right delivery system can be. Really, it wasn't until the mid-'70s that the Japanese kind of cracked this and began to get on the right direction. Now it's extremely advanced and very effective. That's the kind of probiotic I'm working on creating right now.

Kevin: Oh, so you're creating it?

David: Oh, yeah. Absolutely. That's coming down the pipe next.

Kevin: Oh, cool.

David: I know that has to be there because I can only work on one side of the equation otherwise, which is delivering minerals, nutrients, polysaccharides, proteins, etc. into someone's body and hoping that that will trigger a change in the terrain that's effective enough to start driving off the real chronic disorders. But in my heart, I know that that doesn't work every time.

Kevin: Yeah.

David: You have to work the probiotic angle and get the friendly bacteria in there because they are so effective at assisting that process. Nutrition is always that. It's always that two-sided thing. It's the friendly bacteria and just nutritive-rich food. What's interesting about friendly bacteria, by the way, is that they are in the DNA of the great plants of any ecosystem. They are in the DNA. So, how would you create a probiotic, a friendly bacteria? Where does it come from? I guess you could scrape it off your skin or something, but who knows what you're getting there. They actually come from the plants that are the great plants of any ecosystem. So, in the desert here, the goji berry. It's in the goji berry DNA, meaning if you take the goji berries, crushed them down, put them in a little container, tuck it off to the side and two years later you dig it up and go, "What's in there?", what you're going to find in there is friendly bacteria.

Kevin: Huh.

David: That's really fascinating to me because what it means is that the bacteria is spontaneously coming out or it's being generated out of the genetic material of the goji berry as it decomposes. Which probably means-this is what I believe is going on-that that bacteria is in the DNA of the goji berry. It's symbiotic with the goji berry. It's always been there. When you look at the history of probiotics and how it all came about, this is what you're going to find. You'll find that story right there.

Kevin: Right. So a probiotic from a source like that is going to be better than from some sort of lactose culture or anything like that?

David: Well, yeah. It's going to be ... that's what you want. It has to contain the sacred herbs in there of whatever ecosystem it is, say, a sub-tropical ecosystem, if you live in those kinds of ecosystems, then that would the appropriate probiotics for you.

Kevin: Yeah. Let's talk a little bit more about getting that system balanced. I know a lot of people recommend different herbs. What's the approach? Is it douse yourself with oregano oil or ...?

David: Yeah, let's talk about that. OK, if you douse yourself with oregano oil or grapefruit seed extract or even bomb your body with garlic, what's really happening is that you're just dropping a neutron bomb into your biological home. It's not probably going to change the terrain. It's not going to change what's causing the problem or drive out the real bad guys, except it will blow them down for a week. Then they'll re-assert themselves. Now, if you use it strategically, where you're changing your terrain, you're changing your terrain, your changing your terrain by using the right kinds of probiotics and the best kinds of nutrition, which is a full spectrum of raw foods, super foods, herbs and everything else that really works for you and you're changing your nutrition and that terrain a little bit, then you drop a bomb in and you knock the bad buys pretty far back. Then you keep changing your terrain, changing your terrain, then you drop a bomb in and knock those guys pretty far back, then that's a more appropriate use of things like oregano oil. But, I don't see that used like that very often. People use it as just a bomb because they're dealing with such overgrowth of Candida or whatever it is, that they don't know what else to do. It will at least give them some relief for a little bit.

Kevin: What's the bomb relief? What do you bring in after you drop the bomb? Who's the FEMA, or hopefully better than FEMA? [laughs]

David: Well, I personally believe that what changes our terrain for the better permanently is getting in the right kinds of compounds and mineral compounds in those biological polysaccharides. Obviously, we need some kind of amino acids. We know that. We need some kind of essential fatty acids. We know that, too. So, those would definitely be strong considerations. But what's not a strong consideration, what most people don't know about, is that we need polysaccharides, which are long-chain sugars, in order to push that terrain and recreate the terrain so the bad guys cannot grow there any more.

If you've ever had...some people have seen this happen in themselves before, they've had a fungus in one part of their hand or their foot, and then their immune systems drove it of. Then it went to another place. Then it went to another place, but it could never go back to that place where it was driven off. That's kind of what I'm talking about here. As you start driving it off and you get the polysaccharides in there, it'll create tissue that those pathogens cannot handle. They don't want to be there; they can't be there any more. The polysaccharides are found in aloe vera, noni, all the medicinal mushrooms, all grains that are grown in highly-rich mineralized soil, in particular, oats.

Kevin: Really?

David: Yeah, and rice to some degree, if it's grown in the right kind of soil. All bee products, honey, bee pollen, royal jelly. All barks, but some have a lot of it, like larch bark and slippery elm bark.. I could go on like this and give you a whole list. Essentially, this polysaccharide component of our metabolism, seaweeds, by the way, contain tons of polysaccharides, this polysaccharide component of our diet is a major deficiency. Major. People are not getting this at all. Never had it in their whole lives. So, it's making us very susceptible to all different kinds of immune system problems. Once we get it back in, then we can start creating tissue and rebuilding ourselves out of stuff that those bad guys just can't even get a hold of it. They don't even want to deal with it.

Kevin Gianni the host of "Renegade Health Show" - a fun and informative daily health show that is changing the perception of health across the world. His is an internationally known health advocate, author, and film consultant. He has helped thousands and thousands of people in over 21 countries though online health teleseminars about abundance, optimum health and longevity. He is also the creator and co-author of "The Busy Person's Fitness Solution."

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